Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Calm before the storm

 The blizzard is supposed to begin with snow starting about noon tomorrow. 

We are as prepared as we can be.  Yesterday I finally got all the ice removed from the walk. 

We went to recycle...good to have Ranger Blue out again! 

The highway was free of snow and ice...you can see that the Smoky Hills were living up to their name. 

Far Guy has a bit of a sore throat and a cough. Hopefully it is just the change of households and he will straighten out in a few days. I have one eye on him. 

Far Side


  1. Good morning! I see there is another storm headed for your general area. Welcome back home!
    I hope FG sure feels better.

    We are supposed to get quite a variety of weather here including chances of tornadoes, lightening, along with high winds and hail.

  2. Hope it doesn't end up being a bad storm. Also hope Far Guy's cough is just change of environment.

  3. Same storm but for us, it is going to be rain, hail and more tornadoes. At this point of the year, I'm not sure what appeals to me more, snow or a chance of tornadoes. Oddly it is a pretty close call in my head.

  4. Oh yippee, more snow. I do hope you don't get a huge dump of snow. I shovelled yesterday, about 4-6 inches off the driveway. The only good thing is the snow filled in the large ruts on the street...at least temporarily.

    Best wishes to Far Guy.

  5. Hoping you have warmer weather soon. We have chance of storms tonight, but it’s the thunder type.

  6. The brunt of the storm missed Laramie (only three inches here), but Casper received over 26 inches.

  7. It's a turbulent time of shifting weather. More so each year. Hopefully FarGuy didn't catch one of many (non-covid) viruses floating around. A humidifier might help with the location change. Stay warm!

  8. We are supposed to get rain. I'd rather have snow. I wasn't consulted. Welcome home!

  9. Our Easter Sunday forecast has gone from 66 and sunny to 55 and rainy, which makes me unhappy. But at least we won't be having blizzards or tornadoes.

  10. Looks so nice and dry on the road right then. I'm sure that has changed by now. Coming down sideways over here. Stay safe and warm. I hope FarGuy feels better soon!!

  11. I hope you son't suffer too much with the storm. Us, as well!

  12. This unsettled weather at the end of winter is so frustrating. Especially since everyone has basically HAD IT with winter. The only consolation might be that it's really just about over.

  13. Sending healing prayers up for far guy....hope whatever he's got is gone in a jiffy. Hope you get very small amounts of snow! Please send it North....don't send it East! Ha!

  14. Some of these forecasts are alarming. It an happen. We've been through things enough times the we know just when it could be serious.

  15. Prayers the cough is just a tickle!

    It was 71 degrees and sunny here today. Tomorrow we have a severe weather warning. Oh Mother Nature, please take some prozac.

  16. So many nasty storms. We went from 69 this afternoon to a low of the 20's predicted for tonight. The tornado's are about 100 miles east of us, and the snow just about 100 miles north! I'm glad to be where I am, but it is a bit chilly for April.
    I'll be praying for you my dear friend and especially for Far Guy. Mom is still fighting covid, but does seem to be on the mend and so far, neither of us have gotten sick even though we've been with her every day.
    Blessings and hugs,

  17. The road scene is great one and I am sure it has snow piled up again after you last snow.


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