Sunday, June 4, 2023

June Book Club

 We read The Silent Patient.  I give it 2 stars out of 10.  I do not understand why it was a best seller.  

I had to force myself to read it.  

In other happenings, I am mowing the grass, killing weeds and trying to control ants...summer is here. 

We have a heat advisory for the weekend.

Far Side


  1. Sounds like the warm weather is making up for lost time. It wasn't long ago I was hoping you stayed warm, and now I'm saying keep cool.

  2. A 2 out of 10 - definitely makes me NOT have any interest in reading it. I had to look it up on Amazon, and it sure doesn't sound like a book I would enjoy either.

    Gnats are the big insect problem here. Everyone I know is complaining about the swarms of gnats that are keeping them from enjoying their porches and gardens. And nothing seems to work to keep them away.

  3. Ah, mowing grass! I do believe I spend more time mowing in the summertime than anything else. It is a stress reliever for me though...unless it's 900 degrees like it was yesterday. Have a blessed Sunday!

  4. I have found myself asking the same question, how is this book a New York Times best seller.

    Having to read books I am not interested in, is the main reason I decided not to join a book club. I am not as disciplined as you are and just wouldn't read it. Hope your next book scores much higher!

    I just finished "The Scent Keeper" and loved it! Towards the end I only allowed myself to read small sections, to make it last longer lol. I didn't want it to end.

  5. I looked it up on Amazon and it does sound quite weird!

  6. We've got an extreme heat warning here, with temps to rise to 30C(86F) or above for the entire week. I'm grateful to have a/c.

    Boiling water for the ants? Good luck.

  7. sallysmom, Yes I buy hardcover books from Thrift books...I like a real book I can take anywhere:) I do have a kindle that has lots of books that I read from time to time:)

  8. I've read a couple of his books and liked them. It was probably a best seller because others had liked his books, too. So they bought this one. It's been so hot it's difficult to get anything done.

  9. Hot enough for a heat advisory is not good news.

  10. I remember when the book came out. I feel like it to be a waste of time when something is badly written or is horrid subject matter. We had a pbs show we just had to quit watching.

  11. In Minnesota you blink and there goes spring!

  12. Whew! It must be tough reading a book you are not really into .

  13. I am so far behind on my pile of books to be read. And it makes me so mad that I require myself to read these books when some of them are just stinky.

  14. If I can't get into a book by about page 50-60, I give it up. I have way too many books to make myself read a bad one. Sometimes I give them up due to a bad story and sometimes just because I don't like the writing style of the writer. Better luck on your next one!

  15. I don't feel guilty about tossing aside a book I don't like. Life's too short. (Unless it's required reading for a course)
    Are you getting smoke from the forest fires to the north. It's awful here! My breathing is bad.

  16. It seems like just yesterday you were still having snow. Did I miss when June finally went away? I tried to keep up during the move, but I'm afraid I may have missed some days.
    I'm like the last poster. I give myself just a little while to get into a book, if I haven't done in by page 40 or so, off it goes. Since I get most of my books at the library these days, I'm not out anything.
    Stay cool.
    Blessings and hugs,

  17. I'd have a hard time forcing myself to read a book I didn't enjoy. I did see that aurora loved The Scent Keeper and I've requested that one from the library.

  18. Karen, Lately the smoke has avoided us, we hope that trend continuers:)

  19. Ooh...I LOVED this book. Read it when it came out and then sent it to my granddaughter who loved it too. I liked the whole thing! I liked how we could learn so much even though the patient was silent. I liked how her psychotherapist interacted with her. I enjoyed that is was a psychological thriller that we were slowly led into...deeper and deeper. Like "Retirement Coffee Shop" said, I set a page limit to decide if I like the book or not. I learned of the 100-page rule a long time ago and have tended to follow that. But I have a second 100-page rule and that is if I have 100 pages left in a book, I will finish it in one sitting (and let the chores wait.)


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