Monday, January 5, 2015

Cousins Family Cookbook

As some of you long time readers know I have been working on the family cousin’s cookbook.  I purchased some Cookbook Software. (Aunt Matildas)  Not sure I would do that again as I did have some troubles with the export.

In the beginning we asked for relatives to share recipes.  Some came in email some came in Christmas Cards, some were hand written on recipe cards, some were all typed out.  I kept sticking them in a huge yellow folder.  I began transcribing them in 2011.  It was a slow process…some were missing pan sizes or baking instructions.  I tried to proof read as I entered the recipes.

I finally called Uncle and said “Hey I need some help.”  My cousins Kathy and Geraldine offered to type for me and then email me the recipes.  After I received them it was just a matter of copying, pasting and sometimes formatting to fit on a page.

I was able to export the cookbook for proof reading to Kathy and Aunt Anna at one point with Jen’s help.  Corrections were made and more recipes were added.  I proofread it again…392 pages.  Uffda.  Then I couldn’t export my files…the software was difficult.  I sent my Laptop in for repair because it wouldn’t take just any flash drive.  PNY and HP Flash drives work just fine.  I finally exported the files and put them on a flash drive and gave Kathy the Aunt Matilda software which had two downloads left on it.   Kathy said there was nothing on the flash drive.  Uffda uffda.  I contacted the Matilda people.  Figured out the problem and did another download.  Success finally.

I nearly bawled when I found the files on my desktop and emailed them to Kathy.

Four plus years of work. Done with the a simple SEND.  What a relief.

My Mother and Dad arrived with a package for me on Christmas Eve.

Cookbook Cover

Kathy redesigned the cover and that was just fine with me.  She used my front on the back.


Pickles to Pie

There are recipes from Pickles to Pie

Place for notes

Kathy added a place for notes and a Table of Contents by page number. I just had a Table of Contents by category.

I was thrilled to finally see it in print. I was really happy that I chose the one page per recipe format.  Kathy did all the work printing and binding it together.  Together we make a pretty good team.  Thanks to all my cousins who submitted recipes, it wouldn’t be a book without you. 

I have not consulted with the rest of my cousins yet…but it will be for sale at sometime in the future to relatives.  When they are available I will give one away on the blog GWATCDR (God Willing And The Crick Don’t Rise).

I worked on this project so long I consider it a hobby.  That is a sick thought isn’t it? 

This project meets two of my Intentions from 2014  Organize and Declutter which I carried over into 2015!  I can burn that huge yellow folder filled with recipes in a ceremonial fire when it warms up outside!

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  1. Congratulations. That's quite a poroject.

  2. Yippee!! The cookbook is finally done. Congratulations, it looks great. You should be very proud of yourself. Hope you are feeling better.

  3. Definitely a ceremonial fire! How fun to have the finished product on your cookbook shelf.

  4. Great accomplishment. I worked on a cookbook for my church one year so I know what a huge job it is. I even included a thumbnail photo of the contributor next to each recipe. But what a great memento to your family you've created and I'm sure it will be treasured through the generations to come.

  5. Wow! That is a huge cookbook, and I'm sure that the family will cherish it for decades! Congratulations on finally seeing it in print. I'd be happy too, and a bit sad to see the "hobby" done. :-)

  6. What a great job to get all that together. I can imagine the problems with computer and downloading etc. What a keepsake for the family.

  7. Ah the masterpiece is done!! I'm hoping I can buy one! :)

  8. Happy Bonfire! Wow! What a huge undertaking. It looks beautiful!
    Oh, I felt your pain as you described the struggles with software and hardware... I guess we have all been there and done that.
    Anyway, pat yourself on the back. You done good, girl!

  9. Great job! If my family made a cookbook, there would probably only be three recipes in it. I don't have any aunts, uncles, or cousins. ;)

  10. By the way, it''s been many years since I've seen a redpoll.

  11. That's wonderful Connie, looks like a great cookbook. Blessings Francine.

  12. Congratulations. Few people would take on such a large project and complete it.

  13. How awesome to see your family cookbook in print! Well done you.

  14. Congratulations on a job well DONE! What may have started out as a labor of love seems to have become a one big pain!. But now that it is finished you can love it again, and be proud of your accomplishment.
    And get a new hobby!

  15. This book, created by you and your "team", will be used and treasured by generations! Nice job.

  16. What a job that must have been! I know you will enjoy that ceremonial fire. That's really a nice looking cookbook.

  17. Wow, what an excellent job you have done! All your computer problems would have had me pulling my hair out. That was a huge job, I'll bet every time you run your hands over that book, you just glow. I would be:)

  18. Awesome ! I am working on a cookbook as well Called My Country Kitchen Recipes and I have hundreds of recipes to still do and get put in a book it does take a long time I have little decal's and all sorts I am adding to the pages to go with the recipes . Great job looks wonderful . Must be a feeling of great accomplishment every time you see it ! CONGRATS ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  19. Yahoo! I'll bet it was fantastic to see your cookbook in print. Congrats on completing such a huge project.

  20. WOW! It turned out great, Connie! Your work is finished. I'm sure everyone is going to want one!


  21. Good job...I did a presentation today on preserving family stories and recipes. So happy that you have it finished.

  22. Connie, I'm so happy to see the final product! You must be thrilled. I hope when you are feeling up to it you will have a little celebration. Or a large one, with the whole family? And some foods from the book? See what's happening here? I have ideas for your book, so I can avoid thinking about my own. Cheers!

  23. Congratulations! But think again about burning those recipes - at least the ones written by hand. There are folks who are preserving handwritten items because sooner than we can imagine, there will only be specimens in museums. No cursive writing being taught in the schools is a shame.
    Anyway, I am happy for you and your family to have this keepsake.

  24. Congratulations on an awesome accomplishment. Yeah, I can see why you almost cried...that thing is HUGE! But don't just limit it to cousins. You have friends virtually everywhere who would likely be interested in having a taste of your family's specialties :)

    ...and (don't kill me!) don't be so hasty with that ceremonial bonfire just yet. Scan a few of those handwritten submissions. I bet someone, a few generations from now, would get a kick out of seeing these recipes in their original submitted form!

  25. It sounded like a lot of work to me when you started. Getting people to cooperate is sometimes a challenge but it looks like it turned out great. I found another batch of old recipe stuff from my mom. I didn't realize that I had it as I had stuffed the box and spiral books into an old pillow case. It is neat you have some old tried and true recipes of the family past and present.

  26. OMG! It has finally manifested!! I do like her colorful cover, I have to say. Wow! That was a lot of work!! What a Christmas present. Congratulations!! :)

  27. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! Your family is so lucky to have you to take the time and interest to do that. I know there were others but you "rallied the troups"! A huge project well done and for generations to enjoy long after you're gone. I think they call stuff like that a "legacy". One of many I'm sure that you will be remembered fondly for.
    I will be emailing you this week. A little tied up right now with some medical/medicine paper work and mumbo jumbo but the bottom line I was getting no one's emails for quite awhile before I realized it and now I have a new email I will send you. I didn't ignore you...I never got it! LOL! I sent one to you a while back and I thought you ignored mine too. LOL! TTYL!

  28. Wow that was a lot of work. The end result is great - what a treasure for the family. Our family is not very big, but years ago, I did share many of mom's recipes with my niece, Brooke. I wrote them on index cards and placed them in a recipe box since there were not that many.


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