Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I am working on Far Guys family history( his paternal history)..and I have had many questions along the way.  When I run into questions I just make notes and hope to return again someday to answer those questions.

The other day I was straightening up.  I  tend to spread “stuff” all around when I am working on a project.  There was a manila envelope I had shuffled from here to there.  I finally looked at it.  I marked it..years ago.   Marge gave it to me.   I “think” she gave it to me in 2002 or 2003..ten years ago.  CRS at it’s best.

Secrets are safe

The envelope held the answers to many of my questions and much more.  I was finally able to identify everyone in an old family photo!  That may not sound like much to you..but if you are a Virgo like me..we like to have everything all tidy and in it’s proper place.

If and when I remember what I have and where I put it.

Now I will stop my research and go back and tidy up all the loose ends.  Back pedaling for sure..I wanted to have this project behind me by March 1st.  I still have hopes that I will make it.

CRS..have you figured that out yet?  Can’t remember shit stuff:)

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  1. Morning, oh ya, I tuck things here and there and NEVER remember where I put them, OH BOY!!Francine.

  2. That's pretty funny. No, I had to have you tell me what CRS stands for, since I couldn't figure it out for myself. Love your new header. :-)

  3. Boy, does that fit right about now. I have had two straight days of CRS. Mine was more of Can't remember to do something you are supposed to do. When this happens I get scared because my mother suffered from severe dementia and I really don't want to put my family through that . Happy to hear that your research is paying off.

  4. This is a wonderful undertaking. I wish you much luck with CRS. It has reached rabid proportions around here.

  5. You are not alone in the CRS for sure! Nice that you found a way to id all in a family photo, I think that is actually pretty important!

  6. I am well acquainted with CRS. Good luck with your undertaking.

  7. The new header really looks like Minnesota! Well, as much as I can remember anyway... :)

  8. I knew exactly what CRS stood for... we are on the same wavelength!
    How much fun to find the answers... even though you had them before, it all seems new.

  9. I laughed when I saw those letters. My dad always said that! Now, I say my husband suffers from that malady.

  10. Oh yes, I have CRS too so I know what you mean. My daughter gave me a birthday card that says "You're not old until you start leaving yourself little notes...and then wonder who they're from". ;)

  11. The CRS just about had me beat. That's how simple I am today. The older we get and more experience we have the more little stuff we have to look after.

  12. HA! Our employee this morning replied when askedhow was his weekend, "Must have been good I don't remember most of it!" My response, "It's okay, when you get our age the same thing happens!"

  13. I have the same problem. One of the perks of getting older.

  14. Love your new header...well at least all the cold gives you sunshine.

    I had no idea what it was either....lol.


  15. I don't know about that Virgo stuff...but having the name for every face in an old family photo? Priceless!

  16. That CRS is a pretty common affliction, unfortunately:(

  17. I love it. I suspect a need a CRS Filing Cabinet, never mind an envelope.

  18. I like to have my genealogy all tidy and all buttoned up also. And to finally get everyone named in an old photo...COOL!


  19. Thank goodness I am not the only one to be afflicted with CRS! Whew, I was beginning to wonder! Now that you've told me about Virgo's and their fine quality of organization I am going to go looking for one. I think that would be quicker than trying to clean all my messes up. I'll just go find me a Virgo! LOL! I wonder if it's too late to put an ad in this weeks paper?


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