Thursday, November 9, 2023


 I had quite a time with the Baptismal gown.  It had some difficult stains.  Finally worked some magic with some bleach  and gave it a good wash and rinse.  I bought a steamer because my iron is so old it would have made yucky spots on it. ( I hardly ever use my iron...I think it is about 40 years old)

The gown is pressed good enough for now...I have had it hanging upstairs and will wrap it in white tissue paper and put it away in the box.  Who knows when it will be used again. 

Cross something off my list! 

I mailed the Christmas Ornaments yesterday so I can cross that off my list too.  The fellow in the Post Office was not real happy when I showed up with 20 packages to mail....he said "How many"  "Today?" and looked at the clock.  It took him about 25 minutes....I showed up well before it was time to close.

Had my last eye exam for awhile...I hope.  Saw a specialist...yes I have secondary cataracts but she doesn't think they are bad enough to laser yet.  My being suspect for glaucoma remains the same.  Right now I am stable. Cross that off my list too. 

A few Christmas ornaments were hand delivered.   Yeah us! 

Far Guy is working diligently on the Christmas card address list updating it and alphabetizing it!  What a trooper...he spent so much time learning a new program on his computer.  He cusses occasionally...

Far Side


  1. I'm late, so late. With this move, I've not made a dent in Christmas. Hearing that you and Far Guy are well into the gift giving and card sending is impressive.
    Hooray for the news from the optometrist.

  2. Wow, you got a lot accomplished yesterday. I am impressed. And glad you are finished with the eye doctors for the moment at least.

  3. The postal clerk should thank you for mailing so many packages: it shows the powers that be that the post office is essential to the community. I’ve developed secondary cataracts as well. The optometrist says I’m not ready for laser yet, too. Well keep monitoring.

  4. I understand all about the “cusses occasionally “ and new computer programs! 😂 RHill, TX

  5. The baptismal dress is definitely a family treasure. And I'm guessing the ornament recipients see those as a treasure each year too.

    I had my secondary cataracts lasered summer of 2021. I was amazed at how quick that procedure was. Took longer to wait for the drops to make my eye numb than the actual procedure did. She did just 1 eye at a time so I didn't even need a driver.

  6. Lots of activity at your place! The dress looks clean, what a wonderful tradition.

  7. Did your mother make the beautiful dress?

  8. Good work.
    Yes, I have secondaries, as well.

  9. Gall Creek, No. I enlisted the help of my neighbor Jo, her and I made it together:)

  10. WOW! You are amazing!! Well done eah and every thing!

  11. That is a beautiful dress. I iron quite often since Dennis ALWAYS wears button down shirts. I had my 45 year old iron that I loved. Then don't make them like that anymore. Well, it got dropped about 7-8 years ago and quit working. I have had two irons since then trying to find a comparable one. No luck. They mostly seem to be plastic anymore.
    I finished my last "have to" Christmas present last night. Cards are signed, stamped and ready to mail after Thanksgiving. I'm making Piper a sweater, if it's finished by Christmas I'll wrap it up, but it's not really a gift. Just something she needs. She's put an order in for two more colors of the same pattern! :-) I love, that she wears my sweaters to school every day.
    Have a great day!
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. Wow! You got so much done. It's great checking things off the to-do list!!
    The postal worker should be glad to have the business. People don't seem to realize what side their bread is buttered on these days--lol!

  13. What a beautiful gown and family heirloom! My husband's family had the gown all six of the siblings were baptized in and no one wanted it! I used it for all five of our children and eventually my mother-in-law let me keep it (thank goodness because she sold most heirlooms at garage sales). Now I have photos of all ten of my grandchildren in the gown, too. I did whip up some seersucker gowns for the twins for the actual ceremony but had photos done in grampa's gown.

    You were busy. I use the post office in the neighboring town. They have shorter hours but could not be more pleasant and helpful. It really makes a difference when people are kind. I'm sorry you have to deal with unhappy workers. I was mailing a package and she told me they had just got their Christmas stamps in! I was happy to be reminded and crossed that off my list. Of course I am about three weeks behind on my list as usual.

  14. Don't get too hyped up about the cataracts. They first saw mine when I was about fifty and then kept watching until I was 82 and then said they're ready. So I lost all those years worrying!

  15. I'm just starting on Thanksgiving. Christmas can wait. My daughter did ask me yesterday to start working on a gift wish list, however.
    Congrats on finishing the ornaments!

  16. The last christening in my family was along time ago I think it was Sydney-May and she is 13 now, there are younger family members but their parents never bothered having them christened which to me is a sad thing. I like the christening gown.

  17. My go to method for Christmas card lists is to print it out ahead of time and then as cards come in, cross reference, and make any necessary edits. Then sometime after the first of the year, I will sit down and make all the changes and forget about it for another 10 1/2 months.

  18. You guys are really getting a lot done. I am impressed by your energy and hard work. You may spur me into action one of these fine days! I need to get started on my Christmas cards.

  19. Nice!

    Each time I cross something off my list, I add to it.

    Good thing to be stable...

  20. Thank you so much for the ornament which arrived in yesterday's mail. My kids were fascinated that someone on the internet would send us such a beautiful gift. When we get our tree set up this year, I'll send you a picture!

  21. That gown is beautiful! You and Far Guy are amazing with all you get accomplished! Hats off to you....although I'm not wearing one,

  22. When we get through Thanksgiving guest we will start on Christmas. Mail out all the gifts. I am anxious to see your ornament for the year.


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