Friday, April 28, 2023


 I am feeling better...for an old gal.  My non tooth area/cavern/hole in my head has finally calmed down.  No more pain or throbbing.  Yeah me...

Yesterday I helped Far Guy with his car...scrubbing now that is in my wheelhouse.  He wanted the vinyl on the floor scrubbed before he puts those newly covered seats back in his car.   I must have done okay....then I had a nap. 

Far Side


  1. Hah, ha! I had to laugh at the Crabby Grandma comment in the other post.

    I thought about cleaning my car out and then...didn't.

  2. Glad the worst is behind you. And a lucky four-leaf clover! :-)

  3. Glad you are feeling better! Are you both looking forward to some summer cruisin' in that car with its new seats?

  4. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I assume it won't be long before the car will be out on the road again.

    A four leaf clover? I've never seen one in real life despite searching for one many times. Lucky you!

  5. Happy that you’re feeling better!

  6. I would have had a nap after all the scrubbing too! Far guy is lucky to have your help!

  7. I am so glad you are feeling better. I've had tooth problems and they are terrible. Nothing seems to block the pain.

  8. It's good to read you are better. A new job, scrubbing the car! You are lucky. ; )

  9. Well, looks like you are going to have some good luck coming your way.

  10. Far Guy is lucky to have someone willing to stand on your head to scrub floor mats.
    Glad you are feeling better.

  11. Good to know you're feeling so much better that you could scrub whatever it was that you scrubbed on the car.

  12. You have to feel better if you were scrubbing car pieces. :)
    You are proven lucky with the four leaf clover!!

  13. Looks like an old cookbook, with a lucky find. Never heard of Squab.

  14. I had a same kind of situation with a tooth. They just sent me home. I went back two days later and the assistant was appalled that the dentist didn't give antibiotic and plug the hole. I ended up with the bad drug though that gave me bad dreams day in and day out. I could see things dancing on my eyelids. I did stop taking it early because I knew it was going to be addictive.


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