Thursday, August 6, 2020

Jelly and Art

The last batch of Chokecherries yielded 12 jars of did not seal...not sure why.  It is in the fridge for now. 
I am done until we pick the last of the berries.

I am having way to much fun with the new art supplies!  The new pan watercolors are marvelous!  I have been playing around with different colors on some wintery cards.. 

Far Guy started a new carving keeps him busy out on the patio most of the day...he has birds that talk to him ...they answer each other back and forth.  The Mother Woodpeckers were feeding babies almost as big as they to watch them communicate...the babies are finally coming to the suet feeders by themselves instead of squawking for their mothers help.

Far Side


  1. The jelly will be delicious! That's a great photo in your kitchen window of Chance. I'm glad you are enjoying the new paint. Your cards are looking nice. Glad the birds are company for FG as he carves. Is your weather cooler now?

  2. The wrens have gone pretty quiet around here and I miss their constant chatter at me. I think they are getting ready to migrate. Insert sad face. I do miss the birds when they leave!
    It seems it is harvest time all over. Last night I blanched and froze corn.
    Love your art! Looks great.
    Not sure I could do much with watercolors ... other than make a huge mess!

  3. Wow, you must really be jelly eaters. Or do you give some as gifts? Love what you are doing with your new art supplies. Another beautiful day here. Eye doctor appointment this PM then off to Mapleton Barn Farm for pizza and music.

  4. Good to have time to play. I ought to do some sketching. Now that I can see!

  5. Your cards look beautiful and I'm so glad you are having fun with your new art supplies. I have had so many tiny little baby birds in my yard lately - Cardinals, Blue Jays and Wood Peckers. I just love watching them. It is definitely really interesting to watch when the mama birds are interacting with the babies. Here's to another great day :)

  6. The colors are so pretty of what I can see of your cards. I could have the same supplies but still couldn't make anything as nice as you do. I think there is some talent involved too! LOL! Oh, the jelly jars look so pretty. I just love home canned jars lined up. I wish I had enough to can something...maybe later. Great job on the jelly and the cards!

  7. I knew there was more chokecherry jelly in your future. And those colors of your new watercolors look really bright and cheerful! Sounds like things are going well in your neighborhood. :-)

  8. You both have such creative and enjoyable hobbies. Good for you! I had a Downy Woodpecker in the tree outside my office window on Tuesday. We don't see them very often so it was exciting.

  9. Wow, having new paints to experiment with is such a treat! I read a jillion opinions and went through three brands a few months ago before I found some that I love and really work for me. I’m looking forward to it seeing your creations.

  10. I've never had chokecherry jelly. I bet it's good. It turned out really pretty.

  11. I'd love to see Far Guy visiting with the birds. It's fun to watch the birds especially with their young. Keep enjoying those new art supplies. You are already getting beautiful results!

  12. Lots of jelly and I'm guessing that the jelly in the refrigerator will be eaten very soon. :-). I'm glad you're enjoying your new art supplies. The paints and pencils are a mystery to me but I love the cards that you create with your wonderful talent.
    I'm glad Far Guy has complany while he paints. Our birds are much quieter now that most of the babies have grown. There is a family of quail that live about 8 feet from the back of our trailer. It's fun to watch the family go for walks every day. Daddy leading the way. Nine babies trailing along and Mommy bringing up the rear.

  13. I often wish I had an ability to paint or draw. My brother got that trait from our dad and passed it on to his kids, but it skipped the rest of us. I did try coloring books for a bit, but was never satisfied with the finished product.

    But I sure enjoy seeing the fruits of your labour! Take care and stay well!

  14. I'm glad you are having fun with your new paints. I would want to be outside talking to the birds. How cool that you have a family of woodpeckers!

  15. A conversation with a bird...great title for a book.

  16. I love to see jars of jelly lined up. We go through a lot of jam and jelly around here.

  17. Congrats on more chokecherry jelly and on loving your new art supplies. Glad that far guy has a new carving project too.....they always turn out so beautiful. Have fun watching those woodies!

  18. Is your jelly like out jam just wondering

    1. Jelly is made from the juice of the fruit, jam is the whole fruit and juice:)

  19. Those new art supplies look pretty fun and artsy! It was good to see you both (for a moment) from afar. Many are busy with the chokecherries which seem to be in abundance this year.

  20. You are way too talented and I think the cards are gonna be great. Nice to have crafts and projects right now isn't it? Keeping me sane for sure. - Sherry in MT


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