Sunday, June 25, 2023

Wild Roses and Beans

 The Wild Roses are in bloom.  Fun to see. 

It was a rainy humid day here yesterday.  I visited Mom in the Nursing Home, my sister called and was stopping by a favorite pie place and wanted to know what kind of pie I wanted??? Sour Cream and Raisin of course. She and Mom had Oregon Berry pie.  After pie I ran some errands in town. 

Today is supposed to be I have beans that have been soaking overnight that will become baked beans...I like Great Northern and Pinto beans the best for baked beans.  Most will end up in the freezer in individual servings to enjoy with burgers or brats throughout the summer.

Far Side


  1. How do you freeze your beans to keep them from getting mushy?

  2. I never did get the how to do the whole bean thing to make it into homemade baked beans like mom and Grandma made.
    They sound delicious though! I do miss the homemade ones!

  3. I always thought baked beans were supposed to be made with pork & beans. I discovered a recipe for cowboy beans that is a variation of baked beans using 5 different kinds of beans. It's now my favorite baked beans recipe. It makes a big batch in the crockpot. I froze a couple of bags to have for camping & such. Karen

  4. sour cream and raisin...never heard of it! But, it certainly sounds inviting. I love the idea of you making your own baked beans. Me, I am afraid, just opens up a can.

  5. I had to look up Sour Cream & Raisin pie. Never heard of it. Nice of your sister to bring pie to share with you/your mom. I am sure it was the highlight of your mom's day :)

  6. I noticed the prairie roses at the side of the road as I drove to the farm on Friday, but didn't stop for a photo. They are so pretty!

    Sounds like a nice visit with your mom and sister. Yum, pie!


  7. Do you have a recipe for your baked beans that you like. Would love to have it Have a great day

  8. Gotta love a good slice of pie! The wild roses are beautiful and remind me of the bushes my Mom had along the ditch that ran by the farmhouse.

  9. We have the heat and humidity today. I plan to lay low!
    Gosh your pie sounds delicious!!!!

  10. I keep saying I have to try that raisin and sour cream pie....

  11. Sallysmom, I freeze servings of baked beans in quart ziplock bags:)

  12. I had never heard of sour cream raisin pie until I met Mark. I made one for him long ago. I really don't like that pie! So, I never made it again.

  13. I am glad you got some pie. I miss it but still cheat with thin slice, one eighth, of wild berry. Apple doesn't affect my numbers too badly but some people use a lot more sugar than others. When you wear a monitor you can not cheat without telling the whole world with loud beeps. I wash off pork and beans and eat just the beans and the starch isn't too much if I measure it.

  14. Great Northern are my favorite beans for beans too. I haven't made them in a while though. I use pinto beans to make my refried beans. I've never had sour cream and raisin pie... it sounds interesting!

  15. surprised to see the roses. Our roses are finished.

  16. Sour cream and raisin pie, that makes me think of my father. He talked about it as a favorite, but we hardly ever had it. Now Oregon Marion Berry pie I know all about! Those berries came from practically next door where I grew up in the Willamette Valley, in Clackamas County, just a few miles from the border with Marion County. Yep, where the berries come from.

  17. Nothing smells as wonderful as wild roses!! The Rugosas come close though.
    Good idea making a big batch of Baked Beans on a cool day. No matter what the temperature will be on the weekend we'll have Baked Beans at our BBQ on July First.

  18. Gosh Connie, Sour Cream Raisin pie is our favorite pie too! And I bet your baked beans turn out great. Unfortunately my stomach can't take baked beans but I sure love them. Aren't your wild roses just beautiful!

  19. I make a version of baked beans that we call Cowboy beans made with five kinds of beans. My Grandma used to make sour cream raisin pie but the recipe died with her. She always refused to share her recipes and she was the best cook. I would love to have some of them. She would go so far as to turn her back away when she measured ingredients so you couldn't see! She took it VERY seriously. :-)

  20. Nice of your sister to bring pie. And I'm glad you have all those beans... I love beans too.

  21. Those pies sure sound good and the beans too although that's something I can't hoo!

  22. The smell of wild roses is the absolute best! I remember riding past a bank of them in full bloom and it was intoxicating. I stopped my horse and breathed deeply of the scent.
    I'm going to have to look up Oregon Berries and see if they are the same as what we call Oregon Grapes.

  23. Ok so I checked- definitely not the same.

  24. I had that wild rose growing next to my patio at the old place. I didn't move any with me but do like it. I saw the same rose in Maine next to a light house overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. If I could find a rural road I might find it growing there.


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