Monday, September 2, 2019

Great Minnesota Get Together

That is what they call the Minnesota State Fair.  We went years ago with my sister and her husband before food on a stick was a Fair Time competition.  If they can put it on a stick they do I heard that  tacos on a stick and cookie dough on a stick were new this year.   I also heard about bacon on a stick but that one maybe a year old already.

Far Guy went one year on the Community Education Bus with a bunch of old duffers.  He came back with some shopping bags and pens we are still using and he was real tired of walking! .

This quilt was at the Hubbard County Fair...I love all the bright colors on the black.

We had a quiet Sunday...we ran some errands and had lunch with my other baby brother and his wife. We have nothing planned for Labor Day, the weather is cool... high of 69 F or 20 C eh! and it might rain maybe a movie and a nap. 

Far Side


  1. We had surprise company for a brief period of time, it was quite fun!
    It was a very cool weekend and is warming up this morning.
    However not much is going on here and it will be a quiet day today...
    Movie and a nap sound great Rich can recoup from being so active when we had company!

  2. Love the quilt too! My advice is to avoid all food served on a stick.

  3. Love the quilt. Not much happening at my house this Labor Day. Staying home and avoiding the crowds.

  4. Taco on a stick? That's a new one for me. I love that quilt, too. :-)

  5. Your plans sound good. The quilt is beautiful.

  6. I was a 4-H county fair superintendent for many, many years. I will say I always avoided food on a stick. There are too many better choices. I had a routine. Monday was the Italian sausage sandwich since they were outside the door of my building and I could smell the onions and peppers all day. Tuesday was a steakburger at the cattlemen's booth with homegrown tomato slices they bring each day. Wednesday was Pig Wings! Individual ribs from the FFA booth. Thursday was adventurous. I would try to see if there was someone new on the grounds, like the guys who came one year with deep fried catfish - by Thursday, I had heard the reviews! My favorite was Saturday morning. Everyone else was at the livestock sale and I manned the barns by myself for any stragglers. I would treat myself to a big breakfast with all the fixings from the grange booth and eat in solitude while the fair was winding down.

    We always took the kids to the state fair, too. I swear we could get most of our school supplies; rulers, pencils, pens, erasers, in an election year!

  7. Pretty quilt! I also remember state fairs also have deep fried everything - Oreos, snicker bars, etc... yuk!

  8. I haven't been to the Great Minnesota Get Together - probably since I moved away from MPLS to Iowa to get married - in 1977. It was always a fun time but you could wear out your feet walking. I love fairs, but the husband hates them. So I haven't gone to the SD state fair in several years either even though we live close by. My MIL was my "fair buddy" and always eager to go with me. Of course the SD fair is pretty small compared to MN.

  9. I've gone to our State Fair in Pueblo (Colorado) and had my share of tacos(minus the stick) but I really feasted on the roast chilis. More than anything, I enjoy reading about your visits with close family, something I miss since we moved from Pennsylvania in the 70's.

  10. Fairs are so much fun. I haven't been to one in ages. It's always too hot here to think about being outside in little tents. I feel so bad to the poor animals. They need to move it to late October when it finally starts to cool down. Araignee

  11. It's nice that large fairs have shuttles from the parking areas to the festivities. Not a lot of food on a stick at Wyoming fairs, but I'm sure it will eventually get here. I plan to sew today.

  12. I haven't been to our exhibition in years either. Too peoplely for me.

    The quilt is lovely! Enjoy your quiet Labor Day.

  13. I am just getting rolling on Labor Day too but it will involve labor! In fact as my coffee is about done time to get the caulk gun out and get that job finished, then decide which of the 10,000 other projects I need to get done. Blech! Kinda fun going to the fiar once every few years though. Skipped ours this year, too hot and just wasn't ready to deal with the people.

  14. The quilt is beautiful! Our state fair is in our town. We used to go every year but now the walking is limited so we skip it. They do have electric scooters to rent. Wonder how long a battery would last tooling around the fair grounds! Our grandkids from TX like our fair because it's not as huge as the Texas one.

  15. I have had the Bacon on a Stick - it was good! I think it was a couple of years ago - I don't believe I have ever seen the entire State fair goings - so much to see!

  16. I haven't been to a fair for many years. I don't miss it.

  17. Sounds like a slow and easy, restful Labor Day for you and Far Guy. That quilt is gorgeous!

  18. I haven't been to the Mn State Fair for decades. Great place to people watch if you can find a rare bench someplace. The various foods on a stick don't sound too appealing--LOL! Pronto pups were good enough for me. ;)

  19. It seems that all of that stuff that is on a stick is also fried. I still haven't figured out fried butter.
    We are considering going to our Washington State Fair this year. We haven't been for quite a while, and it is fairly nearby.

  20. Glad you had a nice quiet Labor Day. It is cool here too...a high of 67 only. Our company left this afternoon and I was so tired that I laid down for 3 hours. I'm just coming off of steroids following chemo and I will be crashing for the next number of days. Off to bed early tonight. Hope you guys had a terrific day! Thinking of you!

  21. Hope you enjoyed that quiet Labor Day! That quilt is certainly eye-catching!

  22. We have lots of food on a stick at our fair too. So much food! I'm hope you enjoyed your quiet day today. We had a busy day as they brought our trailer back to the lake. Set up and unpack once again.

  23. I'd love to try all those foods at the fair but it would probably make my old system sick...I know one ear of corn is about all I can handle anymore. It was too hot here to be outside much although I guess it doesn't bother the natives or old people with bad circulation.

  24. What a gorgeous quilt... another craft I tried once but then quit. No idea why. We had a quiet Labor Day too. Love, Andrea xoxo


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