Friday, September 27, 2019

State of things

I finally got the wreath decorated for Fall.

They finished with the stain on the house a week ago.  So glad to have that project behind us.

My flower bed has finally matured...between copious amounts of rain and the squirrels it was a struggle.   Soon we will freeze...I heard the S word mentioned for next week.

Far Guy is feeling better, he always feels better on steroids.  He is kept busy talking with Doctors and Pharmacists...who cannot seem to get their poop in a group.   Did they not look at his medication history before ordering new meds...many counter indications exist....he is sorting them out one by one...

My Mom has pneumonia, my sister is here taking care of her.  So far she is at home...but sounds like she should be in the hospital.

My cold has taken a turn for the worse...and then it gets is on the cusp of getting better or worse.    I was scheduled to attend a craft retreat with Jen this weekend.

Far Side


  1. Oh no! That is awful. I'm glad hubby is feeling better but at the same time you really have to watch those meds. I hope you start on the mend and stay that way.

  2. So glad Far Guy is feeling better; but the meds situation doesn't sound good. Praying that your cold will go away real soon, so you can feel better also. Have a good weekend.

  3. Man oh Man - let's get it together doctors!!! And let's all pray this cloud lifts over your family and some good health and healing can rain down on you!

  4. I am glad that Far Guy is sorting out the meds, since you can't expect the doctors to. What is the world coming to? And I do hope you get better soon.

  5. Oh, no. I'm so sorry you're managing a cold. I might be headed that way...

  6. First of all, I love that wreath and stain. I'm surprised that you got the wreath done when you're still feeling yucky. I'm sorry about the doctors and the meds. What a pain. I'm glad Far Guy is able to do the sorting out. They did the same last month with me and steriods. Messed ridiculously with my heart meds. I would think the doctors would know what they're doing, but apparently not.
    I'm also sorry about your Mom being so sick. You guys are having a time of it aren't you?
    We're heading home on Sunday and plan a 16 hour day to Billings, MT. before the final leg Monday. However, 20 inches of snow is predicted right in our path around Butte, MT for Sunday. My stomache is in knots just thinking about it. It IS still September, right?

  7. Sorry life has been so troubling for you and your family. Tom and I think of you often. He usually reads your blog. I've begun leaving it up for him.

  8. I hope everyone feels better soon. I'm definitely not ready for the "S" word yet - it's way too early.

  9. Beautiful wreath and your siding is just exquisite.
    Sorry to hear about your Mom. Pneumonia is nothing to fool with in seniors. My dad had it every winter thanks to his 70 year smoking habit and it was always a long hospital stay.

  10. So in the state of things some ore good and some are worse. Such is life. I hope at least some of these things will be resolved.

  11. Here in Maine we are having great Fall temps and I hope it stays that way. I have a lot of outside work to do but life gets in the way, doesn't it? I try to get at least one accomplishment done a day to check off my rather lengthy list. Your flowers are so pretty and I like the simplicity of your wreath! I hope each day sees you feeling better!

  12. Glad Far Guy is doing better. Hope they get the medication issue sorted out soon.

    Sorry you and your Mom aren't doing so well though. Hope you both recover, and quickly.

  13. I'm sure the stress of all of the appointments, the delay, and everything else that is going on has caught up to you. Sending my best wishes that things settle down soon, that Far Guy's meds get straightened out, and that both you and your mom are back to good health.

  14. I'm with Maebeme I'm sure the stress has caught up with you. I hope things get sorted out soon and you get to feeling much in WELL!

  15. Good thoughts and hugs continuing from here. You guys are tough.

  16. I hope you don't get snow for a while yet but who knows!! Hopefully you won't have to miss the craft retreat because of your cold. Hopefully also that you and your mom feel better soon.

  17. You'd think with computers these days that issues would pop up for them automatically. Patients shouldn't be the ones who have to figure it out themselves--grrr!

    I hope your mom gets better soon and that you make it to the craft retreat feeling decent.

    Pretty wreath. I hadn't heard about the S-word. Goodness. I did hear they're expecting a huge snowstorm in Montana, though. Seems like we have shorter and shorter falls and springs.

  18. I sure hope you take a turn for the better and not worse! I'm sorry you have been sick for a bit now as that does wear on a person. I do hope your Mother gets better soon. I hate to hear about anyone with pneumonia but especially at her age. I love your Fall wreath, it is just lovely! Oh no, the "s" word - don't like that! We may get our first cool spell later next week but so far we still have the air on.

  19. My Dad was always better when he was taking prednisone
    I hope your Mum is doing better

  20. I was just going to comment on the wreath, since I put a fall wreath up yesterday and more decorations inside today, but then I read on, with all of the bad/good/bad health news, and so I'll just say that I wish everyone WELL

  21. Love your fall wreath! Good job! Sure hope far guys doctors and pharmacists can figure out what's going on with his medications. Should've done that first thing! Oh so sorry to hear about your mom...praying for her and that she'll get much better soon. Sorry your cold is worse too...praying for you Connie! and that far guy continues to feel better! Please Lord, keep the snow away from us and Minnesota for a looonnnnggg time yet! Even though I know out west they're getting a blizzard this weekend. Ugh.

  22. The pharmacist usually keeps up on the meds better than the doctors as far as interactions etc. I'm sure there's a computer app too that they have. The problem is that there are so many new meds flooding the market that the FDA can't keep up and are not as vigilant as they should be. That and the fact that the corporations now run our government.
    So sorry to hear about your Mom! They probably don't want her in the hospital as she could get sicker there! But, if she gets really bad they have the oxygen and the iv's. I pray she recovers at home in good time. She's a strong lady...I will pray. So are you going to the Craft weekend with Jen? I hope so. You always have such a good time. I pray you recover from your cold too.

  23. Love your fall wreath. Hope you and your mom are feeling better very soon!


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