Wednesday, August 5, 2020


The Gray-Headed Coneflower is in full lends a sunny color to the wildgardens.  Some people call it a Yellow Coneflower.  It is Ratibida pinnata.

Twenty years ago I planted just a few of these plants...they reseed themselves. 

They are quite tall plants...the other day I watched a Goldfinch try to land on a bloom.

I washed the dining room is that time of year when the little spiders go crazy with their webs and can spin their sticky webs overnight.   I took a broom outside and swept the webs away from the front of the house.  I suppose the kitchen window will drive me nuts someday soon. 

It was a quiet day...same old same old.  Stay safe...
Far Side


  1. Pretty flowers. It's fun to watch the birds try to land on the tall stems as they sway back and forth. I had a spider to make a web right across my back door; thankfully I saw it before walking through!

  2. I love them and have a few. The purple are my favorites.

  3. Love the coneflowers. Their color really brightens ones day. I washed the windows on my storm doors yesterday; you could hardly see out with all the dirt spots.

  4. We in Ohio are enjoying grayheaded coneflowers, too. Love the prairie plants.

  5. Those are pretty flowers, and yellow is fast becoming a favorite around here, too. Except for goldenrod, that is. :-)

  6. The flowers are beautiful. Yellow flowers are my favorites. Hope you and Far Guy have a great day :)

  7. I haven't had good luck with cone flowers. I'm not sure why since they grow wild here. I do have the worst clay soil. Late summer it gets so dry it cracks like concrete. But wild flowers usually do better than nursery flowers. We do have good luck with hanging baskets.

  8. I love your wild cone flowers.
    Little spider webs everywhere, Here too. Walking on the garden paths requires a "spider stick".

  9. Spiders here too. Our days are much like yours... same old, same old.

  10. I've noticed new spider webs on my window sills too. Those are very pretty wild flowers.

  11. I love coneflowers! Several people in my neighborhood have them blooming right now. I need to plant some in my yard too.

  12. That flower always puzzled me as it really is different than any coneflower I always did think of it as a natural wildflower. I presently rearranging by front yard coneflowers as the black-eyedds are invading the area.

  13. Window washing.... ughhhh. I've got my windows looking at me in the face too. So many windows & so many BIG spiders nesting in the tracks. I think I'll wait until it starts spitting snow, before I clean my windows. :-D ~Andrea xoxo

  14. The spiders are thick here also...sigh

  15. The foliage for mine is there but no sign of a bloom.

  16. I love those flowers! The webs are difficult to try to stay ahead of this time of the year. Good luck with it!

  17. Interesting how the cone on your cone flowers is so erect. Mine are probably Rudbeckia hirta. I've long ago lost any tag identifying them.

  18. These days same old, same old is a good thing. I'm not a fan of washing windows either. I always end up with streaks no matter how hard I try to squeegee them cleanly.

    Take care and stay well!

  19. Yellow is such a pretty colour
    Spiders are not pretty

  20. I loved those Coneflowers. I planted a few in our old meadow and after three years they were sprinkled across the entire 1 acre.

  21. August is a good time for flowers.

  22. That long range picture of your yellow flowers really sends me. They're cropping up all beautiful. We got two windows replaced in our condo and a tree out in front, trimmed way back so we can see the lake again! Nice to make a little progress in various areas! Take good care you two!

  23. Beautiful flowers!

    The goldfinches land on my coneflowers all the time. They stand on them and pull the seeds out.

  24. I would love some of these! Goldfinches are having a hay day with my Sunflowers!

  25. Mine are spreading like crazy too

  26. Beautiful coneflowers! Spiders have been plentiful here this year. I hope it's just because of the wet spring we had and not because of a bad winter coming up.

  27. Lovely photos! We were on lockdown in Switzerland, away from home for nearly 5 months so the house is pretty grubby. I am working my way through the windows - everything - very slowly. Yesterday I battled with a very hard to reach window in the kitchen so I’m pleased with that. Still to come: the windows with the cacti on the cill. I have to find the ant-cactus gloves before I start on them.

  28. Spiders? That usually means fall is coming! We had an early Spring so maybe an early fall too. I can only hope! My favorite time of year. YOur flowers are gorgeous!

  29. I love them. I'm going to harvest some seeds and put them where I want them. We've let the yard go to flowers, and they are a bright spot.


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