Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 Nice warm days, practically like Summer weather.  56 F or 14 C eh!  I will take it!!

Far Guy went to recycle by himself as I was in the middle of cleaning the bathroom and doing a bunch of laundry.

Salmon, garlic toast and peaches was supper.   I am not a great fan of Salmon but this time it wasn't too bad. 

I took my 2nd Humira reaction or huge improvement in the pain ...yet.  I am hopeful that eventually they will find something that works.   I am keeping a pain diary. Fun...

Far Side


  1. Our favorite way to eat salmon by far is fried salmon cakes. My girls love them and yet they will only pick at baked salmon filets.

  2. No, not fun I'm sure. I do hope you're able to get some relief.

    We've had a bit better weather this week, and the snow that fell a week ago Tuesday is pretty much gone. I may have to rake the leaves on the front lawn!
    But I'll take the nicer weather.

  3. We've had lovely warm weather too, but tomorrow the temp will begin dropping steadily until it's in the 40's for highs next week. Well, it was nice while it lasted. :-)
    Isn't it nice to have all day to get things done now? Although I did tell Dennis just yesterday that we're busier now than we were when we were working.
    I hope the injections begin working for you. Pain limits everything you do as you well know. How is your Mom feeling?
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. I had bad salmon and it coincided with me losing my gual bladder. I maybe could eat it again but haven't. Your shot is advertised all the time. I take the Trulicity and also Eliquis which too are always on tv ads. I hope the pain goes away.

  5. It's been a great November with above average temperatures. We start to get cooler on Tues.

  6. Chronic pain is exhausting. Hopefully there is something that will help you. It's been really nice in the part on MN. Next week changes but not too bad.

  7. You look dry like us. I wonder if our winter is going to mild?

  8. Doctors on tv shows provide instant relief when an illness is identified. Don't you wish that would work in real life? I hope your new treatment kicks in soon. A pain diary does not sound like fun.

    I love salmon, my husband doesn't. When we buy our 1/2 steer for the freezer we sometimes get random one packs of steaks since they divide them exactly in 1/2 or 1/4. I will splurge on a nice piece of salmon for me and stick his steak under the broiler.

  9. It’s been gorgeous. I’ve been able to get by without a jacket almost every day this week.

  10. Pain diaries can be depressing to read, I have kept one in the past as did my mum.

  11. That's amazingly warm for up there! I thought you were getting ready for lots of snow, but not with outdoor temperatures like that. Enjoy it while you can.

  12. We were outside in the yard again this morning, doing more clean up while it is dry again. I found myself less able than ever to do much but at least I helped.
    I am so sorry that you are having to deal with so much pain. I want those meds to work for you. I am tired of things not working very well for me.

  13. Good idea on the diary. I've always encouraged my client families to do it.

  14. It has been really nice weather and will be for a while yet, I guess. Winter will be here soon enough so it is nice to have warmer days.
    I hope you will find some relief soon.

  15. Your salmon sounds good. I love it.

  16. Hmmm. So sorry that the Humira isn't working quickly.


  17. Garlic toast sounds good but I really hate salmon. Don’t like any fish, but salmon is by far the nastiest. I can’t work out how come it’s so popular!


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