Monday, November 6, 2023

Deer Hunt

 Deer hunting season opened here in Minnesota on Saturday.   Far Guy and I used to hunt years ago...actually we liked being in the we live in the woods and can go outside when ever we want!

I come from a hunting family ...all my siblings hunt.

Now a days I hunt with my camera. 

Two fawns and a doe last week in our yard...there was a third fawn but he/she is not in this photo.  They come into the yard every day to eat acorns.

We have one Grandchild that likes to hunt.   She used to spend hunting days with my Dad ( her Great Grandfather).  They both enjoyed hunting together. 

Dad used to call her his good luck hunting charm. 

Maddie got her deer on Saturday.  She said "We saw a couple of bucks, but this one walked right up to the stand and gave me the perfect shot. I am pretty sure Great Grandpa sent her to me, he became my good luck charm."

Photo of Maddie and her deer.

Her Great Grandpa would have been thrilled for her! 

Far Side


The ornament winners are

Barbara   "Scavenger hunts for clues"

Miss Merry  "Dollhouse"

Ed " Fresh cut Cedar tree"

Please email me  captainconnie2001atyahoodotcom with your mailing address.  Congratulations!


  1. In SD we went camping to get out in the woods. We live in the woods now & like you said, we can walk out the door & enjoy the woods. Camping don't seem as appealing as it used to be. That's a good hunting story, good memories.

  2. Congratulations to the winners. Will we be able to see the ornaments one day soon?

  3. I don't come from a hunting family. My family, both sides, were from St. Paul and I guess never considered it.Mark, strangely, doesn't come from a hunting family, either. He grew up rural and on a farm.

  4. I've never been a hunter, unless gophers count. My husband hunted pheasants but nothing else, and no longer does that either. One of my sons-in-law loves to hunt deer and elk, and the oldest grandson has been going with him. He's 12 this year so he might be doing a "mentor hunt" this month.

  5. Great relationship of grandchildren to grandparents. Now I always hear about people getting their deer but I wonder about their butchering abilities?

  6. Thank you so much! I am sending my address. I will be sure to share the story with my grandchildren about how the dollhouse won an ornament. The story might just involve an elf named Connie! Thank you so much!

    We live right at the edge of town and have a huge deer population. We have a herd (group) (squad) on our street. People's cameras have spotted them in early morning and during the night. They like to nibble in gardens and eat our flowers. They also like to run into vehicles. Every night we hear deer vs truck, deer vs car, on our scanner. Once a friend was hit on his z. He was lucky to survive.

    One summer my son had a deer run into the front of his brand new car on a major highway coming home from work. After great debate, the insurance company fixed it. He barely had it two weeks when another deer darted across the same highway, right in front of a state patrol headed in the opposite direction and into my son's car, crashing through the windshield. Somehow he had the presence of mind to immediately throw the car into park and dive out the side. I was telling a friend from up North this story and she said "Gee, in Canada we just shoot them".

  7. Wait, I have an even better story. A developer built a development of condos and a few single family homes. He named one street "White Tail Boulevard" and another street "Deer Track Trail". On my side of town we call it "Deer Droppings".

  8. My dad bow hunted deer, but I don't think anyone else hunts. I'd be a camera hunter. :)

  9. I come from a hunting family too. I shoot, but I don't hunt (I prefer targets with my handguns, though I have a lovely rifle I target shoot with too).
    Like you, I hunt with my camera - though I'm not opposed to a piece of deer meat if it's offered up (or moose, though that's much more rare)

    Congrats to Maddie! Well done!

  10. Maddie looks so proud of her deer. She has such good memories of hunting with your Dad. Granddaughter Kate's partner got an elk but I'm not sure if he shot it or killed it with his bow and arrow, Either way, last night there was elk steak on their menu.

  11. She’s putting food in the freezer.

  12. Such nice photos, and hunting with a camera is the best way to hunt and the type of hunting I would go for. Grandchildren need to spend time with their granparents.

  13. I was a country girl and came from a hunting family. Many in my extended family are hunters. I joined a city family. No hunting for us.

  14. I've hunted a few times though never for deer. There was always more than enough people willing to shoot a deer for me to get processed. I guess I won't ever rule it out but right now in my life, fall is a pretty busy time of my life as it is without adding deer hunting to the mix.

  15. Congratulations to Maddie. Deer season is in here too. Dan has been hunting most days but hasn't killed one. He took pictures of a buck chasing a doe around the pond...when he probably could have shot both of them. Glad he didn't. Our granddaughter Maddie hunts too and recently killed her first deer. She just told us that she pregnant. She and Hunter were married back in June. We're tickled to death!

  16. Is there going to be a grand opening where we get to see this years ornament? I am glad you got them done and the giving away of them is also a lot of fun.

  17. Another lady hunter took a doe here today. Yup deer season is in full swing! Nice story of Maddie and her good luck charm.

  18. Maddie still has the same beautiful smile. I know your Dad would be proud of her. We have friends in Spokane who are avid deer hunters on their property every fall. That's their meat for the year and they're doing an important thing in thinning the deer population. I don't think I could do it though. I just see beautiful animals. :-)
    Congratulations to the lucky winners of the ornaments. Should I confess my disappointment? I'm greedy. Your ornaments are absolute works of art.

  19. Congrats to the winners and it looks like I need to catch up!

    Our hunting season opens up next Saturday. That means 9 days in the house for me.

    I know hubby wishes he could take his grandson out on his first hunt but ... oh well.

    Good job Maddie!


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