Saturday, January 31, 2015

January and Pooping Alone

January seems like such a long month. It’s almost over.  January was warmer than normal for which we are thankful.  With above freezing temperatures came rain and ice.

The dirt roads leading off the main highways are like skating rinks.  Honestly you could skate down them.

Icy road

The main roads are much better…of course they have been heavily salted and sanded.

Not much snow

Not much for snow.  Not enough for the snowmobilers.  Without a good blanket of insulating snow septic lines are freezing in our area…so far so good at our house…we have water and we can poop.


Speaking of pooping.  Someone cannot poop alone anymore.  He MUST have company.  If he has the urge to go he pesters you until you go outside with him…not sure what scared him one day when he was pooping… a squirrel…a deer… a wild turkey…a boogie man..only Chance knows for sure… and he is not talking or forgetting about it.  We hope it is just a passing phase.

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  1. Ha ha! Border collies are so funny sometimes! Our dog Bear, likes it if we go outside with him at night. He also doesn't like to "do his business" alone in the dark.

  2. It's never that cold in London but at least we have had proper frosts this year. Last winter was far too warm and all the spiders and carpet moths lived happily through to pester us throughout 2014.
    But it has been so grey and dull. The internet warms us to watch out for the gloom of Blue Monday. But actually we felt that "Taupe Tuesday" (as week after Blue Monday) was worse. It was chilly and dark and we all felt strangely sleepy.

  3. Catchy title! Unlikd Chance,my cat, Rosie, does not like an audience when she is in the litter box. She can give you quite the look if you peek.
    We have about the same amount of snow, maybe a little more, and I'm sorry, snowmobilers, but I love not hearing you roar through the ditches, whine across the fields, and shine your lights onto the highway and into my eyes at night when I'm not expecting it!

  4. Snow is way down in my part of the country, too. Strange winter so far. Monday is Groundhog Day, meaning we are halfway to spring! :-)

  5. Your septic tank reminder struck a raw nerve here in Florida today as I recalled our 2 months last year with a frozen one . N0 fun for sure...... Forecast for tonight in Bluff Country . for snow..... That's good. :)

  6. Very little snow around here also. At least Spring isn't too much farther off. Nothing better than having a friend there with you when you poop.

  7. Well I got a good laugh just reading the title! I've just enjoyed reading your last four posts. The days fly but how did I miss FOUR! That icy road looks scary! I like your new Valentine flag. Our junk drawer got cleaned out recently too, but it immediately fill up again!

  8. Nothing worse than icy roads - be careful out there.

  9. Afternoon Connie, too funny, you made my morning about Chance not wanting to poop alone. Francine.

  10. Most. of us are the opposite of Chance, I reckon! Made me start my day with a smile.

  11. I feel for you on that with Chance. Be careful and stay warm! Glad you have water.

  12. Awww, poor Chance. Good thing it's been warmer than usual ;-).

  13. IT WAS A WOLF!!!


    Linda ❤⊱彡

    1. Might have been one moving through looking for rabbits:(

  14. Oh Chance, I hope you don't think that because you can't poop alone that Far Side needs you to come barging in to the bathroom when... well, you know what I mean!!

  15. Don't feel bad, our roads are usually the same. For the amount of money we pay for taxes, you would think the roads would be spotless! Our Jake has to take five minutes to pick the right spot, before he will go poo!

  16. That's our granddog and now that they have a new baby he is worse that ever!

  17. Most of our January was very mild...a few days it was 10 C. Dogs just check to see sometimes if they rule. Dogs train us more than we think.

  18. We haven't had a lot of snow again this year but has been bitterly cold . Miggs was like that for a while then she snapped out of it and now no probs , Hope Chance snaps out of it and poops on his own Take care and Have a good day !

  19. Oh, Chance...don't let those turkeys get you down :(

  20. Oh no - poor Chance! I found that the older Oscar got, the more scared he became... .He's a beautiful boy!

  21. After watching the snow stick with you the past few winters, it just doesn't seem right that there is so little snow. It will be had on plants and pipes.
    Your title sure got my attention. Talk about pooping does that.

  22. Poor Chance! Let's hope it wasn't something bigger like a bear. Could be something he's not used to smelling out there--like a fox or some such. Or maybe he's afraid his feet will freeze to the ground before he's done and he wants you these to chip him out of the ice--just in case. ;)

  23. Poor Chance and poor you that you have to go out with him in the cold when you have indoor plumbing.
    Nitty did that once. She refused to go out the front door and in the front yard. She would only go in the back like something scared her and I think I know what it was. There was a woman who walked in the mornings and Nitty does not go in the street but we don't have sidewalks and so she gets right up to the street and I think the woman got scared and maced her or something. Profiling, again! Nitt has never growled or snarled o at anyone....she has a longer "stump" for a tail than most and it is going fast usually. But fear makes people do crazy things and yet all the woman had to do was cross over to the other side of the street. Thank goodness she doesn't walk here anymore or she would have gotten a piece of my mind. Everyone that knows Nitty loves her. Now me, that's a different story. I always tell Nitty she's have a lot more friends if it wasn't for me! LOL! She still has more than I do.
    I hope Chance gets over it but it might have been a bear or bob cat. We have warnings here as bobcats have attacked little dogs in the area. I think that's why Annie won't go out at night without her big sister. They stand on the front porch for a few minutes sniffing the air to see what critters might be out there. We have bear here too but I've only seen one and that was years ago. Now there's too many dogs in the area.
    I hope he gets over it for his sake and yours.


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