Saturday, February 23, 2013

Finding Treasures

I really should stay out of that trunk upstairs.  It holds some real family treasures. I can wile away the better part of an afternoon looking through “old stuff.”  I found a note that Far Guys Grandpa wrote in 1913..on the back of their engagement photo.  I found some more old photos and scanned them.   I knew the trunk held some photos that I could include with the family history.  Everything seems to come alive when you have a photo…or a hand written note.

Back of engagement photo

Jim and Tracie 1913

July 4th

This was right after noon, when we got them and showed them to each other.  Tracie said OH My Gosh, then we had a good laugh about it.  Our engagement rings.

The note says more than the very serious photo.  I can see that Grandpa is smiling with his eyes. James X Henderson  and Tracie Stuve engagement photo

The exposure times were too long for people to smile in a photo.  Many people could not hold a smile for the extended exposure time and the photo would be blurry.  Plus that having your photo taken was a serious didn’t happen everyday of the week.

I think I have everything to finish up this phase of my project!!  The end might be in sight. I am sure Cousin Bonnie will be relieved to get most of her “stuff” back.

Grandpa left behind Farm Diaries from 1916 to 1929.  Thirteen Years of mostly farm records…when he planted, when he butchered what he took to town to sell and sometimes who visited.  I do not have time to do it this winter.  I have not read all the entries…he made an entry just about everyday for 13 years.  They are written in pencil..I may try scanning them…and see how they look.  I may have to keep them just a tad bit longer if I transcribe them all. 

1965 Tracie and james X henderson

Tracie and Jim ( Far Guy’s Grandparents)

I found this very nice photo upstairs in the trunk taken in about 1965.

I have asked Far Guy’s Uncle to come out and help identify some of the old photographs, although I am getting  most of them identified.

We heard a cute story about him the other day.

Someone was upset with him, he wasn’t moving his potato truck fast enough for one of the lady truck drivers..she was very upset and reading him the riot act.  He gazed at her calmly and said “Talk to me sweet lips.”  :)

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  1. They are really wonderful memories to go along with the photos. I can still see the young man in the last picture. :-)

  2. Morning, what fun, I love looking through old family pictures but finding treasures such as notes and cards, simply wonderful.......thanks for sharing, Francine.

  3. This is a wonderful gift you are preparing.

  4. I LOVE the old photos and stories you are sharing!

  5. You sure have a knack for making those old photos come alive. I never realized the reason no one ever smiled on those old photos. I always thought, given our family history, they were depressed....maybe that too!!!

  6. I loved seeing them young, and then young at heart....what a life they must have had together...

    Your family is very fortunate that they have you, and that you have such a talent for discovering the hidden treasures.


  7. So many great stories and photos! Why the trombone, I wonder. I also love seeing the fashions of the period!

    1. He was in the town's band..a very popular activity in the early 1900's:)

  8. Obviously, Jim played in a community band. Please share that story someday.

    1. Yes he was a talented musician..trombone and violin:)

  9. Family histories are an obsession with me. It's really interesting as to what happened to relatives before I was born. I can understand why when you look in the trunk a whole afternoon goes by.

  10. I was wondering about that trombone in an engagement picture! My dad played both trombone and violin, too. I agree with Nancy, by the way: I'd like to hear more about that, too.

    What do you mean, you should "stay out of that trunk upstairs"? On the contrary, keep bringing out those memory treats! Love to see them!

  11. Delightful memory. Stories like this make the photo come alive.

    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) ¸.-♥¨) (¸.-´ (¸.-` ♥♥´¨

  12. I like the uncle for sure. The stuff I need to go through sort of haunts me but eventually I will get to it. At the end of the clearing of the house I was throwing papers and pictures in pillowcases in order to bring them home. Finding pictures that are real finds make it all worth while.

  13. SO MUCH FUN! I hope you transcribe the notes for the future...and scan the important pages, just to have them.

  14. Great post. I could not stay out of that trunk if I had one, either.
    Have a great Sunday!

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  16. I sure do love your family stories and pictures! And I REALLY love your Uncle's sense of humor...if only everyone could deal with @#$%^'s that way! LOL! I used to have a guy I worked with that hated the fact that I was so happy go lucky and he would always sneer and ask what I was smiling about....I got to calling him "Mr Sunshine" which bugged him even more I'm sure but I think he also realized what a grouch he was when everyone started calling him that....we all have problems and bad days but nowadays it seems it's okay to vent on everyone else. That gal got off easy! It takes a stronger person to smile and "grin and bear it" then it does to take off somebody else's head because you can't deal with it. We need to start giving "coping classes" to kids in school...taught by the oldest and wisest of us all!


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