Far Guy is very ill but hanging in there...Jen and I have four eyes on him...six if you count Sadie who gets real excited when he is coughing. The next couple of days will tell if we can avoid a hospital visit. I think he is right on that bubble of getting worse...or better. He is doing all that he can with neb treatments and his percussion vest along with lots of fluids, rest, steroids and antibiotics.
I finished the yellow blanket with a white edge, I may send this one over to the consignment shop.
Yesterday it was a very windy day, Jen and I ventured over to the neighbors to visit their new 9 week old puppy her name is Trixie and she is awfully cute for a Toy Poodle/Lhasa apso/King Charles cross. Sadie had to inspect us when we got back home.
We all played SkyJo in the evening. Fun game.
Far Side