Monday, April 3, 2023

Confused Robins!

 Three Robins were in our yard yesterday. 

There is a Robin in the tree. I know... I know not a great photo. 

Here is our April 2nd Robin! This is the only patch of grass in our yard and I doubt that the earthworms have thawed out. 

Far Side

First Robins In Our Yard:
April 19 2008, April 11 2009, April 5 2010, April 4 2011, March 23 2012, April 27 2013, April 9 2014,  April 24  2015, April 21 2016, April 5 2017, April 29 2018,
some time in late May 2019, March 31 2020, April 4 2021, unknown 2022, April 2 2023.


  1. You can see brown grass there! Yup--fooling the robins--LOL! ;)

  2. Even the birds are ready for Spring. Karen

  3. Oh wow, June is huge!

    I haven't kept track of the Robins, but generally they have been showing up in March here and I recall the big snow we had a few years ago in the middle of April when so many Robins expired for lack of food...I think.
    My Grandmother always had everyday notations on weather, birds, and the changing seasons in her little diaries. It was interesting to read that long after she was gone.

    She was an observer, like you.

  4. I just saw my first robin of the year this morning. There were 2 of them in the tree outside my office window. They'll probably be sorry they came back north when it starts to snow again.

  5. I've yet to see a robin here - which is good as we've had more snow. But knowing that they've reached you makes me hopeful they, and spring, will be here soon.

  6. I have not yet seen a robin in our yard but on Saturday I saw a bluebird sitting on the back fence. That surely means that spring is just around the corner, right? Have a great week!

  7. Those robins are in for a surprise when your storm hits up there!

  8. I live in a place where robins don't go away for the winter, but I understand the excitement of seeing your first one in spring time. Cheer-up, cheer-up!

  9. Haven't seen a robin yet but I know they're here.

  10. From that angle, June really is massive! Glad you’ve spotted some robins in your yard.

  11. Maybe making the most of the lull in the bad weather? Hope they have somewhere safe and warm to return to if you get more storms or white stuff.

  12. I wonder what Robins find to eat with the ground still frozen!!

  13. I looked but never found the robin in the tree. However, the one on the ground was casting a long shadow!

  14. Poor robins.....I always feel like they come back too soon. One year we noticed one out in a tree in January and he stayed the whole winter. I don't know if he missed his flight South or what...but he stayed the whole winter. At least it makes us think Spring now doesn't it? Tell that "June" to get lost!

  15. Wait, Didn't she who sees Robins see them first???

  16. We have had Robins for well over a month. I wish I wrote down the dates we first see them. When our daughter lived in Indianapolis for a while, I would see one there all winter. But never here in my yard. And when it gets real dry from lack of rain, they leave my yard then.

  17. I saw robins two weeks ago here and they have been fluttering all over the place this week. We don't have any snow on the ground here though. It's unbelievable how there seems to be a line drawn right about Sioux City for snow north of us.

  18. A few times we've had robins overwinter. I'm sure they will be fine.

  19. It is surprising that they show up at all until the snow is gone. I have yet to get my yearly nest under our deck.


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