Monday, February 4, 2013

Whitetails and trails

We went for a drive on Sunday afternoon through the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge.

Fisherman made a trail to put up their fish houses way out on Tamarac Lake. I think there were five house..waaaay out there.

Trail on Tamarac lake

Snowmobiles and ATV’s are not allowed on the refuge. Inside the refuge snowmobiles and vehicles are not permitted on the lake ice.  All fish houses must be removed at the end of the day.  I am sure these fellows pulled out a sled loaded with their portable fish houses..they made a wonky looking trail.

Near the refuge headquarters we saw some deer.  Chance was patient..

Feb 3 Deer in the Refuge


If you have ever wondered why they are called whitetails..this is why.


This one was eating on that Balsam Tree and took off just as I snapped the photo.

Road through Tamarac

This is what one of the roads looks like. We didn’t meet any cars on our drive through the refuge..several people passed us..we only drove about 25 mph..typical Sunday drivers. 

It was nice to get out of the house..the weather was above looks like our weather will warm up this week.  Good thing too as I have several appointments this week..meeting with some mucky mucks and the Dental Hygienist:)

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  1. Love those pictures of the deer. He's got quite a bit of the white stuff on his face, and then a nice butt shot! :-)

  2. that last picture in particular speaks to me. so pretty! chase didn't bark at the deer?

  3. Winter wonderland for sure! Glad you could get out and thanks for sharing the pics. Hope the dental cleaning goes smoothly.

  4. Those are some very beautiful pictures. Chance is a good dog for not barking at the deer. I know what you mean when you say it feels good to get out of the house. I'm getting "cabin fever".

  5. What a great drive ~ and to catch some of those deer ~ wonderful!

  6. What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon.....Love the pic of the Whitetail jumping away from the shot, looks great....... We are supposed to warm up here to into the week, single digets, woohoo!!!!!!Blessings Francine.

  7. Oh, how pretty and peaceful everything is!

  8. It sure is nice to go drive and sight see when it is so white and quiet!

  9. So pristine. When I see your photos of the snow, I miss it a 'little' bit. Stay warm.

  10. I would love to drive around with you and see all this. And love the 38/38! Too someone who's never felt -38 ;-).

  11. Beautiful pictures.

    Those people certainly want to fish.

  12. Had to laugh at those wavy paths out to the ice houses. Some dedicated fishermen there!

  13. What dedicated fishermen: I hope they had a successful and enjoyable day on the lake. The last photo is beautiful.

  14. We are sending you warmer weather. Our daily highs have been above 0 C since Thur .
    You had a beautiful Sunday drive.

  15. Just getting out of the house is nice...getting out without a HAVE TO BE THERE NOW place even nicer!


  16. It sounds like a great way to spend a pretty day. I am thinking that the ice fishermen must be very dedicated to their sport - it just looks cold to me!

  17. Wonderful pictures.
    Have a great week!

  18. Wonderful photos ! Looks like you had a nice day ! Thanks for sharing . Love your header ! Have a good day !

  19. What kind of vehicle and/or tires do you have? Regular snow tires or chains? When the weather gets so cold, do you have difficulty starting your vehicles? One of my co-workers - - years ago - - - had lived in Alaska and said they had to keep heaters near their cars. - - - and as usual - - BEAUTIFUL photos!


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