Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

We spent New Years Eve day running errands in town.  I sat in the car soaking up some sun with Chance for some of them.  I am feeling much better. It was great to see something different.  I have not been out of the yard since Christmas Day.

The sunshine really helped to improve my mood, and the sun felt so warm!

Home from Town

As you can see we have very little snow….the clouds came in again before we got back home.

Very little snow

We spent the evening at a wild puzzle party.

Bird Puzzle

I have not made any resolutions.  I am better off sticking with intentions.  I intend to get rid of some more “stuff.”  I intend to organize some of my photos and get a few enlarged and hung up in the house where I can appreciate them. I intend to finalize the prototype of next years wood carving….two are carved…but not painted yet.  There may be other things too…who knows?  I have lots of projects I am working on, maybe too many…progress is hard to measure when you flit from one project to another.  One of these days I will make a list.

Happy New Year!  I hope you are blessed beyond measure in 2015!

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  1. Thank you for that great blessing, which I send right back to you and your wonderful family for the coming year. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. :-)

  2. Glad you're feeling better! Wishing you a fabulous year!

  3. Morning, glad to hear your feeling better, think I am too. Happy New Year, all the best in 2015. Blessings Francine.

  4. Glad you are feeling better. Happy New Year

  5. I like your idea of intentions, rather than resolutions. Glad to hear you are feeling better. We are, also.

  6. I agree with Pauline - I prefer intentions, too. Kind of like those chores you don't know you're going to do until you do them. Probably my stubborn streak is to blame - if you tell me I have to do something - like a resolution - I don't want to do it.

  7. Thank you for the blessing. The puzzle looked like a neat one. We did a lot of those down on the farm when I was a kid. I liked working puzzles. Sunny day here today and the hairy woodpecker is back this morning. Get to feeling much much better. Far Guy needs to get better too.

  8. Can't believe you don't have much snow - amazing!

    I love your list of intentions. I've got a short list of goals this year.

  9. I'm a list maker, but I'm taking today off. :)

  10. Glad you are feeling better. Happy 2015!

  11. Happy New Year. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I like the word intentions. I think I will try that.

  12. Happy New Year to you and far guy! Hope 2015 is wonderful for you both!

  13. Wild puzzle party??? How so? You threw pieces at each other? Wild pictures? sounds cool.

  14. A wild puzzle party--I love it! Glad you are feeling better, Connie. And I, too, decided to go with intentions this year. So far, intending to have intentions is about as far as I've gotten. Happy New Year!

  15. Glad you are feeling well enough to get out. I seem mostly recovered this morning, thank goodness, and got out for a walk. Some sun here too, and around the freezing mark. Maybe a bit of snow coming before we are back to rain. All the best in 2015 to you too!

  16. I like intentions, too. Somehow it's not so urgent or constricting! Glad you are entering the New Year feeling better.

  17. Your snow stick is bare!
    So glad you are feeling better.
    No lists for me either, just working on getting my weight gain back under control.
    Blessings to you too for a wonderful 2015.

  18. Glad you are feeling better and got a chance to get out. When I was getting over that Christmas bug, I noticed the same thing, too: the sun felt soooo good, just to sit in the light and soak up the warmth.

    I like that "intentions" thing. You are much more of a list maker than I am, but there is just something about "resolutions." General concepts seem much more approachable than a micro-managed list.

  19. I wish good health and happiness to you guys! It's cold and rainy here but no warnings about ice so I'm grateful! I think intentions are about my speed now too! LOL!

  20. So glad you are feeling better! I make goal lists. Intention lists--same thing, I guess. Some things have been transferred for years--LOL! ;)

  21. The sun can work wonders. Don't know how I missed three of your posts. Must have been raking leaves. I love your 2014 year in review. The picture of Maddie and Deacon would be beautiful framed and hanging on the wall, and also the picture of Tricia and Jen. How proud you must must be of your daughters, and Jen, the Mayor. That is so neat.

  22. Hi, just found your blog. Enjoyed reading it. We have 2 dogs but I haven't tried baking for them. Will definitely try your recipe! I invite you to visit me on my blog. I think "intentions" is way better then resolutions!


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