Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Hide and Seek

 I went to visit my Mom in "the home" while Far Guy had an eye appointment.   Mom was nowhere  to be found, her phone and oxygen were in her room.  A few of the Nurses said she was last seen in the hallway walking....perhaps they should have noticed that she did not have her oxygen??  I asked every nurse and aide that I saw.  I checked bathrooms,  tv rooms, therapy rooms,  gazabo and lunch rooms.   I sent texts to my siblings just incase one of them had her. 

I headed over to her apartment in the adjoining building....she was not there either and the people I encountered had not seen her.  On my way back down the activity director was knocking on doors.  Mom was visiting old neighbors...which was just fine except no one knew it.  

Crisis was averted, Nursing Home staff were very apologetic...but someone or a number of someones dropped the ball. 

After I got Mom back in her room, the Doctor came to check her out. 

Elderly hide and seek...what is next? 

Far Side

Mom in 1953.



  1. Now that we know she is safe, I love that she made a break for it! Glad all ended well.

  2. I worked in a nursing home for a few months after university (I was the accountant), and I recall a number of residents who wore bracelets that would sound an alarm if the resident went beyond certain borders. In those cases, it was due to dementia or Alzheimers causing them to wander.
    Your mom, however, obviously has her faculties about her. I wonder, would she use a white board to let the staff know where she'll be.
    I can imagine it was a bit worrisome when she couldn't be quickly located.

  3. Oh no! My panic would have increased as the search went on. Not a fun game. Glad your mom was okay.

  4. Yes, tragedy averted but I wonder if she wasn't just a bit happy she had pulled it off! LOL! That smile in her photo looks like she is capable of mischief!
    So glad she is okay. I bet you got your exercise yesterday!

  5. Things like that scare the bejeezus out of me! I am so glad she was just fine. Whew!

  6. I can imagine how you felt and actually think I know how you felt. We went through the same thing with Mom on Monday. Couldn't find her anywhere. She gets so confused and yet she walks outside around the buiding several times a day. I worry so much that she'll try to walk to Target or Walgreens a few blocks away. She was also visiting someone. She doesn't know them and had inadvertantly walked into the ladies room but they were both having a nice conversation. I, meanwhile, was having a nervous breakdown.

  7. Looks like you’re Mom is wearing jeans! Very modern for that day and time!

  8. All's well that ends well I suppose but what panic in the meanwhile. I'm glad your Mom just went visiting.

  9. I am sure your mom thought she was doing great. My father-in-law stayed with us for seven years. We came home and he was just gone. A neighbor called the cops. An old man in town put him in his truck and took him over to see his woodworking projects. Father-in-law was basically blind and would walk up town to the cafe in the pm.

  10. A few very stressful minutes. So were some rules set up?

  11. Oh, that sounds stressful! I know nursing homes are understaffed but it's inexcusable that she could ditch her oxygen and disappear without anyone noticing!

  12. Well Connie, I'm glad that alls well that ends well.....I guess. Thankfully she was all right and just visiting old neighbors.
    That happened to us once with my husband's dad, although our case didn't end so well.
    We got to the nursing home to see his dad and he wasn't in his room. Finally somebody came down the hall to get us and tell us he had passed away overnight. Glad your mom story was a lot nicer than that.

  13. Mom didn't know she was missing. She thought she was just fine. I'm glad your fears were alleviated.

  14. Hide and Seek is NOT a fun game. I never did like it


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