Saturday, December 21, 2019

50 years and counting

Yesterday was calm.  We both worked on various activities.   I did some laundry, wrapped a few gifts, dusted, cleaned the bathroom...finished a "it would be nice to do last minute Christmas project"  Far Guy made his famous Chili Cheese Dip and Caramel Rolls....and we both had a nap.

Far Guy gave me the wood carving he has been working on for months.   It is a much appreciated gift...I know how long and hard he worked on getting it all just perfect!

Here are some photos as it was in progress.

Each flower petal was carved separately.
He loves to carve flowers. 

My gift to him was not very romantic...a can of special spray to help lubricate the automatic garage doors that are being a pain in the butt when it is cold.  They open just fine...getting them to close again is a real effort as most of the time they have to be pulled down.

Later today there is a family gathering...I have it on good authority that a Trivia game featuring us will be played. 
Far Side


  1. The hand-carved flower is beautiful and such a sweet gift. Can't wait to hear about all the festivities!

  2. Oh, those flowers are just exquisite! What a talent.

  3. What beautiful carved flowers. FG is a real artist (you are too, as should be expected). I look forward to hearing about the Trivia game turns out. :-)

  4. What a beautiful gift to you! I'm sure FG appreciated the spray too.

  5. Happy anniversary! The trivia game sounds like such a fun idea.
    The flowers are gorgeous! I don't know a lot of flowers but they remind me of the tiger lilies my dad used to plant next to the house when we were kids.
    Have fun at your party! :)

  6. Oh, thank you for showing us FG's carving. What a thing of beauty, and a precious gift to you.
    Your gift to him may not be romantic, but very thoughtful anyway.
    Enjoy your day of celebration! A great way to celebrate Solstice!

  7. That carving is outstanding! You and FarGuy are amazing artist! Happy Anniversary, once more. Today Terry and I have been married 52 years.

  8. Beautiful carving! He is so talented. And hey- a gift that makes something easier is a good thing!

  9. He carves the most beautiful flowers! They are so delicate they look real. What a talent!

    I look forward to hearing about the family gathering and the trivia game about you two! If it was me I would be afraid I might not remember my own trivia!

  10. That is amazing! What a beautiful gift! I'm all into anything that makes life easier! If it comes in a spray can all the better! The family gathering sounds like fun!

  11. Have a most wonderful time at your family gathering today. Hope you can remember the answers to that trivia game!!! Aren't those flowers awesome, that far guy gave you. Wow ….he does such a spectacular job. I'm sure he appreciate your gift...but it was just not as showy and awesome as his to you! Enjoy today you two. Bless You.

  12. Just Beautiful and to me it is much more meaningful because it was handmade with hours of Love! Sharon

  13. That is an exquisite carving and I know you will treasure it always. I told Dennis about the can of spray and we both laughed. It sounds like something we would do. I would love to hear the trivia game. I'm sure the family gathering will be wonderful for you all.

  14. Wow, he is a wonderful carver! Enjoy your family time, and happy 50th!!

  15. Somebody has gone to a lot of work to make a trivia game about you. It will be fun I'm sure.

  16. The flowers are absolutely beautiful! What a wonderful talent he has. And you make so many amazing things too! Happy anniversary - again!

  17. A personalized trivia game sounds like a fun idea.
    The carved flower ( is it an Amaryllis?) is so beautiful and intricate. A great gift.

  18. It is such a wonderful carving. It is evidence of a master carver who knows his craft well. It will be fun to be with all the family.

  19. WOW! That is a beautiful carved flower!

  20. The carved flower is awesome, it is so beautiful

  21. What a wonderful present.
    The trivia should be a gift in itself from everyone who loves you.
    How lucky you are to have such good people.

  22. Happy Anniversary. Your flower is so beautiful. What a precious gift. And I bet Far Guy was very appreciative of your practical gift, too. Have fun at your gathering. The game sounds like a riot!

  23. Happy Anniversary, and congratulations. What a beautiful flower. That is so sweet.


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