Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Years Vacation

Well Christmas Vacation didn’t quite do the trick.  So now we are on a New Years Vacation.

A relapse.  Relapses suck. Secondary infections suck too.  I was fine one minute and the next I was struck down by white cells working overtime.  Friday night mine began with severe chills…the teeth chattering every rice bag/corn bag in the house, two blankets with only your eyes uncovered for three hours think anytime you might die kind of chills.  Something was brewing and my fever was very high.  It was a loooong night, death would have been a relief.  I lived until morning to be seen at the Saturday Walk In Clinic.  I had the nasal all the way to your brain swab…it is not Influenza A or B.  It is Bronchitis and fluid on my ear drum. I am on a course of antibiotics and a steroid.  The Doctor says I will live to see another day if I rest and drink plenty of fluids. 

Good thing we are retired.  We can stay home and be on vacation.  

Far Guy is much better but I will share my vacation time with him too. Another week or two of quiet activity won’t hurt him either.

I might have to get out another puzzle.

Our weather sucks too…it is cold.  We got a little more snow. Wind Chills are way below zero. 

Peppermint Pop Rose

Peppermint Pop Rose at Bergeson Gardens August 2014

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  1. HI:
    I am so sorry to learn that you are down sick again and it sounds worse this time if that is possible. I hope that Far Guy does not catch this new infection from you. It sounds really miserable and I hope that you will take good care of yourself and get better fast.

    The home made doggie treats sound delicious and it was good of you both to make them for Chance even though you weren't feeling very good at the time. The treat recipe sounds really healthful for dogs and I am glad that Chance likes them.

    Shirley H.

  2. Darn! I was so hoping that you were on the mend. This sounds just awful. I think now with the antibiotics you will be well soon. It does really suck to be so sick. Sending you healthy thoughts.

  3. Oh no Connie, that's terrible. Hope you are better real soon. Cold here too, sharing the frigid temps. Blessings Francine.

  4. Hope you feel better and stay that way in the new year.

  5. Being sick at all sucks. I wish you a speedy recovery. It's minus 30 C(Eh) (minus 20 F) here. I hope it misses you this time.

  6. That is a horrible vacation! I hope you feel better soon! Take some cinnamon with honey! Helps soothe the throat. We are headed for some colder weather finally. Take care and I will be thinking of you.

  7. How rotten to relapse! One thing about being sick is that after a while you forget what it felt like to be healthy. But you got better and realized how good it felt and here you are again! Tuck that blanket in around you and stay out of that wind chill.

  8. Oh no, that is really too bad. I know what you mean about 'death would have been a relief'. I felt the same on my worst day. Someone told me there is a bronchial infection going around here, hope I don't get it. Stay warm, stay rested, and don't do too much the minute you start to feel better.

  9. Being retired can be a good thing-----
    So far the Bennie and I have stayed well, our daring children and grand's have stayed away.
    Sure hope you get well soon and Far Guy will not get sick again.
    Wishing for warm sunshine.

  10. Beautiful photo of the rose. Sorry to hear about your relapse. Ugh! Hope your are back on your feet real soon.

  11. I'm sorry you are having another bout with illness. Hope this one is short and that you are on the mend soon. I am impressed you are keeping your blog going. Mine fell by the wayside when Tom and I were at our sickest. Love to see the beautiful flowers you post.

  12. Gosh! I'm so sorry, Connie! I hope both of you get to feeling better fast!!!


  13. So sorry to hear you are sick. At least you are retired and don't have to go outside. With the crazy weather we have been having I am not surprised that more people aren't sick. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

  14. Oh my goodness, you guys are sick!!!!! I hate those "I'd rather die" kind of sicknesses....but you are mending right? And Far Guy is getting better also? It's been a rough time for both of you's to a much better future. We are in the beginning of "storm of the century" warnings....we will see just how bad it will be.


  15. Dang, sure hope you and Far Guy can shake this crud on this first go round!

  16. Sorry to hear that, Connie. I hope your "vacation" and the meds help you both get back to good health soon!

  17. Bad Bummer!!! So, so sorry - - - but am glad you have meds and time to stay home and rest. You all were doing so well, too. Thankful though that you know what to do for recovery.

  18. Oh I am so sorry to hear that you're sick all over again. It surely is a good thing to be retired at times like this. Take care!

  19. Well, that sucks! Secondary infections are common with this year's flu. Take care.

  20. I am so sorry to read that you are sick again. I hope the meds work quickly! Hey Chance! Do you know how to make some chicken soup?

  21. Sorry to hear of your relapse. Hope you are feeling better soon. Get out another puzzle and take it easy.

  22. Oh, no! Relapses are the pits! Take care of yourselves doubly well this time. No sense doing re-runs of last year :(

  23. Ugh. I've been sick in bed the past two days myself. Not the bed start for a new year huh?

    Get all better soonest.

  24. Oh, Connie! That sounds just horrible!! I'm glad you are on medications and they will help you battle this relapse. What a winter!! Sounds like the both of you need a vacation for all of January! Puzzles and movies under blankets with lots of fluids! Good thing FarGuy is feeling a bit better so he can play ball with Chance a little bit here and there. Or at least Chance can walk with him to the mailbox. Just stay down for the count for a while--rest and heal!! *hugs*

  25. Oh my golly Molly! You were really struck down! I hope that's the end of it for the season but we're only half way through the flu season they said on the news last night. I don't go out much at all so I'm hoping that staying well is a fringe benefit. But then there's always Wal-Mart and the Pharmacy so wish me luck. Sounds terrible but the steroids will fix it but you better get that puzzle out because you will have lots of energy and not a lot of need for sleep. I wish I could take them all the time as I had so much energy! It's like the fountain of youth! LOL!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie