Monday, November 30, 2020

Last November Day

 We had a quiet day yesterday, I worked on sympathy cards and Far Guy worked on a woodcarving.  Church online was fine...the Pastor read Christmas Hymns. 

On Saturday we went down to the lake to check out the ice...there is some but the lake is not froze over.  It was a pretty day on Saturday and 40 F....Sunday it turned cold, windy and it spit snow all day.

Jen sent a photo of Cee Cee. 

What a doll.

Down at the lake the Cattails are fluffed out.  In these strange times you could collect it and use it for insulation in your shoes if the soles need a little could also use it as diaper material...and if you need a natural cotton ball you could collect a few.


Far Side


  1. Cee Cee is adorable!
    Yesterday I read a book. That was my day!
    Checking the ice on the lake is something Grandpa used to do to gauge when he could get started on ice fishing.
    I never cared for that, but he had a little hut that looked like an outhouse that he sat in.
    You have a good day.
    Do you make all of your cards?

  2. CeeCee looks like a little angel!
    Never knew there were so many uses for cattails. :)

  3. Sweet picture of Cee Cee. You are lucky to have a new tiny member of your family. Cattails...I remember learning about them when I began trail guiding at the nature center many years ago. Good times.

  4. Cee Cee is gorgeous in her baptismal outfit! I remember having an outfit like that when Amy was baptized and I never got a picture of any of it. No one took pictures even though it was requested. I was busy with the baby and the food and entertaining. It makes me sick to this day.
    It is getting to below freezing around here now....22 tonight. I had no idea cattails had so many uses but it makes sense! Have a good day.

  5. I'll bet the natives used them for many things. I like the idea of using them for cotton balls. :-)

  6. Beautiful Cee Cee!
    I like the views of the lake too
    Have a blessed day and a wonderful week!

  7. Yes, your little Cee Cee is a doll. It's been nice enough here this weekend too, in my neck of the woods. Got in a quick side by side ride yesterday along with a picnic.

  8. What a sweet photo of CeeCee.

    Sounds like a nice day on Saturday. We're getting above normal temperatures this week, I expect some of our snow will disappear.

    Take care and stay well!

  9. Little Cee Cee does look like a doll sitting there. Absolute perfection! ~Andrea xoxo

  10. Your beautiful Cee Cee - that is a photo worth framing! Seeing the cat tails all puffed out made me think of childhood. I loved exploring and finding cat tails, milkweed, pussy willow - anything unusual.

  11. Oh my, she is a little baby doll!! I think we all want to grab her and give her a virtual hug!! So precious!

  12. Sounds like a nice day. I did know that about Cattails.

  13. What a beautiful picture of Cee Cee! The gown looks like it was made for her and she seems happy wearing it. You two had a good Sunday by your description of it. The lake looks beautiful and I've never seen a cattail fluffed out quite like that one.

  14. That is such a sweet photo of Cee Cee, she really does look like a little living doll!

  15. What a lovely lake! And I thought, at first, that CeeCee really WAS a doll, she sure is beautiful! We're getting snow today, I thought they said later in the day, but it was already coming down good when I got up. Katie and I have been out in it a lot, she loves snow. Me? Not as much as when I was a kid.

  16. What a beautiful photo of Cee Cee. I was going to say she looks like a living doll but Martha beat me to it! :-)
    We had a quiet day yesterday too. Finished the decorating and watched a couple of church servies online.
    I didn't know you could use cattails for so many things but I should have known that inventive people would have come up with more uses.
    Have a lovely day.

  17. I would think that this is late for your ice. Our lakes have been frozen over for a couple of weeks.

  18. Aw, what a sweetheart all dressed up in her baptismal gown. The Native Americans had lots of practical uses for catttails but I think they look nice in a fall bouquet. Just don’t leave them standing in the house too long — or you will be vacuuming cattail fluff out of everything!

  19. Cee Cee is so damn cute a living doll indeed

  20. Lovely pictures of the lake... and of CeCe of course.

  21. She is such a pretty little girl. It is unusual to not see the lakes frozen or you probably have to have a long cold spell.

  22. Thanks for the card. It is a nice one and was appreciated.

  23. So the lake is not frozen yet? Ours appears to be but if we get a 40 degree and sunny day, then we will sometimes see a little open water. Cee Cee surely is a beautiful baby and her baptismal dress is a real beauty too! The cattails are fluffing! Thanks for bringing us up to date on the latest. Your blog is always so interesting! Really.

  24. Beautiful photo of a beautiful baby!

  25. What a beautiful photo of Cee Cee. She's so cute! Our weather has been unseasonably warm so no ice for us either!

  26. Oh, my! She does look like a doll. What a sweetheart!


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