Thursday, November 12, 2020

Big Happenings

 It gets dark real early now...I don't like it.  I am still sleepy from the time change.  I am NOT napping in the afternoon...but some evenings I cannot stand it and have to lay down for an hour or so.

Jen shopped and sent us a special light to use in the winter is supposed to improve our moods and make us happier people.  (She is hopeful!)  We use it in the morning for 20-30 minutes we have it set up between us on the computer desk.   We turn it on when Far Guy is reading the news and I am checking emails and playing a game. 

We cleaned out our deep needed it. A hair dryer and a ice scraping tool made it go so much faster.  We made a new list of what is in there and where it is located....chest freezers are a pain in the butt...luckily neither of us fell in. 

I am working on the last 20 Christmas Cards. 

Progress with the Fall/Spring cleaning upstairs is really slow.  Too many other projects happening.

I ordered groceries that is another big adventure that will unfold today!

I changed the sunflower out for the turkey...

Now that makes it a Thanksgiving wreath.

Far Side


  1. I have heard that those special lights are supposed to help. Let us know how it goes. My chest freezer needs a deep cleaning also. I too use a hair dryer and ice scraper. Hope you are both doing well.

  2. We have one of those lights also. The VA said that hubby needed one to counter his daytime sleepiness and depression. We have a very small house so in the future, I may want to replace that light with a much smaller version.
    They do work!

  3. Nice wreath. And I love your header, it made me tear up.

  4. It's totally dark he at 5:00. I've been watching more tv in the evenings.

  5. I know what you mean about a chest freezer. I even bought baskets, but for way too long we just ate off the top layers. We finally did a big clean and passed it off to one of my sons. Then, a global pandemic of course. We ordered an upright in March. It did not come in until late July. We ordered a steer (on a list) which was hung almost 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately now our meat cutter is off with covid. Is anything having to do with 2020 a simple story? Glad you safely cleaned the darn thing!!!

  6. I've been using a SAD light for 2 years now and it really helps. Considering that you live further north than I you might feel even more affect. But I still take naps.

  7. I've finally finished cleaning out my chest freezer and gone to the fridge freezer only. It means I can't buy as much in bulk, but the freezer was nearly 40 years old and not the least bit energy efficient. Plus I would fall in if I tried to clean it!

    Take care and stay well.

  8. Let us know if the light works! I've never had a chest freezer, they've always sounded to me like they were a big pain. When the kids were little I use to keep a second side by side out in the garage but just having one is plenty for us now.

  9. Your cute wreath always makes me smile with the seasonal changes. Update us with how you feel about that light. I struggle with SAD too, and my daughter suggested a light. Right now I'm sitting at my desk and enjoying the sunshine outside, but I know that isn't the same as being outside IN the sunshine.

  10. I recently purchased a similar light and use it about 30-40 minutes a day. It seems to help, and it can’t hurt.

  11. Those lights are supposed to help. Let us know if you guys notice any difference.
    I have a new little chest freezer in the garage. Haven't had to clean it yet, but glad it is small at least.

  12. The clock change doesn't really affect us. We get up at dawn, at this point.
    I think I would prefer light at dinner time to BBQ, but that isn't happening.
    Take care.

  13. I have thought many times about getting one of those lights. Please let us know what you think of it after you have used it for a while. Especially since the pandemic started it becomes far too easy to just sit around feeling depressed and not accomplishing much. In Tom's case he sleeps way too much and that worries me. It gets dark at 4:30 here now and I hate that too!

    We have a side by side fridge/freezer and that has to do for us. I've always been afraid if we had a chest freezer I would fall in and not get out because I'm so short! I bet it felt good to have that cleaning job behind you!

  14. I have a friend who suffers from depression and she uses the light and it has made a huge difference for her.
    We used to have a chest freezer and I feel your pain. We have an upright one now and have it in a friends garage. Once it's empty, we'll give it to them. Of course, I had stocked up just before the move.
    Love the wreath turkey! Gobble, gobble.

  15. If you do fall into the freezer make sure you do it only one at a time

  16. My daughter has a light box. I try to get outside most days, and we have a lot of big windows in our house. That helps.
    We have a very old upright freezer in our garage. It gets a lot of use, and it gets cleaned out and defrosted once a year, in the late spring, early summer.

  17. I am too short to have a chest freezer wouldn't be able to reach the bottom which is why we have an upright freezer

  18. Your cleaning the freezer process is just like ours only the micro manager is very tiny. I get to do the bottom of the freezer.

  19. For some reason the time change is much harder to get used to this year. How I wish we'd never ever have to change the time again.

  20. Hope that light makes you both feel a little better on these long wintry days. I know a number of folks who use those! and other that should! I like your Thanksgiving's all set for Turkey day! We used to have chest freezers...yep...they are alot of work to clean and to find what's in there at the bottom!

  21. I don't have any problem with that light stuff. But the other evening Amy called and I was telling her I thought we were going to get a big storm because it was getting really dark out and she said..."Mom, it is dark out"! I couldn't stop laughing and neither could she!
    You're getting a lot of stuff done around your house! For me it seems by the time I change the sheets, do laundry, make a meal and get groceries and prescriptions....the week is over with! You are so efficient!

  22. Hi Connie and Gene, the temps here have been close to eighty this week. Such strange weather! The grocery store and dr./hospital are the only places I visit and I wear a mask and gloves. I am home. John had knee surgery and will need a knee replacement soon. He requires 24/7 care and I am exhausted. I have moved his bed into the living room to make it easier to care for him. I do not comment on every post but I am reading to keep up to date on you both. Sending love and prayers. Mildred

  23. I have a Happy Light at the suggestion years ago from a friend. I love the thing!

  24. I've been struggling with that evening nap thing too. Hope the light helps you. Not being able to see them means they don't help me. Pity, because if they did I could just share the one for the tortoise.


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