Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wistful Wednesday : Influenza

What a rotten word.

I found it in the October 1918 diaries of Far Guy’s Grandfather.

28  Monday  Hauled wood went after fanning mill to Osage  come home took the “flu”

29  Tuesday  Sick Thresa done chores

30  Wednesday  Sick Lydia came ( Grandmas sister)

31  Thursday  Got up a little  Luthe took my turn

Back then it was the young adults that died the ones with the really healthy immune systems.   Many who died were thought to have the beginnings of TB.

In the winter of 1957-1958 I had the Asian Flu.  I was six years old.  I was in the hospital in Detroit Lakes Minnesota, in a ward with other children on lumpy close to the floor beds, the single door in the room was frosted, there were windows in that corner room but I couldn’t see outside…maybe they were frosted too. The metal nightstands next to the beds would make clanging noises when the various basins were dropped there. The Sisters…  I hated the rectal thermometers that would wake you from a dead sleep. I was there maybe two or three days…I recall being warm and thirsty and sick and wanting to go home. 

During the winter of 1975-1976 many people in Minnesota had  “a flu”  Jennifer was a tiny baby and all of us were so ill with vomiting, diarrhea, chills and fever that we could not manage on our own so my Mom came and took care of us.   The aches and pains were horrible…

2015  Far Guy has Influenza and is on Tamiflu and we hope he makes a complete recovery.  The Doctor wants to see him again if his condition deteriorates.  He was on the road to recovery from his Acute Bronchitis but was taken very ill on Monday afternoon. 

We both had the Flu shot this year apparently it isn’t worth beans.

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  1. So sorry to read that Far Guy has influenza now. I'll send positive thoughts across the Atlantic until I hear he's feeling better.
    Carol from Scotland

  2. Oh, dear, poor Far Guy. Apparently the experts predicted wrong and the shots this year didn't include the strain that is all over Minnesota right now. I hope they caught it in time for the Tamiflu to work for Far Guy and that it works quickly.

  3. I will be praying and pulling for Far Guy to get all better soonest.

  4. Oh I do hope the flu takes a hike very soon. Take care I also had that flu shot and yes apparently it is not worth the needle. Take care. b

  5. I have heard from numerous sources that the flu shot this year doesn't work on the strain of flu going around. I will keep Far Guy in my prayers and send healing energy his way. This is one nasty flu going around this year. Please be careful that you don't get it also.

  6. I am sorry to hear Far Guy is so sick with that awful flu. It's here, too, but so far I am okay. I'm hoping you don't get it, either. I hear it's a bad one.

  7. Will be praying Far Guy will get over this soon.
    Doing our family history found many of our young people died from flu in 1918.

  8. Hope Far Guy recovers soon! It has been a nasty winter for flu and the like. I've not had the flu but sure have been fighting the bronchitis and respiratory stuff! ICK

  9. Prayers and healing thoughts for Far Guy. He has been hit with too much illness lately. Take care of yourself too Far Side. I know you and Chance are taking good care of Far Guy. My good wishes to him.

    Shirley H.

  10. Oh no. I am sooooo sorry to read this about Far Guy. I know he is getting the best of care with you as his nurse but he did not need anything on top of his bronchitis. I will pray bunches but my heart is heavy for you all having to deal with this sickness again. Praying you will stay healthy. The flu is random in those it attacks. I was talking to a grandmother last night whose grandchild had it. The little girl had even sneezed and coughed in the grandmother's mouth (accidentally of course) and the grandmother never caught it. Far Guy is strong. Will pray he has energy to fight.

  11. Sure hope Far Guy gets better soon. The flu is awful. The Hong Kong Flu was around in the late 60's. My husband was in Vietnam. Our girls were 3 and 6 and both got that flu. Mama was sure they were going to die. Thankful that didn't happen.

  12. So sorry for Far Guy. My doctor told me that the flu shot we had was about 40% effective, but that was better than no protection at all. There are so many strains that are not covered. I definitely remember the Asian Flu...I was very sick.

  13. So sorry to hear that Far Guy is still sick. I hope he has a speedy recovery. About the flu deaths from long ago: I knew my grandmother had a brother born before her, who died as an infant, but it was only within the last few months that I was about to find out that it was from the the early 1880's. Terrible virus!

  14. Sending wishes for FarGuy's speedy recovery. Glad to hear that he is taking Tamiflu.

  15. Oh boy, sending well wishes to Far Guy, hope all will be good soon. Blessings Francine.

  16. So sorry that yet another illness has plagued Far Guy. Hopefully, the Tamiflu will work quickly for him. Now YOU must stay well. Those shots are just a crap shoot about the flu strains they prevent, and this year "they" got it really wrong!

  17. I wish Far Guy a speedy recovery. Being sick isn't pleasant as you cover in the history of flus.

  18. So sorry to hear Far Guys has influenza. Praying he has a speedy recovery and that you don't get it.

  19. Oh no, poor Far Guy. I hope he gets over this flu quickly. It's been a rough time for you guys the last few weeks. Fingers crossed that you stay healthy, and am sending healing thoughts to Far Guy.

  20. I read a book about the influenza epidemic of 1918. Very frightening stuff. Sorry your hubby was stricken. Bummer.... Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

  21. Oh, no! Will definitely be praying for the two of you.

    I've heard the same thing about this year's flu shot. Had a friend who got the shot...and the flu, so it is apparently happening. Different variety, I guess. I stay away from all those shots, if I can help it!

  22. Praying Farguy gets better soon, and you don't get it. Seems like it has been one thing after another for both of you.

  23. So sorry to hear that your husband is so sick again.
    Influenza has been a terrible plague over the ages.

  24. FarGuy is in my thoughts and prayers. When you get run down from one thing it is easy to catch something else. [I have only gotten the flu shot once about a decade ago--and it didn't stop me from getting the flu. And I don't get it every year. Of course, I live like a hermit--ROFL!] I feel so sorry for you guys being so sick this winter. I hope you are still on the mend. Poor FarGuy!! *love and hugs*

  25. The flu is no fun! Hoping your husband is soon back to feeling well! Know it takes time to get over that nasty bug! I really enjoy your blog!!!!

  26. Ugh, Influenza! I'm commenting after hearing he is on the mend, and glad for that. Ugly bugger that Influenza is. So many folks run around saying they have the flu when really it is just a cold or a week of really bad eatin' that I have gone to calling it Influenza. I have only had one very weak bout this year. Thankfully it is out of the way, I seem to usually get it just after lambing season when I'm supposed to be concentrating on my garden stuff. I hope my weak bout is more "innoculatin'" than your shot. I gave up on the "flu shot" the year I got one and then proceeded to get the absolute worse case of Influenza that I have ever had, made me go on prednisone and I went temporarily insane - yeah, more than usual. I hate the awful achiness, I'm sorry that he has had to go through that, and after acute bronchitis! Ugh!

  27. I pray Far Guy recovers soon and relapses! My stepfather's parents both died in the flu epidemic in 1919? He was only 3 and had to go from Quincy, Massachusetts to Chicago to go live with relatives. They were wonderful to him but he wasn't to me....strangest thing.
    I remember a flu back in 1974? My husband and I were so sick and Christopher was only 3 I Christopher survived was amazing because he wasn't sick but we were and I can't even remember how we took care of him but we must have as he is alive today.


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