Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Hills

 Now that Deer Hunting is over we ventured back into the Smoky Hills. 

There was ice on the beaver pond.

Proof of beaver life...the shrub on the front right of the photo has been trimmed recently.  It was a really nice Ranger Blue ride.

The road through the hills is in great shape.  We did see two hunters.  Not sure what they were hunting. 

Far Side


  1. Nice road, it looks like one of our town roads! :-O

    Ice on the ponds already!
    The beavers sure do a lot of work on brush and shrubs.

  2. My brother has been out hunting elk, but no luck yet.
    Looks like a great evening for a drive.

  3. I much prefer you guys hunting with a camera on Ranger Blue. ;)

  4. It's so good you have Ranger Blue working again! These photos look peaceful.

  5. Deer hunting season always makes me nervous. Between lots more of them trying to cross roads in front of my car, and the danger of hunters mistaking people or other animals for deer . . .

    The paths through the woods looks so peaceful. What lovely places to ride. One of my oldest friends lives between Renville and Redwood Falls, along a creek and about a mile from the Minnesota River. She does daily walks, usually with a dog, along similar paths through the woods. They also have beaver dams and my girls got to hike to those when they were kids. She posts lots of pictures of her walking views. Peaceful Minnesota woods, except for deer hunting season I guess.

  6. It looks like a beautiful ride. Could they be hunting turkeys?

  7. Hunting season still going strong here. At Thanksgiving that will end and the bird hunting season will begin.

  8. Brrrr It looks chilly with the ice on the pond.

  9. Such nice photos that made me feel relaxed and happy

  10. I'm going to have to check for ice here. It's been so mild I didn't think about ice.

  11. Brothers are great to have. Glad he got you on the back roads again.

  12. It is nice to get out and just ride. We were warm today so we had no ice. We have too much development even in the timbers around here that they can't do any hunting.

  13. Not much color left there, but looks like a good ride.

  14. Looks like a beautiful ride. Watch out for hunters.


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