Thursday, December 7, 2017

Oh Fudge!

What an adventure.  I picked three different Fudge recipes to make for the Christmas cookie exchange.  I was nervous because some of my attempts at fudge have been spoon worthy.

The first recipe was a breeze.  I will make it again in a heartbeat.  White Chocolate Cherry Fudge.  3 cups white chocolate chips, 1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk, 2 Tablespoons butter melt together stirring often (all the time) then add 1/2 teaspoon Almond Extract…I might have added more! and one cup of dried cherries chopped into small pieces. Stir well and place in 8 x8 baking dish that is buttered or use parchment paper. Chill. Easy peasy!

White Chocolate Cherry Fudge

The second recipe had four different layers and each layer had to be cooled in between the next…what a putzy recipe.  It is called Caramel Peanut Fudge…but I used almonds.  I was anxious to get on with the layers so I started tossing ingredients for the layers in different pans…well that was a mistake because one of the steps had two parts…it should have boiled for 5 minutes…well that did not happen…hence that layer is a little lot gooey…but it is real tasty.  If I would have used the peanuts the recipe called for this might be real similar to The Pearsons Nut Goodie candy bar in the red and green wrapper that can be found near the checkout counter that is one of my favorites.

Far Guy helped me for a while before he got disgusted and had to have a nap.  I struggled on…and fingers and every butter knife in the house was a sticky mess…but they are what they are and they are in their pretty little cups.

Messy Fudge It has been renamed messy fudge.  If you keep it in the fridge I bet it pops right out of that cup!

The no fail old Fantasy Fudge recipe is one of Far Guy’s favorites.  I find it too sweet for me. (we have different palates) I made that one last and had to call Far Guy in to stir when it got too hard for me to stir.  That is the recipe that you have to boil sugar, butter and evaporated milk for five minutes without burning it and then stir like crazy to melt the marshmallow creme and chocolate chips.  I used dark chocolate chips and almonds because we like almonds better than walnuts.

Pan of Far Guys Fudge

No Fail Fantasy Fudge in a pan lined with parchment paper.

About this time I am real tired of my fudge filled afternnon…this was the last pan to be dealt with.  Then I had a vision of the fudge in the candy stores…it is in big hunks.

Wrapped and in the fridge

Well that works for me! I was out of pretty foil wrappers anyway.  An assortment of fudge will be packaged into 10 tins before the cookie exchange…for now they are chilling in the freezer and I am way tired of being in the kitchen.  Oh yes Far Guy has his own personal stash of his favorite fudge…I told him he could share if he wants to but not with me. 

It is interesting that we rated the fudge exactly opposite of each other …with my fav being the White Chocolate Cherry then the Messy Fudge and lastly the No Fail Fantasy Fudge.

I checked all my ingredients and all of this fudge is gluten free.

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  1. All look wonderful indeed, thanks for sharing and best wishes!

  2. The White Chocolate Cherry Fudge looks like something I could make. Thanks for sharing these yummy recipes with us.

  3. Wow! I am incredibly impressed with your fudge making ability. Is there nothing you can't accomplish, even with a bum hand? I'm sitting here admiring my beautiful bracelet that garners dozens of compliments every time I wear it! Thank you again for being such a good friend. :-)

  4. I haven't made fudge in years because I like it too much. 😉

  5. I now have a hankering for fudge!!! That white choc cherry sounds amazing. Hugs, LJ

  6. You are amazing! Fudge is hard to make...esp from the bottom like the one FARGUY likes!

  7. It all sounds wonderful to me! Wish I had some right now!

  8. oh fudge! I love it and shouldn't eat it anymore according to Mayo Clinic because of my worsening acid reflux. The diet is simple everything I really like is banned and the opposite is also true...:(

  9. Oh, my! Fudge is too sweet for me but you are going to make some people verrrrry happy! I hope you had a nap after all that.

  10. Fudge is a lot of work and you tripled the work--LOL! They all look wonderful, though, in the end. :)

  11. You are a brave soul. The cherry fudge sounds yummy (I'd use real choc tho) and the no fail fudge is my go to as well (but also too sweet). I'm proud you stuck with the other one!

  12. Oh my goodness. Now I need some fudge. I love it!

  13. Those who get that assortment of fudge at the cookie exchange will love it!
    I don't have much luck with fudge making other than the condensed milk recipe .

  14. Ok, just YUM! I'm going to try the first one for our Christmas eve party. It sounds easy and that's my style!

  15. Ummmm.....fudge! I like your first recipe!

  16. I think I made fudge once, the marshmallow creme kind. I like it, but my specialty is cookies. I let others make the candy. it can be very tricky.

  17. Mmmmm the White Chocolate Cherry fudge sounds perfect!

  18. I appreciate your blog and would like to know where the fudge recipes shown above are on this "Oh Fudge!" blog. Piano Pat

    1. Hi Piano Pat, Just Google the names and I bet you will find a recipe real similar:)


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