Monday, November 27, 2023

Snow on Sunday

 We got a tiny bit of snow.  Nothing that amounts to much. 

Not even shovel worthy.

If we get no snow this Winter we can thank/blame by other baby brother as he bought some expensive snow removal equipment.  He wants it to snow everyday!   He wanted nice weather through Thanksgiving and now it can snow!

Far Side


  1. I go with that theory, too - - that if you are prepared, perhaps the worst won't happen.

  2. Snow and ice are not to my liking. I get depressed when a big storm arrives. If I lived there I’d be crazier than I already am.

  3. We woke up to about an inch of snow yesterday, (Sunday), but it was gone by afternoon. IF we didn't get any snow at all I would be happy but the farmers wouldn't. :-)

  4. We woke up to a few flake this morning. It might be my fault- I put up the Christmas lights on Friday and told Dave "Now we just need snow"

  5. other baby brother is ready for duty! The snowfall here was about the same.

  6. We got a bit more snow then expected. It was so pretty!

  7. We got about an inch of snow over the weekend. Just enough to make the streets and sidewalks slippery and to cover the grass. We need the moisture though.

  8. We took the brunt of that one and ended up with three inches. Fortunately it was still warm enough that the roads are all clear this morning and about half of what fell on the grass is gone too.

    I remember the year I finally bought a snow blower. I was all excited about getting snow and mother nature really delivered that year. But I'm all over it and though I still have that snow blower and it is ready should I need it, I hope it sits there all winter long unused!

  9. I don't think we have to wish very long and we will get snow. we have about 2 in on the ground now.

  10. There were snowflakes in the air as we left Minot yesterday morning, but it ended fairly shortly. There had definitely been more snow north of there, and especially as we crossed the border. I did shovel the walkway and driveway when I got home.

    Tell other baby brother, this reader would appreciate no snow until after Christmas! Or maybe a light dusting on Christmas Eve.

  11. We got enough to cover the grass and it is still here because it is way too cold to melt (6 degrees last night)--lol! I don't mind the snow, it's the ice that is so dangerous. The older and slower I get the more I don't want to fall--lol! :)

  12. I have no doubt that you will get snow, just like we will get rain.

  13. Snow we don't have any here, I suspect it would melt pretty fast if we did as you know we are coming into summer.

  14. If you do get a good dump of snow your brother will be ready for it! Maybe soon...

  15. We got a couple of inches yesterday so it's white all over....but I see mid-30's ahead and that makes me happy.

  16. We have missed the first storm, it went out over the lake and socked New York. I hear we may get a few flakes tomorrow? It is what it is.

  17. I need to get my snowblower started soon so I don't have to do it in the severe cold. I only used it four times last year but this year may be another story. I like your red envelopes.


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