Monday, January 26, 2015


The time for patience has come and gone.

The all elusive Medicare Card Far Guy has been waiting for is never coming in the mail.  It seems some supervisor of another supervisor has  stacked us into some kind of immovable spot.  Someone at Social Security has to look at our file and declare it OK and push some stupid key seven times.  I think it has to do with our change of address from last August..but I am told it has nothing to do with that whole situation.  Yes we have another call into SS…seems we call them once a week and nothing happens.  We were told by one worker that we have been high priority since December 23, 2014.  How’s that grab ya?

Begonias and New Guinea Impatiens

Begonias and New Guinea Impatiens

The refrigerator quit working.

New Guinea Impatiens

New Guinea Impatiens

The refrigerator is an Amana and we have had it 15 1/2 years.  I am not certain it is worth repairing but we have a call into the repairman if it is just a relay switch it will probably be good to go for another few years.   The refrigerator just died whilst we were cooking supper.  Far Guy opened it once to get ice and when I opened it a minute later the lights were off…both of them and the compressor is not working.

What a way to start the week…they say troubles come in threes I wonder what will happen next?

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  1. Sorry to hear about your troubles. So far I haven't had to go on Medicare (my hubbies insurance is primary so I'm still on his) but when I do making to phone call to tell them I want a new card won't be fun. The Government just isn't the most efficient business to have to deal with. When our refrigerator quit it was more cost effective to get a new one. Sure hope the "old saying" doesn't hold true this time around.

  2. I'm sorry you've had a problem with your SS. I've not had any problems so far. I keep thinking my frig will go any minute as it is a Frigidaire and over 30 years old. But it keeps humming along. I think because it doesn't have any fancy gadgets on it. I once had a repairman tell me that any device; car, washing machine, doesn't matter what it is; the more "gadgets" it has on it the more that can go wrong. It stands to reason. Do they still make Frigidaires? Because this one is a trouper!
    When I lived in Iowa, the Amana Colonies where they made Amana products was only about 20 minutes away. Back in the day it was a great product but then Whirlpool bought them out and it was never the same after that. I think the jobs got shipped overseas etc.
    I sure hope you get the SS problem solved fast, the frig too and that nothing else bad happens.

  3. So frustrating to have an appliance out of order...hubby and I are totally helpless when it comes to these machines. Good luck with your high priority appeal!

  4. I agree that the more gadgets one has on an appliance, sthe more problems one is likely to have. For me, give me the good old "Model T" type appliance (and car too - I really don't want or need all the new stuff. Call me old fashioned - ok with me!

    Shirley H,

  5. Oh no - how irritating for you both. Sounds as if a new fridge is easier to fix than the Medicare card.

  6. Hi, well this is the pits... Is there a SS office where you can go and raise some hell till this is fixed? We have an office in our state capitol. In today's computer and phone world it is good to face a real person sometimes.

  7. All of my appliances are the same age. I'm afraid that if one dies the others will soon follow. My refrigerator is an Amana, too.

  8. Oh bother, always something it seems. Hope all goes well, Blessings Francine. love the flowers!!!!!

  9. I know the feeling when an appliance quits on you. Hope it is a cheap fix, although calling in a repair man is never cheap, what was I thinking! Sounds like you need to give those SS people a blast of your famous 'get this sorted out NOW, or else' attitude:)! Good luck with that:)

  10. Loss of a refrigerator is major. Your stuff rapidly deteriorates and then you have the dilemma of fixing or shopping for a new one. Good Luck!

  11. Dealing with government agencies is always an exercise in futility. Our refrigerator died the day we'd gone out and bought a month's worth of groceries.

  12. Oh my sorry for all the hassle you are both dealing with . I hope the government stuff gets sorted out soon and your refrigerator to . I love New Guinea Impatiens . Windy and very bitterly cold here today 18°F Feels like 5 or -8°C Feels like -15 eh ? Thanks for sharing Have a good day !

  13. Don't get me started about SS -- I've had my fill! Sorry about the fridge -- that's one appliance you can't do without!

  14. You Poor Guys!------The begonia's and impatiens are very cheerful.

  15. I hope there is no three. I sure sympathize with the SS....I have come to believe job descriptions are taken as proof an employee can only do what their job says. Impatiens...boy do I miss them. Here in Michigan we've been told for several years to not plant them or purchase them due to something...brain isn't working. Did you know in England they are called Bizzy Lizzy?

  16. HIGH PRIORITY since December 23, 2014 ----that's the gov'ment for ya!

    Linda ❤⊱彡

  17. Sorry about your fridge - hope it's an easy (and inexpensive) fix!

  18. Uh oh, hope that saying isn't true! At least in Minnesota at this time of year you won't have any trouble keeping your food cold. When we have a lot of company for Christmas, we call our garage the "walk-in fridge"!

  19. Keep calling - somebody has got to know what is going on with that card! Knock on wood - kitchen appliances, ours turn 20 years old this fall and we have had no troubles but know it is coming (hopefully not in threes). Hope you are enjoying our mild weather ~ countdown to spring!

  20. Oh, that Amana should have a few more years left in it. Our refrigerator died the night before Thanksgiving, years ago--thankfully, we were busy in the kitchen and noticed it right away--and a good friend came over and resurrected it right away. We got a good 25 years out of it...of course, it was a Whirlpool, not an Amana...but you should get a few more years out of it.

  21. I enjoyed your flower connection to your title. :-)
    We had no trouble moving into Medicare. I'm sorry you are having to wait so long.
    Refrigerators don't live forever like they used to.

  22. I have had no problems with SS, knock wood. Since it's an important part of our retirement income, I hope I don't. And we have a fridge that likes to wake us with some grinding noise inside it every once in awhile, but so far it works. It's nowhere near as old as yours, though. We rent so if it breaks they replace it. No threesome allowed! :-)

  23. Oh gosh! Calling about Medicare keeps getting put at the top of my new lists. I just dread it! I've got to get on Medicare soon as this is Poppy's last year working full time. The more I read the Medicare book the more confused I get.

  24. Can you imagine how long it would take if you weren't on the top priority list?! Dealing with the government is like trying to herd cats.
    Hope they can fix the frig so it runs for a few more years. Don't think of threes. These two are different types altogether. Government frustration is endless and ongoing. The frig was a specific event. ;)

  25. Social security is very slow. When they discovered that I had been over paidd because I made too much money, they discover it in April because of tax filing, the computer probably actually caught it but 3 o 4 months later they decide to notify by a letter. I will be paying back to them monthly way into the next year when my older age won't make me pay it back. I would think they would honor bills that were created before the actual card arrives as it is there stupidity that causes you to not have the card.

  26. maybe you need to up it to daily calls...


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