Friday, January 23, 2015

Ducks and Swans

Finally I was almost blinded by the sun.  It hung around most of the morning yesterday and then in the afternoon it disappeared again.

Blue Sky Open water swans and ducks

We ran errand in town and then drove out to the point as our reward!

The Fish Hook River is open and the Swans and Ducks have sought refuge there.   There used to be an elderly man who fed them.  I am not so sure that is happening…I will have to ask my cousin Chuck he will know.

Mallard Ducks in the sun

Mallard Ducks, that is a male with the pretty head and the female wears her brown dress accented with  a few beautiful violet feathers on her side. (Very technical term! )


Here is a better photograph of those violet colored feathers.

Chance was a really good boy.  He rolled down his window and stuck half his body out but didn’t growl or bark…he just watched.

Young Swans

Young Swans still a dirty white color but some of their new feathers are snowy white.

Two old swans

Two older Trumpeter Swans

We watched for quite some time…beside laundry, cleaning house and running errands it was the highlight of our day.

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  1. Just seeing the sun yesterday was the highlight of my day. You were so lucky to take a drive and see the ducks and swans. Chance sure was on his best behavior. Have a great weekend.

  2. We never saw the sun all day long yesterday. But it was a nice day anyway. Not as nice as yours, though. :-)

  3. Beautiful and serene photos. Glad you guys could get out for a while. Raining in GA today!

  4. Sounds like an ideal way to spend the afternoon - soaking up sunshine and watching beautiful waterfowl.

  5. Sun and beautiful birds would be the highlight of my day too!

  6. We do not have swans are lucky!

    Linda ❤⊱彡

  7. The sky is so blue in that first picture! The sun just works wonders. I love it!

  8. Love your waterfowl photos, especially the swans!

  9. Yep, watching water fowl outside is far more exciting than laundry. When one would do laundry at the mat, you could sit and watch it go around in the drier while waiting. I am jealous that you get to see swans. I bet Chance had a great time at the waterfowl spot.

  10. And it would have been my highlight too! I'm still waiting for mine! LOL! I had no idea there were "lavender" feathers on the females.....and they really are purple...amazing. I like that little house across the water. Let's face it...I like any house where there isn't one next to it! LOL!
    We got no snow or rain and the sun is shining but the high was 45....I'll take it though. Nitty is shedding like crazy....I think we're going to have an early Spring...just sayin'. I used to go by my horses shedding.....but sady I don't have them anymore.

  11. There are huge swans at the home where my mother lived. They're so beautiful swimming on the pond -- graceful and elegant. When they come onto dry land, though, they're so clumsy! Love your photos.

  12. We love our swans too! Had a bunch of them here this fall. It is finally snowing :)

  13. The birds are so lovely on the water, and I adore the mallards. We have a special picture of a swan from Lucerne that we love.

  14. Never knew that about the violet feathers. You showed me!


  15. I could watch this all day too. Nice photos. We have ducks on the river here where it stays open all year.

  16. I was just telling my husband Tom how much Chance, my blog friend in Minnesota's dog, loved to go for rides. It looks like you all had a good outing.

  17. A smattering of snow and some sun sounds like a perfect winter's day!

  18. And a beautiful morning it was! Growing up, mallards were the only ducks we had on the nearby lake so they have always had a soft spot in my heart. :)

  19. Seeing those ducks and swans would have been the highlight of my day.

  20. Wow, so nice to see the sun, Mallards and those Swans are beautiful.Blessings Francine.


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