Wednesday, April 19, 2023


 A package in the mail from South Dakota! 

Sara writes a blog called My Sewing Room and sews some lovely things and I admired the cat fabric she chose for this bag!  The bag has three zippered compartments inside. It is the perfect carry along that will hold numerous things!  Thank you Sara!

Another nice surprise was that Spring has arrived momentarily with the Pussy Willows.

We are not holding our breath on Springs arrival as Winter will be back in a few days with snow. 

Far Side


  1. I certainly hope the snow is behind us for good down here. But we do have another brief dip of very cold temps comping this weekend which has me worried about my fruit crop since we have some trees blossoming. Last year we lost all our cherries and most of our apples due to a late freeze.

  2. Nice. I hope you don't get the storm like we did. But who knows what April likes to bring about?

    Love the pussy willows, ours have finished with their blossoms and are now yellow and dropping off with the last ice/snow event. It all melted and now it is raining.
    Mud! LOL!

  3. It's always nice to be surprised by lovely gifts in the mail like that. And I'm sure you enjoyed your glimpse of Spring. Hope you don't see too much more snow before Spring comes to your area for good.

  4. I couldn't think of a better recipient for the bag. Hope you enjoy it. Pussy Willows - that sure brings me a bunch of memories. Spring in the Minnesota River valley.

  5. What a lovely bag. That fabric is great! It sure put a big smile on my face. Sorry about more snow on the way. I don't know how you do it up there. Tough folks in Minnesota for sure! :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. That's a lovely bag, very nice!

    Hooray for the pussy willows, and I do hope the amount of snow you get isn't much. We're currently in the midst of a blizzard. Some areas are expecting mega amounts of snow, I'm hopeful we'll only see 10-20 cms. Fingers crossed!

  7. The Aspen have been showing signs of Spring with fuzzy buds too.

  8. Love the pussywillows. Only my pink and black ones got catkins. I think I need to move my grey one to a sunnier spot - it went straight to leaves!

  9. That is such a cute bag and perfect for you!
    Snow again? I hadn't heard that yet. Maybe they'll be wrong, but flooding and snow seem to often be a spring mix here.
    Love the pussywillows!

  10. Winter has made a come-back here also. Or, actually, maybe March with its very bad winds. Sigh

  11. Love the photos! Winter came back here today. Heat is on as I type.

  12. A very pleasant surprise! We've had rain, more coming this afternoon. Spring will be here by June. Maybe!

  13. I think we're gonna miss the storm!

  14. Such a cute and useful bag! How sweet of her!

    We were freezing yesterday, sunny and short sleeves today. April. Bah Humbug.

  15. Two fun things! That bag looks complicated to sew. I do love pussy willows.

  16. Love the pussy glad to hear that Spring is coming your way. We are stuck in Winter here for awhile yet. Pretty cold temps and snow,snow,snow here yet.

  17. That's a pretty little bag. I love Pussy Willows. Ours are all done already.

  18. What a wonderful surprise & bag. That colorful print is purrrfect! Sorry, I couldn't resist *^*

    Beautiful pussy willow shot!

  19. Lovely and useful gift!
    What's spring without pussywillows?

  20. It is a nice gift. I like the patterns on it. We are so cold today that i had to turn the heat on again.

  21. What a darling bag! I'm sure you'll make use of it. I need to go check out her blog.


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