Friday, August 14, 2020

Red Shawl and Shopping

 I finally took the red shawl off the blocking mat and put a different one on. 

I love this is a beauty!  Not sure where it will end up...I love this is easy and I can crochet while watching television. 

Grocery pickup was lemonade, Outshine lime frozen fruit bars or pretzel rolls...but they must have gotten a shipment of dish soap because it was finally available. 

Jen picked up a number of items for us...Far Guys favorite Special Dark candy bars, his favorite coffee Folgers Black Silk, a ink cartridge for one of our printers, disinfectant wipes and some pretzel buns.  So we are good to go for a few more days. 

Far Side


  1. That shawl is a real beauty. Sure wish I could figure out why stores are out of certain items - no rhyme or reason to these shortages.

  2. That one is a real beauty! Glad you were able to get more of your pretzel rolls after all :)

  3. It is truly beautiful. Your hands seem never to be idle, since you are always creating something new. And I get to see them all, because of your blog. :-)

  4. That red shawl is beautiful! My list of "unfound" dwindles and grows, there is no rhyme or reason. I am currently looking for canning lids for a coworker in Wisconsin (one week in and no success). Happy Friday!

  5. Lovely red shawl! I am trying to get motivated to try the pattern and the yarn you inspired me to get. Seems like a winter project though, and it's still pretty darn hot up here. Just got back from a camping trip where I misse my Katie-girl so much. She doesn't do well in heat anymore, she'll be 14 in December. So I left her with her dad, but that shadowed the whole trip in sadness. She definitely gets to go on my last camping trip, sometime in September. She told me that herself when I got home yesterday.

  6. Stunning shawl and in the BEST color!!

    I went back to ordering my groceries online for pickup this week as the Covid numbers are up a bit in our county. I'm convinced that sometimes the shopper just doesn't know where to find an item, or doesn't know where to look. Sigh! But I will probably have to go to Walmart over the weekend because we need some office supplies (both work from home) to send out some contract on Monday. No time to order online, and no where else to buy them in this town anymore.

  7. Oh, wow, that Ruby Red shawl is gorgeous!

  8. Oh how I love that flamboyant red!! That shawl is beautiful, Connie! And it sounds like you have all the essentials now, including coffee & dark chocolate. Yummo!!! Love, Andrea

  9. Who is your grocery shopping done through? I find it odd that so many things are missing in your area. But there will be a cut back of choices in the future I think.
    We can't order and pick up unless we want to drive 45 miles one way.
    I'm good on most things but have to go in person to shop.

  10. That shawl is stunning. You should keep it for yourself!!!

  11. The shawl is definitely a beauty - a show stopper! I finally received a large bottle of liquid soap to refill my pump dispensers. It’s been on my list for a long time.

  12. Love the shawl, the color is so pretty and the pattern is simply gorgeous!

    I haven't had any issues finding things I want since yeast is now back in stores and I stocked up. Take care and stay well!

  13. Your shawl is gorgeous. I love the color.

  14. What a beautifully red shawl! You do such nice work.
    Our local store in the mid-size town by the lake finally had dish soap this week for the first time all summer. I have five partial bottles that people have given me when they closed up camp last year so I've been using those up. I don't believe in throwing away perfectly good things when they are still usable. They were all just putting them in the trash because they didn't want to pack them home. I've been very happy to have them this year when buying cleaning supplies has been hit and miss.
    Take care.

  15. Another lovely shawl and such a pretty colour too!!

  16. It is beautiful!
    Shopping just get me crazy!

  17. Gorgeous shawl! We did our grocery run this week. I got my four loaves of bread, sliced cheese, pickles and condiments, but no cold meat. I am still making lunches for grandchildren.

    As of Monday our school district decided to go "hybrid" which means half of the children will go to school Mon and Tuesday and have virtual school Wed, Thurs Fri while the other half attend Thursday and Friday with virtual Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. This will allow spacing in classrooms and buses as well as cleaning on Wednesdays and Saturdays between groups. What this means to me is that I would have homeschoolers here three days a week in different grades along with my preschoolers and baby.

    Now there is a different set of parents protesting and it looks like they might go back 5 days a week with the possibility of total virtual if the virus spreads in the school. Nothing like grandchildren as guinea pigs. A new vote will take place next Monday.

    I also have 2 daughters and a daughter in law that teach in different districts. It is all such a mess as our cases continue to increase. Out of our 400 plus cases, 41 have been aged 0-17.

    Meanwhile my next order will be flour, yeast, dry milk, peanut butter and jelly. I want to be prepared.

  18. I love that red lovely somebody will look wearing that! Maybe you!!! Sounds like you're in pretty good shape for groceries...especially with the extras that Jen picked up for you. I've never tried those pretzel rolls....they do sound good though! Our forecast says this is our last day in the 80's....we'll see if that proves right or not. Take care you two!

  19. You do such beautiful work! That shawl is GORGEOUS! Shopping is such a fickle chore. Bleah.

  20. The shawl is lovely and food shopping is never ending as long as we eat

  21. What a great color! And the pattern is so interesting.

  22. That shawl is a stunner! Wow! You did a beautiful job on it! Glad you got some more pretzel buns! I've never tasted or see the lime Outshine bars. We only have grape and then the singles in a mixture but no lime. i still can't get wipes here.

  23. Disinfectant wipes? Wow, are you lucky. No such thing anywhere here since beginning of March. Wish I had stocked up. Another Wow — that shawl is just beautiful!

  24. The grocery thing is always a surprising adventure. Our paper towels are going scarce again. That is great the Jen can't pitch hit for you.


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