Saturday, June 10, 2023


 My Mom is struggling with a Urinary Tract Infection, she is improved after a ambulance ride and a stay in the hospital in ICU.  She has a few other health issues that are being addressed at this time, she has very nice nurses and is getting excellent care.  She was moved out of ICU last night to a regular room. Whether or not she will be able to go back to her apartment is questionable. 

My siblings and I have been keeping her company.  In fact she may need less visitors and more rest.

It rained cats and dogs here on Friday night.

Far Side


  1. Yikes, but good about the rain.

    Not good about what is going on with your mom. UTI's are pretty awful to go
    I hope she was able to get comfortable.

  2. So sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she feels better. Those UTIs can be nasty and dangerous.
    Those ferns look beautiful. I hope you are getting enough rest, too.

  3. I'm so sorry that your mom is struggling with health issues. I'm sure she appreciates having you all near by for company.

  4. Sorry to hear of your mom's struggles. I hope she improves and can return to her own place.

  5. Sounds like your mom is where she needs to be for her care. Sending my best healing wishes.

    You are a lucky duck getting a generous amount of rain! Send some our way!! We *might* get some desperately needed rain this weekend...maybe if I get my rain dance on?!

  6. I am sorry for your mom who has been very sick. It is a blessing that she is receiving such wonderful care. Once again I am impressed at how well you and your siblings work together taking care of a parent. Even though we know how life goes with aging, it is still hard on our hearts to watch it progress with loved ones.

  7. I'm sorry about your mom. She raised good kids. We need rain desperately, doesn't look like we will get it anytime soon.

  8. Sending healing prayers for your Mom.

  9. UTIis are Horrible. So miserable and very, very uncomfortable. I hope they have helped her by the time you read this.

  10. So sorry to hear about your mom's health issues. I hope she is fellow better soon.
    Decisions about care are often difficult. I recall a meeting with the doctor, nurse, and a social worker when Dad went into the nursing home.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom being so sick. UTI's are so dangerous in the elderly as you probably know. They can go so long undetected and then are hard to clear up. I sure hope your Mom can go back to her apartment. I'll be praying for her and you kids.

  12. With your mom's declining health it is so good that she has her family nearby to visit her and keep track of her care.
    I have found with my recent experiences in health care that the nurses are just wonderful. They are the lifeblood of our medical profession.

  13. Sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she feels better soon.

  14. Sorry that your Mom hasn't been well. Hopefully she'll be feeling better soon and maybe even be able to return to her apartment.
    How I wish you could send some rain this way. We did get 11mm in the past 24 hours but that is almost literally a drop in the bucket.

  15. A combination of a number of issues just creates a bigger problem. I hope they solve these issues as soon as possible.

  16. Sorry about your Momma. Very happy you got a “cats and dogs” rain.

  17. We have been 21-30 days with no rain, depending on who I talk to.

    I'm so sorry about your mom. UTI infections are miserable and I know she is very fragile. I hope she will heal soon and be able to return to her apartment. It is so hard to be our parent's caretakers. She will be in my prayers.

  18. Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she will get better and be able to go back to her apartment soon.
    We have only gotten 1/3rd of an inch of rain in the past few weeks. Praying hard to get more....I'm glad that your area is getting some. Before we know it, we will be to the longest day of the year, once again.

  19. I don't know why the very elderly are plagued with those darn UTIs. My father had an awful go with them too. Did your Mom get all confused and disoriented like my Da used to?

  20. Sorry to hear this, hope she is starting feel better. I send prayers and strength to your family, these are difficult times.

  21. Karen, UTI 's and the elderly is very difficult, they go from okay to very ill just like that. Their Immune system is old and cannot fight it off.

  22. That's weird because she h as been in my thoughts and prayers lately. I hope she recovers.


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