Saturday, September 28, 2019


I am at the retreat with Jen.  I am working on Christmas cards. 
The weather has turned cold.  I went shopping with one of the gals yesterday. Paper and yarn were found.
I am feeling a little better.
Far Guy is doing fine at home.

Far Side


  1. Oh I am glad you made it and I hope you feel okay all weekend and have a great time. :)

  2. How fun! Glad to hear you're feeling better.

  3. So glad you were able to go! Relax and enjoy your time.

  4. Glad you got to go to the retreat. Have fun.

  5. I'm so happy you felt like going. Have fun!

  6. Enjoy your retreat! You deserve some time to relax.

  7. Glad you are having some restful time!

  8. YAY for creative fun at the retreat. So glad you were able to go.

  9. I'm glad you could get away and enjoy some creative time.

  10. I'm so glad you're better and able to go on the retreat. We had to leave Mandy's today just got to our hotel. 15 1/2 hours of driving in one day is exhausting. Dennis did all of the driving while I knitted, but it's still tiring just being the passenger. He's out like a light already and we just got here 10 minutes ago. I wish I could fall asleep so quickly.

  11. So glad you were able to go with Jen--and that your cold is getting better!

  12. A place to hunker down and get some things done. It is a great idea.

  13. Here's to your cold going away totally! And it's about time that it does! Hope you and Jen really enjoy the retreat. It sounds great!

  14. So glad you made it! You (I) look forward to it every year! Look at all those luscious colored pens and markers and the paper and did you say you got yarn too? Enjoy!


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