Wednesday, September 4, 2019


I finally got my second pair of socks off the only took me 7 or 8 months.  At this rate I won't have to buy more sock yarn for years.

This is a yarn called Regia. I used 4 mm needles ( Bamboo Needles) time I will use a smaller needle.  I made them to fit my feet.

I have two more socks on needles.
These are Paton Kroy socks...using 3.5mm needles..I like them better than the 4 mm ones.  But these needles are 7 inches long and I have found out I like 6 inch needles for socks.  Yes that pattern I finally perfected row by row fits in a page protector and with the Post It Note I can keep track of where I am...except when someone yet unnamed uses it for a telephone number and takes it off my page protector.  The strange color my lifeline...I can rip back to that area of the sock if I make a horrible mistake.  The other sock for this pair is stalled at the heel flap and will catch up when this one is along further.

I started another pair too...I have one sock started and the other I will cast on soon. Casting on and getting the correct join on four needles is the most challenging part to me.   Knitting socks is addictive.

I have the pattern and extra needles packed in my "craft suitcase" ready to go out the door with enough sock yarn for five pairs of socks should we ever get "the call" to go to the cities for the transplant.

Far Side


  1. Congrats on the big finish! I love Regia sock yarn. It's one of my all time favorites. Araignee

  2. Congrats! The socks look terrific. Wish I had your ambition to tackle a project like that.

  3. Amazing work. I doubt I will ever learn that level of knitting. I may eventually go back to some crocheting or perhaps some sewing ... I used to sew and love to make stuffed toys.

  4. Oh my goodness - your socks are amazing. I just love your yarn colors, especially the second. You are very talented.

  5. Your socks are so lovely, I admire those who can take yarn and create with their hands and a needle. I started years ago, but stopped somewhere along the way, am now wishing I had kept going.
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. I've never knit socks, but I do have a couple of pair made by my cousin. They are great to wear around the house to keep my feet warm. But she used a thick yarn and they aren't comfortable in shoes. Yours look nice and soft.

  7. I love the colors in the socks on your needles now. I like using bamboo and wood needles and it’s the only ones I use anymore. I have some birch ones with hand carved lady bugs on the ends, made in Finland. Those variegated yarns are fun — you never know what the pattern will be until you get going.

  8. I like your socks. Socks are hard. I am impressed!

  9. I Like your socks, wish I were that talented!

  10. I love the colors on both pair of socks. I also agree that I like the 6 inch needles for socks. The longer ones always feel like they're in the way. I have tried 9 inch circulars, the magic loop method, two at a time, but I always go back to my tried and true dpn's. I need to type up my preferred patterns and put them in a page protector too. I have tiny notes on scraps of paper in my sock knitting bag that will be sure to get lost just when I need them. I also have my families foot measurements on those scraps so I really need to do something more substantial. It took an act of Congress to get all of those measurements!!! :-)
    Have a wonderful day. I'm praying for "the call" to come soon.

  11. I really admire your sock knitting! I tried one pair of argyles for a high school boyfriend. I got one sock done and started the other. Sadly, I never finished the mate. My knitting speed never accelerated so I stick to crocheting. Love the yarn too!!

  12. I especially love the paton kroy socks! I can't imagine knitting socks. They look so complicated! These are just wonderful! Fantastic small project to bring with you. :)

  13. One of the guys I went to high school with knitted socks...really!

  14. Bravo! You're going to enjoy wearing the socks and receiving compliments about them.

  15. I am not a knitter, but for you it is a great pack and go hobby.

  16. Nice job on the socks. You are right, socks are addictive! Hope you get that call soon!

  17. Your socks look great and I love Regia and Paton Kroy...I have socks in both. I love your yarn colors. I need to stock up on sock yarn too. I'm waiting for one to come in the mail. Congrats!

  18. I pray earnestly that you and FG will receive that call soon. Those socks are so nice. That first color combo reminds me of my cat, Trixie! I've never been able to knit or crochet. I need some kind of hobby I can do while sitting and waiting, which we do a lot of too!

  19. When you talk about all your knitting projects, I just always think about how intelligent you sound! You have so many creative projects that you are always working on. Just amazing you are! I hope you get that call any day now for far guy. Then let your big sock project commence!

  20. At this rate you will need more sack yarn soon. I gave up after my first pair as they far too large and I'm not bright enough to figure out how to change the pattern.

    I continue to hope the call for Far Guy comes soon.

  21. Wow! You're really into knitting socks these days. I'm sure you'll have warm feet this winter.

  22. Well, that's all Greek to me, but the socks look comfy...and yes, let's hope that call comes soon!

  23. Congratulations on your sock success. You'll be an expert at it by the time you've knitted all the pairs you plan to when Far Guy gets the call.

  24. All the best.
    I just haven't picked up knitting. Yesterday I stacked a bush cord of wood, though!

  25. I might start knitting again this winter. You have made me curious if I could still knit a pair of socks. I like both pair, but the pretty colors of the unfinished ones are my favorite. :-)

  26. I've always wanted to knit but never did. Oh, I can do a plain stitch and also the purl stitch but that's it... and only in making scarves or blankets. These socks you made are wonderful! Love, Andrea xoxo

  27. The socks are pretty. I need to learn to make socks, as fast as I wear them out.


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