Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pulling Together

This photo was taken on a family house boat trip a few years ago.  Trica, Far Guy, Richard and Andy.  Jen was attempting to beach the houseboat..it was very windy.  I was doing what I do best..taking photos and being in charge of the children and Chance.  Within any family dynamic we all have our strengths and our weaknesses.

Far Guy and I spent the morning in ICU with Trica, we came home this afternoon.  They are running more tests..lots more tests..searching for answers…after seeing the Doctor this morning we all had many more questions than we have answers.  The only thing we know for certain is NO Stroke and NO Pulmonary Embolism. We don’t know much of anything else..she was seen today by a Urologist and a Neurologist.  She ate a half of slice of toast today..she looks better and sounds better..she is very emotional..and very worried.

Did you know that almost teenagers can make squeaky noises with their shoes in the hallway of a hospital that is like running your nails up a chalkboard?  They stopped as soon as I said “No more of that ..people are sleeping.”  They really let loose with this fancy shoe squeaking once we were outside..I told them “Go for it girls!”
If I knew more, I could report more..as it is we all just wait:)
Here is Jens blog post today. 


  1. Seems like a slow process, but it will get better. Gotta rule out all that other stuff. Hope she continues each day to get better.

  2. She's up and eating and that's positive. Hope you get some answers soon!

  3. I'm putting her in my prayers!!!!

  4. Glad you're all pullin' together, then and now. Even if for some pullin' means takin' photos, watching the kids and asking those questions that don't get answers. Good to know your doin' the job, the mom-job. Sometimes the mom-job is just plain rough though eh? Prayers keep a flowin' your way.

  5. Whew...thanks for sending me to Jen's blog and I note how things can change in 6 days or even hours - one just never knows. I'm praying that each moment is an important moment and progress keeps on coming.

  6. Still in my thoughts and prayers.
    It would be nice if they could find out what caused this, but I learned that there are times--even with all we know with modern medicine--they can't tell you. I really hope she gets an answer.
    I am familiar with how life can be turned completely upside down in a moment. Trica is really blessed to be doing so well after such an event. She is surrounded by people who love her--and know how to squeak their shoes. ;)
    Best wishes--hugs--and prayers.

  7. I am praying for all of you. I hope the doctors can soon give you the answers you so desperately need.

  8. Oh my..I'm just catching up...thinking of you today and hoping for the best..let us know when you can..

  9. Hi to all, prayers are flying your way for some answers and a fast recovery, Girls you take great care of your mother, God Bless to all....(praying for the doctors also ) Auntie Kathy, Arthur also

  10. The waiting is so hard. Can only imagine how scared all of you are. Trica I'm praying for you. Praying for all of you.

  11. I would be worried too, if I were Trica. I am glad she seems to be all right for the moment and that they will find out what happened. Hugs, Connie!

  12. Praying for your family and the doctors. Hopefully you'll have some answers soon.

  13. She is in my heart and prayers , hope it all gets sorted out and all is well !

  14. Yours is an amazing family, one that supports and loves each other, and that's a really good thing right now.

    We are all wishing you the best outcome, and praying for Trica. With hugs to you.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  15. Thanks for keeping us informed. I would imagine it sort of helps, writing it done. We are praying, Connie, praying very hard!!!

    Love you,

  16. My concerns and prayers are with her and the whole family. You have a neat family that will pull her through this all.

  17. We're pulling together with you from here. A day at a time!

  18. Praying that you all will have answers soon! Praying too for a quick recovery!

  19. I am praising God that it sounds like she is "normal" in actions and function other than having to recover from a heart attack. With unconsciousness, one can never be quite sure of the residual effects. I think the emotional aspect of it is normal. We have heard of many men who are that way after having heart surgery. Still going to keep praying.

  20. I'm so glad to hear that she's up and speaking, and there wasn't a stroke or worse. Praise God!

  21. if this was my family i would be anxious. great photo, lots of fun rose


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