Friday, December 6, 2019

Day off

Today is a day off.  Not sure what I will do.  It has been a busy week.  I took my Dad to Bingo last night...I bingoed twice and he bingoed once so it was a good night and we can go back again next week.   Dad takes his walker along now and his cane...the walker just incase he needs to sit and rest or be pushed to the vehicle.  I told him "The walker must go along to Bingo."  So far so good...he likes going to Bingo.

Supper will be leftovers  so I don't need to cook!

While Far Guy was at Pulmonary Therapy  I did some shopping for stocking stuffers for the Grands.  Basically I just wandered around looking at "stuff" until something caught my eye.  One store was promoting a sale when you were ready to check out you picked a object out of a basket...mine said 50% my entire purchase was half price!  (I should have bought more stuff!) Small business promoting shopping in our small town....I was the only customer in the store. 

The roads were icy on the way home last night....I am not so sure about our new seems to be more icy than the old road.  Last night there were even drifts across the road where usually there are no snowdrifts.  I drove slow...

Far Guy finished putting up the downstairs tree and it has lights on it!  Perhaps I will begin decorating it over the weekend!

 Bouquets of holiday flowers

Far Side


  1. Nice to have a day to relax. But I know you will find plenty to do. Hope all the things you do are just what you feel like doing.

  2. Such a nice thing to get 50% off your purchases! Enjoy your day off and I look forward to photos of your tree! xo

  3. What a great morning to wake up! A day without appointments! After rushing out of town to get groceries (our grocery store is being remodeled. Opening day was supposed to be October 12), stopping at two more stores that did not have what I need for a church craft on Sunday, still having to feed grandkids before going to a class I would be a half hour late for at the Senior Center, we all arrived home to a package on the doorstep. It was my lovely new ornament! It is absolutely delightful and will be treasured. I will be placing it at the top of the tree, away from helpful little hands. I am so grateful to have received this wonderful gift.

  4. You sure deserve a day off, even if you don't know what you will do with it. Congratulations on the bingo-ing and the discount in the store! :-)

  5. Enjoy your day off. Our new roads around here have the same problem. Wonder what kind of cheap material they are using in road building these days.

  6. 50% off? What a deal!!

  7. I thought about your Shiny Brite ornaments the other day when I was decorating our tree. I found a box of them that I had when the kids were little. I don't remember when I stopped using them or even why.

  8. Well done with the 50% off, and how wonderful you and Dad both got bingos.

    Enjoy your day off - though I expect you'll find things to do.

  9. The downtown stores are promoting "Shop Local" again and this Saturday since last week's weather kept so many people at home. Sorry the new road is icy and drifting.

  10. What a nice surprise to get 50% off. I'm sorry about the new road, is it designed differently? I woke up to heavy fog this morning and have to get out to do some errands. I'm procrastinating a bit hoping it will burn off. Tonight we're having your chicken in it's own gravy. It sounds wonderful to me.
    Congrats for the win at BINGO.

  11. Isn't that the way, when you get a good discount, you always wished you had bought more stuff! I wouldn't like driving on icy roads in the dark. We drove to a different town last night for square dancing. About a 35 minute drive, much of it on the freeway. Was just happy that it was a nice dry night, certainly don't like driving in the dark and rain these days.

  12. You deserve a day off! I prefer gravel roads in the your tires something to grip onto even through the ice. Congrats on the Bingo's and also on 50% off! You flowers look pretty....our stores just have colored daisies that they color thanks and the roses have no smell whatsoever! I n the UK they have all sorts of flowers for sale all year long. What is our problem? Flowers add to happiness so they are very important!

  13. Great deal! And yeah on BINGO! I have noticed drifts on the new road too.

  14. I stopped in Hobby Lobby yesterday on my way home from a meeting and did the same thing - wandered around looking for inspiration. I did buy a few small things all 50% off so it was a successful stop I guess.

  15. Well , don't tell anybody you don't know what to do or somebody will get you to do something you don't want.

  16. Congratulations on the bingo wins! I love that you and your Dad go to play Bingo most every week. I'm sure it means a lot to you and I know it means a lot to your Dad! You certainly deserve a day off. I hope you get a nap in and only do what you want to do!

  17. We put our tree up today and are waiting for a couple of grands to come tomorrow and help decorate. Congratulations on your Bingo wins! My dad loves to play Bingo too.

  18. Lucky at bingo and lucky 50% off, too.
    Have fun decorating the tree. :)

  19. A day off is usually welcome, I have never been a fan of bingo but I do love Christmas decoratons

  20. I shopped local and was the only person in the store also. People just don't think of the local businesses; they feel the big discounts are elsewhere. But that isn't always so.
    I need a day off...I think it's going to be tomorrow.

  21. These little shopping jaunts you go on , sound interesting to me. I bet we would have some giggles picking things out.

  22. Wow! Both you and your Dad got Bingo. And you got 50% off your purchases too. A good week I'd say.

  23. I am looking forward to a "day Off" tomorrow. I MIGHT happen.

  24. Glad you had a restful day off!

    I often wonder how small businesses fare, with so many national chains and big business to compete with. It seems like it must be tough for the small business owner. But then, who is more likely to form a personal connection with--the local business or some corporation? I like shopping in places where people know my name and what I like to buy!


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