Wednesday, September 25, 2019

One year

Chance has been gone for a year now...we miss him EVERY single day.   He was a one of a kind dog ....a once in a lifetime dog.
2013 With an ever present ball

Waiting for someone to throw the ball

He seemed to prefer the color blue

Playing ball in Indiana 2014

Going for walks

Waiting patiently at his spot.  We had a mail box out by the long driveway for a number of years...he was trained to only go so far...then he would sit and wait.

His best friends sent him gifts! 

Here he is sticking out his tongue at me...he hated my camera and would often close his eyes and refuse to open them.

Recently I moved  his paw print from the kitchen window onto the table.  Later that week I went shopping and bought some scrubby yarn...didn't even look at the name of the color..I just liked all the colors.   I intended to put the paw print upstairs in the cabinet where it won't get dusty.  Maybe later today...or tomorrow I will get it there. 

We will miss Chance... possibly forever..that is how it is with a good dog. 

Border Collies need jobs.  Chances job was to play ball many times a day/night.  We played find the ball in the house on winter nights.  We went for rides every night after supper...he loved watching for deer and turkeys.  He wanted to get the mail even on Sunday.  He was a creature of habit...every morning he would get his belly scratched when Far Guy put on his socks.  He knew when 5:30 rolled around someone should be in the kitchen cooking supper and he would supervise until supper was served...even though he had food in his dish all the time he would only eat once a day when we ate supper.  He knew many words... my vehicle versus Far Guys he knew which one to go to.  He knew when we said the word ride or town he would lay down in front of the door so he would not get left behind...and on the rare occasion he was left alone he would serenade the neighborhood.  One Christmas Eve up in Fisher Minnesota at Andy and Jen's home we left him alone with Miss Miney to go to church a block away...we could hear him from the church parking lot.  That is how it is with a dog that loves you as much as you love him.

Far Side


  1. Yes, I get that so much. I love Chance and his ball! I still keep mementos of Morris close by. I guess I can't help it.

  2. I know how much you miss Chance. We all do as you always kept us up to date on his antics. Hang on to all those wonderful memories and keep celebrating the life you had with him.

  3. Such a sweetie. And wonderful memories of Chance.

  4. I loved Chance, too, from afar. He was always doing something in your posts that would make me smile. I miss him, too. :-(

  5. Such wonderful memories of Chance. Thank you for the priviledge of getting to know him through your blog. These stories remind me very much of our Chloe. She has many of the same habit and and characteristics of Chance. She is 14 and it scares me to death. Really. I just can't imagine life without her and my heart still hurts for you and Far Guy. Chloe is also a once in a lifetime dog and we've already said there will probably not be another dog in our house. It just wouldn't be fair to the new dog.
    Love the serendipity of the Rainbow Bridge yarn. Much love to both of you.

  6. Aww. I was just looking at photos of Daisy cat, we had to rehome her. It hurts.

  7. They are a big part of our hearts. We really loved our border collie, but knew when we moved from the farm into town that she would be too bored and unhappy without livestock around. So we gave her to our brother-in-law. They had 8 kids, and lots of livestock to keep her occupied and happy. It was a good decision for her, but I cried like a baby.

  8. I can feel your pain. I'm coming up to some pretty sad anniversaries myself and I'm dreading it.
    Chance was a real beauty. We had a border collie we called Ned. We used to always brag that he was smarter than any of our kids. He was The Mister's pride and joy. He never got another dog after Ned but he's managed to takeover all of my little lap pups since. None of them pay me the time of day as soon as they are old enough to realize he's around.

  9. Chance was absolutely the greatest, and I am so glad he had such a wonderful life with you, and you both with him. I think of my Scout every day and sing him a song to honor him every day, and I am sure he hears me!!

  10. Chance was indeed special and left a hole in all of our hearts.

  11. This post made me cry. Oh! How I understand. Truly I do. Hugs.

  12. What a great boy! Tears as I read this, Connie. I have experienced this kind of loss as well & for a special dog, you really never get over it.

  13. Our dogs make us better people. What unconditional love they have. I still miss Elsa after 30 yrs.

  14. It is so hard to loose a special dog (or cat.) Glad you have such good memories.

  15. I know how much you must miss Chance. He seemed like a great dog.

  16. Chance was a beautiful, loving and smart dog. Yes, you will always miss him. I have missed him through your blog. I always loved hearing about him and reading the posts he wrote. But please remember that just as he gave so much to you and Far Guy you gave so much to him. You gave him the most loving, fun and full life any dog could hope for. I hate that our special ones can not live on forever but they do live on in our hearts. I love all you have written about him here. A very special dog indeed. Hugs to you both.

  17. Chance was a once in a lifetime member of your family. I loved seeing the pictures and hearing the stories today.

  18. It was great to see the pictures and read about Chance again. Border collies are special! Our Bob will only accept neon green tennis balls and like Chance, they are her “job”.

  19. Chance was such a sweetheart. When pets become a part of your daily routine and love so deeply, it's so difficult when they are gone. I think in your and FG's case and in mine and John's case, it is made worse by that fact that illness keeps us at home most of the time, which makes the loss even greater. xoxo

  20. Good Dog Chance!!! I was thinking of him just the other day. Our oldie Jake is still plodding along. Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is our cross to bear. We haven't been getting any sleep lately, as he can't seem to settle at night. Daytime he is pretty normal. Trying to come up with creative solutions, but trying some heavy duty drugs may be our next step, although they don't come with a guarantee. Hugs to you and Far Guy.

    1. Miss Miney has Canine Cognitive Dysfunction sad to see, she has good days and bad days. My heart goes out to you and good ole Jake:)

  21. Great description of wonderful dog. Yes, he will always be missed.

  22. Beautiful post and you made me cry. Grief sneaks up on you when you least expect it and I know exactly how you feel! I can't believe it's been a year already. Here's a HUG from me to you and Gene...Sam

  23. Thank you for sharing the lovely memories you have of your Chance! Such a wonderful dog he was and so smart too. He'll surely be waiting for you and far guy when it's your turns to head heavenward! Until then, cherish those beautiful memories of such a special, special friend.

  24. Chance surely was an amazing dog, intelligent and loving. Hard to believe it's been a year since he died. As others have said, Cherish your memories.

  25. Oh good boy Chance! One great dog!

  26. You created a fitting memory of such a wonderful guy. A loyal border collie loves his people and his life with them. I knew when you lost Chance that our Barney was soon to follow. I miss him everyday too. Chance was one of the best and it was so great to follow his life everyday.

  27. Thank you for having shared Chance with us over the years. I think that the reason we have more than 1 border collie is because the hole in your heart when they leave us is so big it can only be filled by another one. But I think when Tess passes the hole may not be fillable for a long time. But Tillie will try I'm sure. I miss your Chance posts so thank you for sharing his memory with us.

  28. What a sweet tribute to Chance. It brought tears to my eyes and the love you shared is in every word you wrote.

  29. Ah, Chance...I was thinking it was about a year now. He was definitely a one of a kind dog. I can understand why you say you'll miss him forever. Can't forget a special pet like that.


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