Monday, December 30, 2019

No Fun

It snowed.  We got 10 inches plus plus.  The snow stick shows 21 inches now.

The morning began with a phone call from my other baby Dad was having issues he couldn't see or breathe.  Mom called the ambulance.  Mom could not open the front door on account of the snow so the ambulance attendants had to shovel their way in.  Dad's heart was in A the ER they shocked his heart and he converted and by the time my brothers and I got to the hospital on really crummy roads Dad was better.  They kept him awhile and then got him up to walk around and sent him home.  This is my Dad's second bout with A fib....Christmas several years ago he had another episode.  Anyways my sister in laws shoveled at my parents house and my other baby brother got someone to plow their yard and we got them all settled in again before coming home.

On the way home I got a text from Miss Paige...her Mom (our oldest daughter) was taken to the hospital.  Paige reported back that her Moms vitals were good and she would be okay but they were going to admit her to the hospital.  We tried to take her to the ER or the walk in Clinic on Friday but she refused to go.  She has a multitude of health issues.  The roads are too bad from the ongoing snowstorm  to go up North right now.

So anyways it was a no fun day...but no one died.

Far Side


  1. I'm saying prayers for your Dad and daughter. It's rough when loved ones are ill and especially so in bad weather when traveling is difficult.

  2. Sending prayers. Your family have had a rough time.

  3. Whoa.....we don't get snow often but I have to admit that when we do get a big amount I've started getting anxious about not being able to get out in an emergency. When my mom was diagnosed with leukemia she would make my dad take her to sit in the ER parking lot whenever they called for bad weather. I am so glad it all ended well for you. How scary.

  4. It always seems like emergencies happen when the weather is bad. I'm glad nobody died and hope it stays that way for awhile. I agree that it sure doesn't seem like fun these days. Sending prayers.

  5. Health emergencies when the weather is bad just adds to our stress. I broke my foot a few years ago during an ice storm. My husband drove - skated - the whole 30 miles to the ER on ice. I'm so glad your dad and your daughter are both doing better.

  6. God bless the ambulance drivers.... why does stuff happen when weather is at it's worst? Glad your Dad made it, will include him and your daughter in my prayers.

  7. As we get older it comes down to a day being "successful" if nobody died!

  8. Hoping & praying your Dad & daughter will ok.

  9. Happy to hear your Dad and daughter got the care they needed. Prayers for their continued recovery.

  10. That crew was awesome.
    10 inches?
    Glad your dad is okay, but it was a scare!
    Here is thinking of everyone.

    Waiting on the storm here, it was supposed to be raging by now but nothing much yet. I hope it sort of stays that way.

  11. What a horrible stressful day. I'm glad your Dad is okay. I hope your daughter is by the time you get this message. Scary. Hugs to you and all of yours

  12. Oh no! What a day for all of you. I'm so sorry about your Dad and your daughter and I'm thankful that they both got the help they needed. I will definitely be in prayer for all of you. How is Far Guy feeling today. I sure hope the cold didn't materialize.
    Ambulance drivers are the best. My brothers both were Paramedic/Ambulance drivers and my did did it part time for a few years. The stories they could tell.
    I hope you get to stay inside for a few days, out of the weather.

  13. Oh my goodness, you had a day didn't you? I'm grateful that your Dad improved so quickly and was able to come home. Hoping your daughter is feeling well enough to do so soon too.

    AND yuck, all that snow! It makes it so difficult to get around, but thankfully everyone pulled together.

  14. Oh what an awful day for you and the whole family! How stressful that must be with all the snow on top of it making things worse. I am thankful they are both doing better. I'm sure you are worried but try and rest and take care of yourself and Far Guy. I will keep your family in my prayers.

  15. No fun is right! All that snow on top of health issues ... too much. Praying your dad and daughter are both okay and comfortable now and you can relax a bit.

  16. I'm glad your Dad was able to be helped at the ER and now is back to normal.
    Hopefully your daughter will also be helped.

  17. "No one died" that is the most important thing, trips to hospitals are exhausting and worring

  18. That was quite a day. I hope things settle down for you and everyone feels better.

  19. So sorry to hear about your loved ones being under the weather...not trying to be funny...and hope they are feeling much better. 💖

  20. Oh no! What a horrible couple of events and at a horrible time--in a blizzard! Well, right after it quit, but no one is shoveled out that fast. I hope they are both okay and things will settle down now.

  21. Whoa Nellie! What a day and having to deal with all the snow! Pretty scary. I've heard of A-Fib but I really don't know what it is....heart out of rhythm? Anyway, glad he's okay and your daughter too! Never a dull moment up there! I will say prayers for them both and all who had the wits scared out of them too!

  22. Oh my sorry to hear about all the scary things going on in your lives and with the people you love. Glad your dad was able to go back home and that everybody helped to shovel them out. Sure hope your daughter will be allright. Blessings to you and far guy to stay as well as possible. Prayers going up for your dad and daughter. So sorry.

  23. I am so glad they are both doing better.

  24. DANG you guys! I am glad everyone is on the mend I hope! Stay safe!

  25. Glad that the paramedics and emerg depts. did a good job for your Dad ...snow and all.

  26. Looks like you are stuck with snow for the duration now. I hope that is not the case with medical emergencies. Best wishes to all.

  27. Sounds like all that snow was the easy part. And for all that to happen in just one day? Too much. You are all in our prayers!

  28. That wasn't a fun day - hope things are going better for both now.


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