Sunday, November 26, 2023

Saturday stuff

We had an eventful morning.  We loaded up Ranger Blue with recycles and garbage for the transfer station...on the way there we encountered blue and red flashing lights.  It was a Conservation Officer...he wanted us to turn on the headlights of the Ranger, he also wants us to display larger letters of our license number ( the place where we bought the Ranger said ours were just fine) and he wants us to drive on the shoulder of the road.  He ran Far Guy's Drivers License.  No ticket just a warning.   Our Ranger is street legal ( it has mirrors and turn signals) driving on Township and County roads is my opinion he was a little picky.   

 Far Guy finished the Christmas letter, soon they will be tucked into the cards and mailed. We ran out of ink so we made a trip to town.  Town was really busy...we grabbed our printer ink, milk and light bulbs and left the store as quickly as possible.  I think we stood in line longer than we shopped.  After our printing was finally complete we had a nap.  Our weather is cold. 

We had chicken alfredo and green beans for supper.  Far Guy watched some Hockey in the evening.  

I watched two very good movies yesterday.  Love actually...I enjoyed it so much I may watch it again.  Over on tubi there was a show called Finders Fee that was written and directed by Survivor's Jeff Probst that I also found interesting. 

Far Side


  1. They've been cracking down on those vehicles in our town, mostly because of the popularity of the Razor which can go really fast and I've not seen a street legal version yet though they probably exist.

  2. That officer would be super busy in my neck of the woods. Half the folks running around on the roads don't have any license to operate on the county roads and are a huge hazard to traffic going 55 mph. You come around a steep curve and ....there they are ...speeding at their top speed and wobbling around.

    We have at least one to two roll overs and rescues a week in our county with them.
    They do have their place. I'd like one for our farm but they are so pricey now and hard to get.

    Sounds like the Conservation Officer was really picky.

    I will go back to town on Monday. I avoided it this weekend.

  3. It does sound as though he went a bit overboard. A vehicle designed to be driven on the street ought not to be driven on the shoulder.
    There were line ups here too but I seemed to pick the right time to check out so never waited more than a couple of minutes.

  4. I think that officer was way too picky. If Ranger Blue is street legal, there is no reason why you should have to drive on the shoulder! And that right there is part of the reason people don't like the police sometimes.
    I haven't stepped inside a store in over 2 weeks. I know it will be craziness out there for the next month but I do like to people watch around the holidays.
    I hope your Sunday is nice and relaxing. We're heading out to pick up the kids in a few minutes and after the airport trip, we'll come home and start undecorating the fall things. We had an inch or so of snow last night and pumpkins don't look quite right!
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. I drive my mule to Laura’s in the evening without lights. Only a bit is on the county road but I’m sure I’m illegal. My lights run off the battery only so I rarely use them. Larry bought the Mule in 2008. It’s a great thing to have. Where did you find the first movie. I might try to find it. I have Netflix and Amazon Prime. Was it on one of those?

  6. It seems to be all up to the interpreter of the rules what the rules are. And the individuals don't always agree in their interpretation. *sigh* (Happening over here in a totally different way.)

    Woke up to snow and wind today. Stay warm, you two! :)

  7. Well, that is a surprise to be stopped by a conservation officer. He does sound picky. I have not used tube. Maybe I should.

  8. Have a great Sunday and take care!
    Love from Titti

  9. Galla Creek , Yes Love actually was in the Holiday section of Netflix:)

  10. Over-board is the name of the officer. John Gotta Ya Over-Board. I've met him.

  11. Maybe he was a new officer. Sometimes they can be zealous. My son is a detective that gets pulled for road duty when they are shorthanded. He would not even stop a couple like you for a warning. He has taken classes on observation and feels a court appearance for size of numbers is a waste of time. He pulled one guy over for a missed turn signal and found counterfeit bills in the console. He just has esp (or good training on that stuff). He doesn't share much, but sadly just returned from a week in Chicago where he testified for the federal justice system on a state wide predator who targeted young girls by text (and found his way to a phone in our small town). He is after the big cheeses.
    I love Tubi. I discovered it when we got a Roku device for our tv. I always say I will never live long enough to see all the series I find on Tubi. Thanks for another recommendation!

  12. Seeing those blue lights can make one feel nervous even when we know we have done nothing wrong, it is good you just got a warning

  13. That officer, I agree, was being too picky. Police departments all over the country are shorthanded and it amazes me this officer took the time out to pick on you for something that, if it even was an issue (I don't think it was), needed to have all that time put into it. But at least you weren't issued a ticket.

  14. Picky jerks like the conservation officer are irritating.

  15. Sounds like that officer needed something to do.
    Love Actually is a very popular Christmas movie. We watched it again last year.

  16. Sounds like the Conservation Officer has too much time on his hands! 🙂

    But your evening sounds nice and relaxing, and I enjoyed "Love Actually" too - And its 'message' about the holidays.

  17. Shopping can be exhausting. I need a nap after shopping too.

    Sorry about the trouble with the conservation guy. It sounds like he's kind of picky.

  18. I agree - the officer did seem a bit picky. But at least he didn't hand out any tickets.

  19. We love "Love Actually" and have it on DVD. It is part of our Christmas tradition to watch it.

  20. Well that was an interesting ride.... hmmm


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