Friday, June 9, 2023

Floating Water Garden

 The swans ate all but one tomato plant, the squash look a little sick, the beans are growing a bit and the strawberries are doing okay.

It was a good experiment...and it is still floating!

We finally got some rain on Wednesday our gauge shows 1 1/2 inches.  It cooled off a bit after the rain.

It was a little smoky several days this week.

Far Side


  1. Well, at least it's still floating, and the strawberries are doing OK. Sorry about the swans eating the tomato plants though, and also about the smoke.

  2. The floating garden is such an interesting idea. Maybe it needs sides to make it harder for those swans to get a snack. We're having a wonderful rain this morning, and it's much needed.

  3. You don't know until you try! Maybe adding chicken wire would help keep critters at bay.

  4. You don't know until you try. You tried. We've had no rain but it is a little cooler.

  5. I wouldn't have thought anything would eat the bitter tomato leaves. It's an interesting experiment and will be fun to see if anything can be harvested. We have a warning today about air quality too. I almost feel like I'm back in Spokane.

  6. Hmmm...who knew swans like tomatoes? It is definitely an interesting experiment.

    We're hazy again here today, the sun has the funky glow to it. Glad you got a bit of rain!

  7. Who knew swans loved tomato plants! :)

  8. That's interesting, I haven't seem that done before. Don't the plants get too much water? Maybe why the squash looks sick?
    Your lilac tree looks like French Lilac.
    Good thing Baxter didn't get snapped. that would hurt!

  9. I hope the experiment is successful. Severe thunderstorms have it this area every afternoon for over a week. Moisture is welcome, but I can do without all the thunder and lightning.

  10. I'll bet the swans thought they had hit a gold mine!

  11. That smoke from Canada even has drifted to our state. We got a shower of rain this morning. It was a blessing.

  12. That is interesting ~ if it isn't the deer it is the swans! :) Be interesting if the strawberries bear fruit. We got the rain too! We needed it!

  13. That looks interesting. Margie, in B.C., has a houseboat and gardens this way. I just don't have the energy.

  14. That floating garden is so neat!

    Hope we get some of that rain here! They say Sunday, but they often lie.

  15. Who knew that swans are the white tailed deer of the water.

  16. How interesting! Did you have to use special pots? My husband has just taken up gardening, using some kind of wicking system. Seems to be working so far, but time will tell. Have a good weekend!

  17. Coloring outside the lines, The pots have slits all around, it is my brothers project.

  18. See I never would have considered swans to be a problem with tomatoes! Lesson learned. We haven't had any rain since mid-May. Maybe early May. Our grass is brown. We're trying to keep our shrubs and flowers alive, but it's touch and go.

  19. Rain and cooling off must feel pretty good.

  20. Sadly, not all experiments end well, but I hope, if you don't give up, that you will have some success and not all of your work would have been wasted. It's an interesting experiment. It fascinates me that some creatures can eat things that are poisonous to us, and vice-versa. Who would have thought of swans eating tomato plants?

  21. It looks like a hydroponic garden in a way. Pretty cool.
    Also cool that you have swans. Too bad they ate the tomatoes.

  22. Thanks for the update on the floating garden. Now I wonder what would be successful.

  23. Just replaced tomato plants today. The Amish home nursery we always purchased from closed up and the family moved out west this winter. We tried another nursery and results were not great. My daughter plants annuals and they are looking pretty sad, too. We found a third family nursery and I am hopeful this is it.

    We have not had rain in as long as I can remember. The farmers are getting very nervous. I told my grandkids they need to start doing a rain dance. We can smell smoke in the evenings and it is very hazy over Lake Erie. I pray these fires end soon.

  24. A good experiment, but I would have been pretty annoyed to see my tomato plants gone into a swan's stomach! :-)

  25. So glad to hear you got some rain. We are still badly in need of it. I would love to see at least an inch in our rain gauge....there is a chance we could get some tonight/tomorrow morning.

  26. Who knew swans would eat them? Do you think the plants are too wet?


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