Friday, January 16, 2015

Train stuff

Lionel should have made a hot air balloon.  Far Guy made his own out of one of the Lionel Christmas ornaments.  I think it took him two days.

Lionel Hot Air Baloon

The Hot Air Balloon took the place of the Fighter Aircraft that was flying recon over the trains.  I think there maybe a new airstrip someplace.  I try not took look around too much.

The train layout  is in a constant state of flux.  Recently the Drive In Theater was moved to a separate table.

Drive in Theater 

Someone will notice if you play with the cars or turn them this way or that.

Work bench

This train stuff is serious business.   This is the train repair/workbench upstairs. 

I don’t dust the trains…someone is on his own with that.

I could encourage Far Guy to make a larger layout…we could get rid of some old furniture that we hardly ever use.   Most of his train friends are in basements somewhere…at least he is upstairs.

Far Guy is feeling better, he thanks you for the well wishes.  It will take a few days for him to regain his strength again.  Just today he said he was weak as a kitten.

I have fixed him chicken everything… Chicken Wraps, Chicken and Rice Soup and Chicken and Dumplings… I am getting real tired of chicken.  Chicken anyway is Far Guys favorite…not so much for me. 

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  1. Glad to hear FG is feeling better! I like that balloon.

  2. Thankful that FG is better and I pray he gains strength each new day. His displays are marvelous and I love the hot air balloon.

  3. I am SO GLAD to hear the report on FG!!! Tell him he is NOT allowed a relapse and you are not allowed to catch it! Let's hope being around him has built immunity in you. You are a good wife to fill him full of such good nutrition.
    It's fun to have a hobby and he seems to certainly enjoy his. Do any of the grandkids like playing with his trains as much as he does? Our grandson is fascinated with trains at this stage - - - especially Thomas. When I picked him up a couple of days ago, he heard the train whistle of the freight train running a couple of blocks from his dad's work - - - so Grammy followed the sound. We parked in a parking lot and watched a very long train pass by. It had double stacked trailers from trucks on beds so it had some height. Benjamin looked at it in awe and said, (Drag this word out long) "Whoa!"

  4. That is a cool (and clever) balloon!

    Hope FG (and you) continue to feel better every day!

  5. So glad Far Guy is feeling better. Hope he gets his strength back soon. Keep feeding him all the nutritious food - chicken is good for what ails him. I am always fascinated by men's train hobbies. They are always so meticulous and realistic looking. Love the hot air balloon. And I can definitely see the "Don't Touch My Trains". My hubby is that way with his band equipment - so I don't ever clean in that room. Let the dust accumulate. Have a great weekend.

  6. Trains are an interesting hobby for sure. There is a train shop in St. Louis we visited once, and I was blown away at all the additional items one could by to go with the train display. So much fun to see.

  7. What an excellent hot air balloon! Very clever. I had a brother-in-law who was the same way about trains. Glad Far Guy is feeling better. Want to borrow my cookbook on 365 ways to prepare chicken? ;-)

  8. With the Bennie each time the strength thing takes longer.
    Sure glad Far Guy is better, hoping you feel ok because it sure takes your strength to deal with
    these dear love ones.

  9. Terry likes Chicken also...not so much me. I also do NOT dust Terry's desk...I'm so glad Far Guy is doing better. It's terribly hard on them and us when they are sick.


  10. My brother had a huge room with a train set everything from a little town to farms and valleys it was awesome ! I love the sound and sight of real trains to and to hear them blow their horns as it echos through the air of the valley's and country side gives me the shivers in AWE !!!! Thanks for sharing , Glad Far Guy is feeling better ! Have a good weekend !

  11. Glad Far Guy is feeling better. We had beef and noodles for lunch - almost as good as chicken and noodles.

  12. I'm glad he is feeling better. I think chicken has some kind of mysterious healing power..I love chicken soup when I feel bad, and broth when my stomach won't settle. Your thoughts on dusting made me smile..I dust around my husband's "stuff" on the counter and by his spot on the couch. I have been known to try and clean up in his shop, but I learned my lesson quickly when he started hounding me about "moving" things.

  13. Thanks for the good news! Hopefully it won't be long before he is wanting to 'play' with the trains again.

  14. The hubby and his father loves trains, also. I guess it is a good thing that they have something to occupy them. I love that hot air balloon. He did a great job.

  15. Hi Connie, my Father was a train man, grew up with trains. So happy to hear Far Guy is better, must be your finger lickin chicken. Blessings Francine.

  16. What a cute drive-in theater. How I wish they were still open - great fun on a warm summer evening.

    Glad the chicken diet has helped Far Guy recuperate. ;o)

  17. That balloon is just fantastic!

    So glad to hear Far Guy is improving. Praying it keeps up. You all have a blessed weekend! ♥

  18. That's a great hobby, especially for getting through the long, cold winters.
    Glad he is feeling better.

  19. Glad Far Guy is feeling better. I like the hot air balloon, and the drive-in theater. I've always thought it would be fun to collect trains. I really need another collection of something to have to dust!

  20. So glad to hear that Far Guy is recovering - but please make him get a lot of rest for quite a while - because it can take a long time to get back to "normal' with these virus ailments. Keep feeding him that chicken because healing needs a lot of protein! And please give yourself the same excellent care you are providing for F. G.

    Shirley H.

  21. That hot air balloon is amazing! I'm so sorry to hear that Far Guy was sick. I am about to catch up on as to why! Chicken is the best! Not only does it taste good the cartilage and all the ooey gooey parts are absolutely the bomb for healing, you are a good wife to sacrifice making so many chicken dishes for your train man.

  22. Oh the sacrifices we make for those we love. ;) So glad to hear FarGuy is on the mend!!! His hot air balloon is fantastic. My mom's cousin had a train room in the basement. Even his two sons weren't allowed in there. Right when you opened the door you had to crawl under to pop up in the center of the town because the train board covered the entire room from corner to corner. He had mountains with tunnels, trees everywhere...the town had sidewalks, stores, post office, school...tiny people scattered about. Every time you talk about FarGuy's trains I remember the awe I felt being allowed to crawl into the center of that room. Nobody but Brack touched those controls. No one entered that room without him. It was so cool! :)

  23. Very neat! We have friends with an outdoor railroad - almost a mile of track now with bridges and tunnels. Can't remember the size, but they are all exact replicas in miniature. The tracks are maybe 12" wide? Mostly coal burning steam engines and most of the cars will hold/carry passengers. He (and his train friends) mill their own parts and it's fascinating for sure!

  24. Brilliant I say...Brilliant! The hot air balloon is fantastic! And what else should be on the "big screen" but John Wayne. I remember when you got that ornament and that is so awesome what Far Guy did with it....was he thinking of that when he bought it? Well, of course, you have to have a workbench for train stuff......they're engineers....he might need some software too for designing and sign making or do they make such a thing?
    Thanks for sharing the pictures. Now, I want to go take one of those cross country train rides on one of those old luxury trains they've restored...oh yeah!


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