Monday, September 16, 2019

A little sun

Finally the sun came out and I got a chance to mow.  Still a little more to do I wouldn't want to use up all my mojo at once for mowing.

No nap yesterday.  Gearing up for a really busy week. 2 dental appointments, 5 medical appointments...and the furnace man is coming out to check the gas furnace...just a safety check and the house painter/stainer should be here this week.  Sometime in there we will do grocery shopping...and during one of the medical appointments I will get to go to Hobby Lobby instead of the appointment! ( That is a win for me!)

 I need to make the menus for the week...something besides freezer... freezer...Far Guy is of little help...when I ask him he just says "What would you like to eat?"  WELL popcorn comes to mind...I need to get out the Cookbooks and try something new.  I hear some people actually make stuff from cookbooks instead of just reading them!

Far Side


  1. Oh that made me laugh! I hate cooking meals, really I do and I hate planning them. After a weekend of company...last night he says: What's for supper? I sigh. And tell him whatever he can find as I hadn't planned and was too tired! Naughty me, but sometimes that is how it goes!

  2. We had that kind of weekend of dinners. Leftovers, hamburgers, egg sandwiches, . . . I love to cook; sometimes I just lack inspiration. And time.

  3. You DO have a busy week ahead. I used to like to cook but my husband is so picky it has taken the fun out of trying new things. When I ask him what he wants he always says . . . "something good". Which means meat and potatoes repeated over and over again.

  4. Definitely a busy week ahead, good luck with all of the appointments!

    The worst thing about meal prep is trying to come up with what to eat. I've been trying a new recipe every few weeks, though I must admit most of the ideas come from blogs I read. I see something that sounds interesting and look up the recipe.

  5. Glad you had some sun so you could get some of the lawn mowed. Hope the weather lets you finish the job soon.

    Good luck with all the appointments.

    On the one hand, meal planning is easier for me, since hubby and I have different dietary requirements, so we figure out our own menus. On the other hand,
    it means I definitely don't get help/input from him, so have to figure it out by myself every single time.

  6. You sound like me....I collect cookbooks to READ, not cook! I hope things go as smoothly as possible this week. Praying. xoxo

  7. I am so lucky that The Mister really likes frozen TV dinners. He wants to eat what he wants to eat and that's fine by me. I can make do with a sandwich most nights. I love to read cookbooks too. I don't get the folks who complain about too much backstory with recipes. That's my favorite part.

  8. Glad to see the sun! Have fun at Hobby Lobby. :)

  9. Oh Far Side, you are so funny. I love the "popcorn comes to mind". If I didn't have a man to feed it would definitely be popcorn for me. Usually when I find a recipe in a cookbook to follow...I get complaints. He doesn't like it. So I stick with the same old meat and potatoes cooked like our mamas cooked them, and vegetables seasoned with fatback. :)

  10. My Mom collected cookbooks and recipes, but rarely tried anything new. I haven't prepared a proper full meal in years.

  11. I need to figure out 'something new' to eat also. I've been looking at cooking ideas, but nothing is clicking. :(

  12. Try the internet. I find lots of recipes there.

  13. I'm glad you finally got your sun so you could get some mowing done. Your week sounds chock full of activity but it's nice that you can go to Hobby Lobby in the midst of it all.
    From reading your comments so far you must have struck a nerve with the meal preparation and planning. I feel the same as most. It's trying to come up with new ideas that are healthy and don't require much standing since my back won't let me do that. Dennis just says "whatever you want" and will eat anything I give him. I thought most guys were like that, but not according to the comments. I must remember not to complain. Ha!

  14. I hate having to come up with menus for each week and my husband is one that feels he needs a complete meal each night. If it was just me I'd probably eat cereal!

  15. I find it interesting that most men want meat and potatoes. They don't really want variety so why do we even try?

  16. This is really funny! Mine is the same, although he'll go out of his way to pick something up at the store.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  17. I have bugga all appertite lately and often stand in the kitchen trying to think of what I want to eat

  18. Cookbooks? I hardly ever use them except for baking. I feel that I get into a rut with my cooking, but Tom is happy, so I just keep on with the familiar - most of the time.

  19. Ha! I think you've got plenty of mojo far side! I love your sense of humor. It was 82 here today....that's too warm for me...but in just a couple of days it will cool back down. Wow you DO have a busy week going on...hope it all works out well. Here we're supposed to have all the asphalt seal coated this week...hope they can get it done pretty can't walk or drive on it for 36 to 48 hours! And I really dislike the smell of tar! Yuck. Oh well...can't be helped. Your far guy's idea of "popcorn" sounds good to me tonight...I have had any for quite a long time! My hubby went out of town today for 3 days of business meetings...gosh, hope I don't get too wild and crazy here!!! Ha! Blessings to you two!

  20. Pretty flowers! My hubby does the cooking. The meals aren't fancy but I don't care, I didn't have to cook them!

  21. Every once in a while I get sick of cooking the same old stuff and switch things up. Ind sometimes I just serve peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

  22. You have a busy week ahead! Love that photo.

  23. You brought back a memory of my mother sitting in her favorite chair with her favorite cookbook. She did read about what she would cook more than she actually cooked. Fewer calories that way, I guess. :-)

  24. I don't like cooking but I do like eating! But I only cook about once or twice a week and that lasts me. I like to read cookbooks especially the newer ones that give the background and pictures and stories. Pioneer Woman is a fav and her recipes are great but she cooks for people who burn off the calories and I'm not sure I can work that hard anymore. LOL!


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