Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Chance: I got mail

Hiya it’s me Chance the blogging Border Collie.  I go to the mail everyday even on Sundays and finally there was a package for me!!   Didjaknow my sister the newly sworn (Last night) Mayor can sew?   She is amazing!  She didn’t sew her fingers or anything…she has been known to do that. She has the bloody needle in her scrapbook to prove it.

Chance got mail

I am trying to read my mail.

Chance reading his mail

Reading licking the mail.

From Chance sister

 Chance your sister loves you so much she took out her sewing machine!  Hope you look as good as we do!  Love Miney + Little Elvis

I miss them so much

Miney and Little Elvis!! I miss them so much!

How do you like my new duds? 

I think I look pretty snazzy! My sister can sew!

Who me I got mail


  1. You look great with your duds! Miney and Litle Elvis look like they got matching ones! Just wait til you all model them at your next reunion - which will hopefully be soon!

  2. Chance you really look good in your new duds. Miney and Elvis look good as well. Sure hope you get to see them soon.

  3. Very smart looking in your new threads there Chance . Cute post and photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  4. yes, Chance, you look spiffy all right. Your sister is almost as talented as you are! :-)

  5. That color looks so good on you, Chance! You handsome devil you ;)

  6. Such beautiful scarves you have, Chance! Nice that your sister thinks of you!

  7. Hi Chance:
    Always great to hear from you. I like your new scarves and so good of your sister to make them for you. I have always loved to see scarves on your fellow dogs.It makes my day.

    Shirley H.

  8. What a cute doggy! I just love border collies ('cause I have one too!)

  9. You are such a handsome fella, Chance. And you do look pretty snazzy in your new duds.

  10. I love those pup-kerchiefs! Our Kasey has several, and he always looks so nice when he wears them!

  11. Red is your color Chance. You do look great in either one though. I am glad all that work at going to to the moved mailbox has finally paid off. Stay warm up there, I really don't know how you can do that.

  12. This was super cute, Connie! It looks like Chance is even barking a happy bark!


  13. Chance, I think you need a pair of bifocals!

  14. Mighty snazzy there, Chance! I won't show the girls or they'll be bugging me to sew for them too.

  15. Chance, you are one handsome dude!

  16. Chance you are really something with that new wardrobe! That last picture made me laugh. You are a sweetie pie!

  17. Oh Chance, you are one lucky BC! Love your new bandana's and the photo's of you reading! Happy New Year Buddy!

  18. Wow Chance, you do look really spiffy. How great to get mail, that's neat. Hugs Francine.

  19. You have a sister who loves you a lot! She was willing to return to that battlefield of machinery just for you!!!! Also, she is smart in fashion to have picked those colors that enhance your already handsome countenance. I am glad she found time to do this for you before being busy with her elected office duties. She is very smart and talented, too!

  20. Chance, you look marvelous! What a nice surprise in the mail for you!
    Hope you guys have a good day.

  21. Chance, you are a good looking model for those new threads! Cute post!


  22. Looking good! Save one for when you go to town!

  23. OMGosh! You are so darn handsome, Chance! And the new duds just add to your classy self. :)

  24. You do look very stylish!


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