Sunday, April 2, 2023

June is huge!

 Our snowbank named June is enormous!

My other baby brother did a great job tending to June over the winter.  The snow in our yard and driveway has to go someplace and that place is June. 

We ran errands in town.   Groceries and some misc stuff.  We napped in the afternoon. 

Far Side


  1. I am not surprised at all that June is imposing! Welcome back to the woods! :)

  2. Welcome Home! Yes indeed, June is impressive.

  3. I won't be surprised if June sticks around until June. We're getting more snow today. You'll likely get it next.

  4. From the forecast, it sounds likeJune May grow even more this week. Stay safe.

  5. It's going to take a while for June to disappear this year!

  6. Always nice to see the state of June. And I already miss Sadie. :-)

  7. Some people name everything!

  8. Driving past the shopping mall parking lot I noticed a huge snowbank that is all that's left of the snow that was piled up months ago. It takes a long time for something that big to melt.

  9. Having a brother is wonderful. They are a great help to their sisters. All three of mine are gone,

  10. Well, I wondered about June. Thanks for the update.

  11. When do you think June will be leaving you? Maybe by May.

  12. Welcome home. June is huge! It looks so very cold in last post. Goodness! You sure have a bunch of special grandchildren. Adam and Noah look like perfect grandsons.

  13. Wow June is huge! And I was moaning over the three inch pile in the backyard! Naps are wonderful!

  14. Glad you're home and getting your errands done. I think we have a few of June's relatives in our neighborhood! :)

  15. I'm so glad that you're safely home. June is ginormous! She's going to take awhile to melt this year.
    How is Little Elvis coping with the two of you gone?

  16. Hi, June!!! Will you beable to stick around until July? Or do you have to melt away :)

  17. Naps after errands are a good idea if you ask me.

    And, yep, the snow has to go somewhere. Shame you can't just send me some of it.


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