Friday, November 24, 2023


 Blame it on the turkey.  

  My baby brother and his bride took Mom out of the Nursing Home for church and dinner at their home.  Mom had a long nap at their place after church.  She seem to be getting better after her bout with Covid....she is back to walking again.   

I had a three hour nap after our meal together.  Turkey will do that to you!  We had enough food for many more people and it was all delicious.

Old church and graveyard South of Detroit Lakes, photo taken last weekend. 

Far Side


  1. The ability of a turkey dinner to put people to sleep is well known. 😄 I don't need the help so I had chicken.
    Glad to hear your mom is recovering. I'm sure she enjoyed her time with family.

  2. A good nap is worth its weight in gold.

    We had a regular supper but I actually did a no fail turkey breast and it was good.


  3. I'm sure your mom enjoyed getting out to church and dinner with family. Probably enjoyed her nap too. I also blame it on the turkey - I was asleep by 10:30 last night, which means I was wide awake and up at 5:30 this morning. Definitely not my usual morning time.

  4. Holidays are always fun but tiring, I think.
    Glad your mom is feeling better. :)

  5. A three hour nap must have been much-needed. I always said that once I took daytime naps I'd know I was old. Well, I must be old because now I can, and do, take naps.

  6. I was exhausted last evening and went to bed early. Good to know your mom is better.

  7. I am glad you had a good dinner. My turkey grandchildren kept me from going to sleep after eating turkey. We are quit at home again.

  8. I don't do well with daytime naps. I just hope I sleep well tonight.
    Today was friends breakfast, that an hour session at physical therapy then lunch then grocery shopping. I parked myself in front to the computer and now it's growing dark, so I think me work is done.

  9. Very good news to hear that your Mom was well enough to spend the day with all of you. Dennis picked our Mom up too and took her to Mandy's for the day. She only lasted about four hours until she was ready to go home, but at least she saw two of her grands and two great-grands.
    I'm back to normal today after 3 full days of being sick. Amazing how much better I am just since yesterday! We went to the zoo and I walked miles today. So much fun! Not many people since it was 18F and a Nebraska game was a home game. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. I managed to skip the nap, but overslept this morning. I think I need to eat turkey as an evening snack so I can sleep through the night. Glad your mom could get out for a bit with family.

  11. Although I could of napped, I wasn't able too. Because it was the death anniversary of my mom, I honor her by always doing her favorite hike on that day which I had to squeeze in after the traditional turkey feed. But I did sleep especially well that night.


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