Friday, February 22, 2013

February is flying by

It seems the harder I try to catch up the behinder I get.

Trying to catch up

We have been trying to do the important things.  Catching up with friends that we have not seen in awhile.  Doing the taxes..whew I am glad that they are off my desk and at the accountants.  Shopping for difficult to find items..with success finally…it shouldn’t have been a big deal..just needed a new rug for the dining room..and one that was not cream or off white.  I would have loved a red area rug..but settled for country blue.  Hey it was way better than the off white…I asked Far Guy “Can you see that in the dining room?”  His answer was “Heck no.” We agreed, and settled for blue.

Left in the dust

SLOWLY things are being marked off the list.  Very slowly.

Sometimes I feel like the turkeys along the roadways..they are searching for sand/dirt/small rocks for their gizzards so their food can be broken up ..and then a way to escape the deep snow…so they run as fast as their little legs can carry them.

Some of the snow has a crust and they can walk on top..and sometimes they just break through and have to trudge through the snow or fly.

Turkeys in the snow

So far I am just trudging day one project at a time:)

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  1. Ugh. You sound like you're having more success with your catching up than I am this winter. About three years ago, we were shopping for a new rug for the living room and you're exactly right. We finally found one that we liked...and that didn't break the bank.

  2. That is an excellent shot!!! The top one. Could be one of those inspirational posters.

  3. It won't be long now before you are back at the museum, too. When does that start? I hope you get caught up before then. Love your pictures and the images in my brain from this post! :-)

  4. Good luck with your catching up. You seem to be doing a better job than I am. Love your pictures. Have a great weekend.

  5. Morning, hope this weekend will be a catch up for you....Love the first picture, great.....Blessings Francine.

  6. Now I understand the saying "turkey trot" it looks like it could be a dance craze like Gangnam style!

  7. So awesome things are getting checked off the list! Wish I could say the same.

  8. It's the end of winter that turkey, it does remind me of a few tall gangly people I know....ahem, no names.


  9. It must feel good to get things off your list. Just out of curiosity, how many new thing are being added on? That's what happens to me. I add just as many as I take off.

  10. Progress is being made, and that's a good thing.

  11. It is looking less snowy there already. March is coming and then Spring is not all that far away.

    1. February is always a trudging month, isn't it?

  12. Feels good to cross things off your list. I'm not doing too well in that department. The list is just getting longer:(

  13. I am always happy to cross things off my list.

  14. Nothing like the feeling of crossing things off the list as they slowly become complete . I think we are all slowly crossing things off our lists I know Papa and I are ! Lovely photos ! Have a good day !

  15. Love the running turkey......I've felt a little like that lately too. I have a red rug and settled on it because I couldn't find a blue one ;)

  16. Well, you are trudging faster than I am. Only...I think February can fly faster than your turkeys can ;)

  17. I love that first photo! It's a hoot!

    Oh, I got asked if I wanted to learn the Museum business and start taking over when Jim retires...he is 74 and wants a trainee so he can leave. At this point I don't think so.

    *♥´¨) ¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) ¸.-♥¨) (¸.-´ (¸.-` ♥♥´¨

  18. Love those wild turkeys by the side of the road.

    Don't be so hard on yourself about your projects - you achieve so much anyway!

  19. Wanting a red rug and having to settle for blue just doesn't seem right; even if the blue IS better than white. Blue has a VERY different feel to it than red, which is so much warmer.

  20. I can sympathise with the trudging.

  21. At least you have your taxes in...I don't! I did call but that's as far as I got! LOL! I would want a darker color rug too although now I have the cat with lots of white fur (mostly on her stomach)and then 2 dark dogs so I can't win for losing.
    I just saw a bunch of turkeys the other day and now I'm trying to remember where I saw them as I don't go out very often. Oh, I guess it was on the way back from the vet...I wondered why they were all on the side of the road...the gravel! You're so right! I love your pictures of the one going down the road!
    I think I make my lists too long and to intricate....I'm tired by the time I write it all down! LOL! You go girl!


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