Thursday, December 21, 2017


The stockings have been hung on the fireplace mantle…only two so far but everyone will bring theirs along.  If you don’t bring your stocking you get a plastic bag.


This sock has been repaired.  One year Far Guy sat the stocking down…Chance retrieved it and chewed a hole in it to get at some candy…so it is a sock with some history.

A long time ago Far Guy’s Maternal Grandmother made feldt stockings for Trica and Jennifer.  They were hung up on Christmas Eve and just like magic they would be filled in the morning. I wonder if the girls still have those stockings?   Jennifer made the stockings that are hung on our fireplace mantle.

stockings 2017

When I was growing up we didn’t have stockings to hang up.  Far Guy says yes he had a stocking and it was hung on the closet door knob in the living room and something would be in it on Christmas morning.

Did you have a stocking to hang up?

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  1. I don't remember homemade stockings, but my mother didn't do much sewing, only mending as I recall. Christmas wasn't such a big thing then, just a visit to Father Christmas in a department store and a few presents were left under our tree, but I do remember the excitement Christmas morning and we often had a few weeks away at the beach after Christmas which was lots of fun.

  2. My adult daughters still have and hang their Christmas stockings that were made and elaborately embroidered for them, Anna's when she was born, and Sarah's when she was adopted. I did the same for my grandsons the years they were born. It's always been a tradition in our family.
    Yours are really pretty. But Bob says, where's Chance's stocking? :-)

  3. We used to hang stockings - hung them on Dec 6th for St. Nick. We used my Dad's stockings because they were bigger than ours. And we had to hang them from the kitchen drawer handles - no fireplace.

  4. My mother made felt stockings for my sisters and me when we were little. First just two and then three. By the time my final three siblings were born, I wasn't paying attention, since I was a teenager and then had left home! I suppose the younger kids had stockings, too. :-)

  5. There were no fancy stockings when I was a child (I'm old!!). I just hung my everyday brown cotton stocking, which was always generously filled.

  6. Today, I have a counted cross-stitch stocking my sister made for me. It's hung every year, but I must be very naughty because it's never been filled.

  7. Yes, I always had a stocking to hang up and there would be an orange in the toe come Christmas morning, along with some candy. The two oldest kids have stockings but the caboose does not. Don't know why other than I wasn't big into stockings for my kids. I think I had a hard enough time just trying to get the presents bought, wrapped and under the tree. But I love the whole stocking idea. My Mom (RIP) was born in 1918 and was one of 7 children of an Hungarian immigrant family. She used to tell me that stockings were a big deal back when she was a little girl because there wasn't a lot of presents. But each stocking had a big orange in the toe, when the kids would wake up on Christmas morning, and that was a HUGE deal because fresh fruit was in such short supply and was so expensive. So perhaps the changing times have made stockings not quite the big deal they used to be 100 years ago. Blessings~ Andrea xxx

  8. I don't know what happened to the stocking I had as a child, but I do know momma put an orange or apple in the toe.

  9. We did. They were one of Dad's socks. They were hung on his standing ash tray and filled with oranges, nuts, and hard Christmas candy. I loved it.

  10. Yes-I hung mine on the closet doorknob in the living room too-no fireplace. Always an orange and some nuts and Christmas candy at the bottom.

  11. We didn't have stockings. Never had the Christmas morning excitement, either, because we opened presents on Christmas Eve. But I LOVED Christmas and still do. :)

  12. For a short time we would hang our own sock. I hope it was a clean one. I remember finding oranges in it the next morning. Then we just quit doing it altogether. Later, my wife made stockings fro everyone and it was fun finding things to put in them. Matchbox cars, candy, and apple and orange. were mandatory.

  13. Yes, we had stockings to hang. Since you post such lovely photos of birds from time to time, I thought I would ask if you know what a bird's favorite Christmas story is?
    "The Finch Who Stole CHristmas." Happy holidays to you, Nice Guy and your big family from your folks all they way down to MIKEY!!!!

  14. I don't recall a stocking. Santa came on Christmas Eve at our house, thanks to an older brother who would not let my parents sleep otherwise!

  15. The same as Mildred. No stockings and we opened on Christmas Eve. No older but brother I think my folks liked sleeping late on Christmas morning. Merry Christmas!

  16. We had stockings. They were clean every day socks. It seems to me we found them in bed or hanging at the end of the bed!

  17. I don't think my parents or even myself hadn't heard of hanging stockings. Maybe in a book but not in a good Mennonite home!!

  18. diane in northern wisDecember 21, 2017 at 7:00 PM

    Oh yes, my brother, and sister and I all had stockings to hang up for Christmas. And they were always filled with good things including a big orange on Christmas morning! Blessings to you and your family for a wonderful Christmas celebration!

  19. I don't remember having a stocking as a kid. I do remember leaving a brown paper grocery bag at the end of the bed and it would have presents in it in the morning. I made two stockings for my kids, and for at least some of my sister's kids as well. I'm not really fond of the look of them any more. Larry and I have a couple of generic looking stockings, but last year I found a colourful knitted one with 'Ks' across the top, from the thrift store of course, so I've declared that one to be mine now.

  20. Growing up we did not have stocking, or a fireplace. But it was the custom in tom;s family and so, yes, we do stocking, and they get filled to overflowing.

  21. My father was Scottish so wore a kilt and knee high hand knitted socks. We always had one of Daddy's kilt stockings full of tiny presents and in the toe - of course - a satsuma.

  22. I don't remember any stockings and no memorable Christmas's parents weren't 'into' kids I don't think. Finally when I was about 13 they got a little more Christmas spirit but by that time I was doing my own! LOL! I love your stockings and your nativity scene.


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