Thursday, January 8, 2015

Gas, Teeth and whatnot

The price of a gallon of gas finally went under $2.00 a gallon.

Gas Prices

We went to the Dentist, we both lost a filling just days apart from each other…talk about togetherness. We are good to go for awhile again.

Orange Trees

Here are the orange trees (chemically damaged) they still look the same.

We still don’t have much snow.

Road Home 

What snow we have is a lovely grey/brown color from the dirt in the fields.

Turkeys in the distance 29

Those specks are Wild Turkeys, there were 29 of them coming out of our west driveway onto the field. At least it is wildlife!   I suspect some silverhair down on the lake has a feeding area for them.

At least we had some sunshine!  The temps this week have been brutal.  Lows at night about –18 F or –27 C eh!   Daytime it might get to 0 F or –17 C eh!  When the wind comes up then we have the wind chills to contend with.

We are staying close to home and busy with various winter projects.  We are still recovering/resting/recuperating from our colds and grabbing a nap whenever the mood strikes us.  I still have some Christmas Decorations up and the Shiny Brite Tree is still standing too. BUT all the beds upstairs have clean sheets and all the extra blankets have been washed…oh sometimes I miss a clothesline.

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  1. Glad you got those lost fillings fixed - such togetherness!!! We have the deep cold and brutal wind chills here also. Had about 4 inches of snow Sunday and Monday. Expecting more today. Sure hope this cold goes away soon. I feel like i need to crawl into bed and not come out till Spring. haha

  2. Now that's togetherness, all right. Wonder if your illnesses, also together, had anything to do with losing those fillings. Or was it the caramels you shared? Brrr! It does look cold. I loved the referral to the "silverhair" down the lake. I might use that line myself! :-)

  3. Hi:
    Here in downtown MPLS, MN they tell us we will get a little snow today. It is 4 above right now.

    How I miss the days when the bed linens smelled so great after drying outside on the line. Dryers are wonderful but i is hard to tell when the sheets are clean - there is no wonderful fresh air smell.

    Shirley H.

  4. No clothes lines here either, so are the 'rules' in town these days. *sigh*
    That's a LOT of turkeys, we have a flock visiting every morning and evening, and I've noticed they are all toms.
    The decorations are down for yet another season, doesn't the house look empty now !

  5. I agree, at least the sun is shining through the freezing temps. Gas is down here too, finally. Blessings Francine.

  6. We had windchills of -30F yesterday and all the schools were closed. This morning we are above zero, hurray! Stay warm.

  7. We don't get to see wild Turkey in our back field to close to people, wish we did.
    We see very few wild animals any more.

  8. You do have cold weather, I think I'd better stop complaining about ours. I saw gas for $1.92 and then my sister in Oklahoma said hers was a $1.65.

  9. Gas is still well over $2 in my area, but I did see $1.93 when coming home after Christmas. I doubt it will go lower in my area since the stations here are always higher than he rest if the state which makes everyone here very cranky!

  10. In Pennsylvania - where the state gas tax (legalize theft) is the highest in the country - gas is running about $2.50 a gallon.

    1. Really? Pennsylvania out-taxes the Left Coast? It took a fifty-cents-off-per-gallon coupon for me to bring our gas price down to $1.95 yesterday.

  11. need some snow. Sending over some of our 18 inches overnight, added to the tons we already have right away. Expect delivery in a few days. Oh, and I love that you give me the C version of your freezing temps....that way I don't have to convert.

    Canadian gas...well it's at 1.03 a litre...I think that works out to $15.00 a gallon US. Or something close to that...


    1. Hi Jen, I think that 4 liters equals a little over a gallon. 1.05 to be exact. So that is about 4.12 a gallon...high for sure I nearly choked at 15$ a gallon :(

    2. My googling said 3.785 litres in an American gallon. There are 4.55 litres in a Canadian Gallon

  12. Brrr.....! Stay warm up there. My parents in S. Dakota have been experiencing tha same frigid temps.

  13. Speaking of hubby rigged up a retractable clothesline for me that he can pull out and tighten so I can at least hang up sheets. I love the smell when I make the bed. My brother in Illinois relayed the cold there yesterday. Ugh.

  14. We, too, are in the midst of an Arctic blast. Like you, I'm hunkering down inside the house!

  15. Our gas is 96 cents a litre, which converts to $3.08 American for an American gallon. Did you know the Canadian gallons are bigger than the American?:) We are happy though, it is so much cheaper than it has been. I always chuckle at your C eh! conversions. I can't remember when we changed over to Celcius, but it was certainly in my lifetime, the first temperatures I learned were Fahrenheit, and most of our thermometers have both readings.
    Not that you would want to install it at this time of the year, but why don't you put up a clothesline. I was shocked when I saw 'A Brit in Tenessee's comment about no clothelines. Condo or apartment buildings here have rules that you can't hang your clothes outside, but other than that, I've never heard of clotheslines not being allowed. It just doesn't make sense to me.

  16. I am so glad I no longer live in Minnesota during the winter! Not sure if my comment went through the other day since I have some off and on problems with connectivity here, but I really enjoy seeing that redpoll in your header. It's been many years since I've seen one.

  17. And I still hate dentists. We have miserable cold windy weather for ten days or so. We've also had two good dumps of snow. I've done lots of shoveling lately.

  18. I'm with you on the clotheslines! I use mine in the spring, summer and fall...then in the winter I use the dryer. I like the line so much better!

  19. Dentist's are bad. I have been going and they are making me better. I need to go soon. We did a clothesline for about four months as that was all we had. We gathered enough money with a credit card to get a new one and it was welcomed. People in town thought we were strange but we had it stretched from two poles to wooden fences poles. It worked.

  20. We still have very little snow and the temps fell to the single digits 6 degrees F, but it has warmed up today to 27 and is raining? I just don't get it!

  21. Our gas prices have been at their lowest for a while now we paid the price it is now back in the 70s that's the last time it was this low . I am glad your teeth are all fixed up now makes things a bit easier lol . Yes our temps are the same eh|? frigging frigid BRR ! this time we have more snow then you but it has been windy and white outs nasty weather ! Thanks for sharing lovely photos ! Have a good day and stay cozy !

  22. I just can't imagine it being that cold! You need the snow to protect the plants and the soil and keep the dust down!

  23. Our gas prices have not dropped that much. Still 2.24. Hope we get to see gas less than 2.00 a gallon.

  24. We had blizzard conditions yesterday and yet hardly any snow accumulated. What came down blew away in the fierce winds. Still below zero this morning. -3F, feels like -22F. Stay in and rest up, you two! ;)


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