Saturday, September 7, 2019

Busy Day

Yesterday  Far Guy had an appointment with his regular Pulmonary Doctor, we have to travel about two hours to see this Doctor.  He is very encouraged about the transplant as he used to be on a Transplant Team in Iowa.  He says he is confidant that Far Guy will get a lung and that he will do real well post transplant.  It is good to hear someone so encouraging! However Far Guy is still wheezing...we are to try our best to keep him as healthy and active as possible. 

We hiked through Costco and loaded up with a few things that we always purchase there. (Vitamins, Cheese, Granola Bars and Cereal) We had a very late lunch on the way home...we missed our afternoon naps.

Some leaves are starting to turn colors and the flowers are brighter than they have been all summer...they must love the cool mornings.
Far Side


  1. I haven't been in a Costco in ages. I used to have so much fun when I would visit the one near Daughter's old place. You can get stuff there you can't get anywhere else. Araignee

  2. I know my geraniums are going wild right now and my 4 o'clocks are bursting forth with great sweet smells most of the day.
    I've seen trees giving off a hint of color.

  3. Yes, I found my first spider this morning in the apartment. They come in when it gets cold. I put him back outside again, though. :-)

    1. Strange! Our spiders come in when it gets hot so we see them all summer.

  4. Glad for the positive feedback. Continued prayers. I have heard only good things about Costco, but we do not have one near us, yet. We did finally get an IKEA in our state, about 3 hours away. This beats our previous trip time. I would drive almost 2 hours to my daughters and then we would drive another 2 1/2 hours to the IKEA in a state north of her.

  5. The doctor's encouragement is just what FarGuy and you needed to hear. Costco is a good place to "hike."

  6. So nice to get some positive comments. All of us are hoping that the call comes soon.

    I'm just a couple weeks away from clearing out my containers, although we haven't had frost yet it will happen too soon. Leaves are definitely changing color here.

  7. OH! That is so encouraging! I wish we had a Costco here.

  8. It's always reassuring to here someone share their optimism. We see some subtle leaf changes around here too. Our yard is full of pine trees and they've produced a LOT of cones this year. And our birch and ash trees are starting to show a hint of gold.

  9. That sounds great! :) :)
    I love the cooler days as much as the flowers--LOL!

  10. It sounds like a good busy day in every way.

  11. The flowers are beautiful and it's always good to hear positive news. T Y for your thoughtfulness!

  12. So good to get a positive comment from the pulmonary doctor. Hopefully Far Guy feels better soon and can stop wheezing.

  13. What welcome news from the pulmonary dr. That is my prayer! We often have to travel a great distance to the dr. and the following day, we are just exhausted. Wishing you both a good evening.

  14. That is great news! We are praying the call comes soon.

  15. It's so good that you got some encouraging news. Keeping you both in our prayers for a lung to become available soon and for a swift and complete recovery. ((hugs))

  16. I hope Far guy continues to hang in there. It's a lot of dedicated effort.

  17. Our Costco is 30 minutes away so I go almost every Friday. Christmas trees and Wreaths are out already and it's September!! So thankful to hear the positive news from the Doctor and I'm praying the call will come soon and his wheezing will go away too! Sharon

  18. Great news about Far Guy and his upcoming lung transplant! So glad to hear that! Yes we have leaves turning on the trees already too. Love the look of your perky geraniums...such a vibrant color! Hope we get some Fall yet!!!

  19. It's so good to hear that his doctor is so encouraging to Far Guy. We have a Costco about a mile from our house but I avoid it until we REALLY need toilet paper or paper towels. My geraniums at the lake are unbelieveably beautiful right now. I don't know if it's the cool (42 F) nights or what but they are so pretty and are blooming with many, many flowers on each plant.

  20. It must be so good to hear some encouraging words in this absolutely mind-bogglingly complex situation. I'm glad that's Far Guy's regular pulmonologist.

  21. Nice to get some positive comments. Hope you won't have to be waiting for the transplant too much longer, and can keep Far Guy as healthy as possible while you do wait.

    Yes, I'm sure the flowers are enjoying the cool mornings very much.

  22. Good luck with your health. It's good to get out and about. Hubby just did a walkabout for a half hour.

  23. What great and encouraging news from the pulmonary guy! That's wonderful! I always grew geraniums up North but they don't do so well down here. I think you're right they like the cooler temps. Yours are beautiful! I always loved the bright red ones. I've never been to a Costco but it sounds wonderful and I hear the owner is very good to his employees.


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